ABB北京的总部大厦是位于望京恒通商务园内的一栋全新的大楼。该项目一共9层,地下1层,地上8层。地下主要是辅助空间,包含实验室、储藏间、工会活动室等;首层及二层是相对对外楼层,首层主要包括了前台、展厅、大学及咖啡区,是对外楼层;二层是会议及培训楼层,这里集中了数间培训中心和不同类型的会议室,以及一个供外地出差人员临时办公的Share touch down区域,当有访客来访,在这两层即可实现访问、会议、培训、参观等需求.3-8层是员工办公区。
颜色可以加强工作区中的生动氛围,每层设计一个主色调,在此主色调基础上分出深浅不同层次,体现到卡座、吧台/沙发讨论区、Quiet room、Telephone booth、茶水间、复印间等不同区域,家具和地毯也相呼应,通过充满活力的色调设计,提高空间的内部质量,缓解工作中的枯燥,释放压力。
在过去,是每个办公室的工作人员有一个固定的工作台,然而,这种工作场所模式已经不能满足行业发展需求。因此,一种全新的比较自由的工作模式被采用,即选用尽量少的行政,人力资源和财务人员的固定席位来支持几乎全部的员工需求。在这样的安排下的空间效率可提高到150-200 %。一些多余的空间设计成专门的公共领域,如休息区、项目室和电话房等具有独特设计特点的区域。
1. 该项目装修设计共2500万元,历时6个月投入使用。
2. ABB 北京新办公室装修工程的室内设计全部由DPWT室内设计组完成。
3. 办公室的具体设计流程如下:
1) 现场勘察及与业主沟通:DPWT人员通过施工现场的勘察,了解了现场的情况。通过与业主的沟通,了解业主的需求,为设计构想做准备。由于是改造项目,布局设计和机电设计还要同时兼顾现场情况。
2) 平面图与效果图制作:DPWT室内设计组根据现场勘察和与业主沟通的结果,先进行了平面图和效果图的制作,在内部评审完毕后,提交给业主审核,在与业主多次沟通后,得到了业主的认可。
3) 施工图的制作和装修材料的选择:根据业主认可的平面和效果图,制作施工图;由于业主的预算资金有限,室内设计组在材料的选择上下了很大的功夫,在满足设计效果的基础上,选择环保的材料,因为是分期分批施工,完成后会马上投入使用,且工地旁边都是办公区域。
4) 施工阶段:DPWT在此阶段,积极配合施工单位,对现场发生的有关设计方面的事情,及时解决。每周召开工程例会,发表进度报告,按现场实际情况及时更新设计图纸。
5) 竣工及投入使用:工程顺利竣工,装修效果达到了预期,投入使用时,得到了顾客的认可。
1. 该项目完工后,业主对装修效果、设备性能、环保、安全、工期控制等给予了充分的肯定和赞许。非常希望能再有机会与DPWT合作,已将DPWT纳入业主公司的金牌供应商名录。
2. 该项目的成功,为DPWT和ABB将来的进一步合作做了很好的铺垫,DPWT与业主结下了非常牢固的合作关系和友谊。
3. 该项目的设计效果,在业界起到了很好的广告效益,DPWT的出色工作能力也给业主的客户留下了非常良好的印象。为DPWT在与其他公司合作的项目上提供了潜在商机。
Project Description
ABB headquarter office is to consolidate the various offices in Beijing and house them in a single building. This is not only to have a more centralize management and control, but also project a more holistic corporate identity to all customers. The whole office consists of 8 storey office with 1 level basement to house laboratories and supporting functions, while basement 2 is solely for carparking. Level 1 is the reception, showroom, university and café area, level 2 is the conference pool with more than 10 meeting rooms, conference rooms and board room. Shared touchdown is also here, therefore, this is a floor of semi-public and semