办公空间类 现代办公空间 5198 0 2019-12-23
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现在,大型跨国公司不仅要为了市场因素和成本效率来设计办公室,也需要通过保持高的设计水平,在更广泛的基础上加强品牌形象设计。 办公室的前台向来是来企业的首要区域,因此,这里必须表现出清晰的企业形象及品牌效果。因此,公司的理念、战略规划和先进技术更需要有效地铭刻在游客的记忆中。 戴尔中国总部按此理念来体现全新的企业形象。前台实现了戴尔公司的企业形象和品牌,同时也展示戴尔在技术方面取得的重大成就。为了更好的控制,空间动线和人员流动重新规划。此外,新的员工食堂也进行升级改造,增加厕所设施配套。
最终用户价值 最后采用的设计是一个既具有现代感,不过时的方案,能充分反映出DELL的企业精神,其中设计师采用了大量铝板,木饰面来营造出这个效果。 前台 前厅墙身铺砌波纹状线性铝板和灰色镜面,以增加现代感。L形前台采用白色大理石装饰,明亮整洁,给每个访客专业大方的感觉。为方便员工出入,读卡器都安装在前台的旁边。另外在前台另一面木饰面墙上安装了电视可以不断播放戴尔的宣传。旁边则是各式戴尔宣传海报, 出技术先进的形象。跳跃的LED灯带,与对面墙上的铝板互相呼应,加上尺寸不一的铝质天花板,大大增加了高科技和尖端时尚感觉。 员工餐厅 整个餐厅都布满了8-10人的餐桌。井然有序的灰白色铝制天花,干净利落地铺砌成一个简单图案,与地砖图案相得益彰。不同深浅灰色椅子,错落地摆放在一起,加上开放厨房区域的戴尔海报,构成富有动感的图案。 餐厅旁边设计了一家小型日用品便利店,为午餐后来喝咖啡的员工提供了一个舒适的空间。带有时尚气息的现代别致吧台凳面向窗户,柜上安装吊灯,可以欣赏室外的景色。 这是一个充满现代感永恒不过时的设计,充分体现了戴尔的形象和价值。
1. 该项目设计共 1150 万元,历时6个月投入使用。 2. 戴尔厦门办公室室内设计由DPWT设计组完成。 3. 戴尔厦门办公室的具体设计流程如下: 1) 现场勘察及与业主沟通:DPWT人员通过施工现场的勘察,了解了现场的情况。通过与业主的沟通,了解业主的需求,为设计构想做准备。 2) 平面图与效果图制作:DPWT室内设计组根据现场勘察和与业主沟通的结果,先进行了平面图和效果图的制作,在内部评审完毕后,提交给业主审核,在与业主多次沟通后,得到了业主的认可。 3) 施工图的制作和装修材料的选择:根据业主认可的平面和效果图,制作施工图;由于业主的预算资金有限,室内设计组在材料的选择上下了很大的功夫,在满足设计效果的基础上,选择环保的材料。 4) 施工阶段:DPWT在此阶段,积极配合施工单位,对现场发生的有关设计方面的事情,及时解决。每周召开工程例会,发表进度报告,按现场实际情况及时更新设计图纸。 5) 竣工及投入使用:工程顺利竣工,装修效果达到了预期,投入使用时,得到了顾客的认可。
1. 该项目完工后,业主对装修效果、设备性能、环保、安全、工期控制等给予了充分的肯定和赞许。非常希望能再有机会与DPWT合作,已将DPWT纳入业主公司的金牌供应商名录。 2. 该项目的成功,为DPWT和 DELL将来的进一步合作做了很好的铺垫,DPWT与业主结下了非常牢固的合作关系和友谊。 3. 该项目的设计效果,在业界起到了很好的广告效益,DPWT的出色工作能力也给业主的客户留下了非常良好的印象。为DPWT在与其他公司合作的项目上提供了潜在商机。
Project Description
Nowadays, the giant multi-national corporate companies not only focus to manifest a workplace concept in adapting to market demands for flexibility and cost efficiency, but also need to develop a tool for strengthening the brand on a broader base by maintaining a high design profile. The reception in the office is the first encounter area with the corporate business, therefore, this area must present a clear picture to the world that the corporate represents and creates the feelings that are associated with the brands. Besides, the corporate philosophy, strategic planning and technology advancement can be imprinted to the visitor’s memory more effectively. In this connection, the corporate brand should permeate every aspect of the building interiors of this important area. This concept is manifested as a brand-new image of reception for Dell headquarter Office in China recently. The briefing for the reception is to realize Dell corporate image and branding, at the same time, the significant achievement in technology advancement should be well addressed. The spatial planning and the circulation of employee should be redefined for better control. In addition, the near-by staff canteen with supporting restroom facilities will be upgraded as well.
User Value
End user value The chosen design is an up-to-date and yet timeless expression which well match with Dell image. Monotone color, simplicity design language, modern material like aluminum panel and wood veneer are the major material used in the selected design. Reception The reception is cladded with corrugated linear aluminum panel and grey mirror at the vestibule area. The L shape reception counter is in a monolithic marble to welcome every visitor for registration. Card readers are all installed next to the reception for the entry of Dell staff. The TV on the wood veneer wall facing reception constantly showcases Dell achievement and culture to the customers and projects a forward-looking image. Various Dell branding posters are installed next to the TV to foster a technological advance image. Strip LED lighting on the veneer wall echoes well with the aluminum panel wall. Numerous sizes of aluminum ceiling panels are installed with embedded ceiling lighting enhance a technological and cutting-edge feeling. Staff canteen The open area is designed with 8-10 people table seating in an organized planning. Grey and white aluminum ceiling panel are installed with pattern to give an order and clean composition which echoes well with the floor tile pattern. Monotone color chairs with different grey tone are randomly placed to give a more dynamic mixing. Dell posters are installed as the backdrop to fence off the open kitchen zone. A small convenience store selling daily consumer goods is designed next to the canteen to provide a cozy area for a coffee after lunch. Bench with pendent lightings are installed facing the window to enjoy the exterior view. Modern chic bar stools bring a stylish impact. As a whole, the design projects an open feeling, be up-to-date and a timeless expression which truly express Dell image and value.
Business Performance
In order to meet the low budget, the whole design is not to select expensive material like marble, instead, long lasting, recycle and environmental material like corrugated metal and environmental wood veneer. Rubbish are all carefully classified and disposed in different containment. The cost is a balance of interior decoration and the E/M services to ensure both wellness and practical function concern can both be met.
Social Impact
This Dell office highly promotes the importance of branding and reception design to strengthen and imprint a good memory to the visitors. Dell sets up this new standard for branding and professional image and this will evitability influence the other cooperates to provide better working mode and facilities for their staff.
Team Structure
The project is in charged by 5 core teams including interior, E/M and QS. In the beginning, the design team will work closely with client to provide options of layout, 3D rendering, material sample to settle the design proposal. Once confirmation is granted, the project management team will work with E/M engineers and QS to have construction drawing and quotation for client approval. During construction stage, designer and engineer will closely monitor the project progress to ensure due completion. Regular and ad-hoc meeting will arrange to ensure good communication to solve site problem.
1. The construction fee is 11.5 million with 6-month construction time 2. The interior fitting out part of the Dell Xiamen Office designed by DPWT Design Ltd. 3. The design process of the Dell Xiamen Office is as follows: 1) Site inspection and discussion with client: DPWT carry out site inspection to have an understanding of site condition. Communication with the client to understand their needs and prepare the onwards design concept. 2) Layout plans and renderings: According to the result of site survey and the communication with the client, DPWT then prepare the drawings and renderings with internal review. The final confirmation is granted after around 3-4 presentations. 3) Construction drawings and selection of materials: the construction drawing was prepared after the approval of layout plans and renderings by client. 4) Phasing of construction: regular site inspection is conducted in weekly basis 5) Completion of construction and opening: the final outcome receives a very positive feedback from client.
Project Investment
The project is carried out in several stages to ensure the normal function and running of Dell building. The overall construction period is around 6 months. The first stage is to upgrade the reception lobby while the second stage involves the staff canteen renovation. Restroom refurbishment is at the last stage.
Project Achievements
1. The final outcome of this project receives a very positive feedback from client and the other DELL project in different locations in China adopted this new type of design approach 2. The success of this project not only enhances DPWT's status in the client side, but also underpinning a good cooperation foundation between the two parties in the future. 3. The design effect of this project, not only acts as an advertising project to showcase DPWT design ability, but also provides the potential business opportunities for DPWT in joint projects with other companies

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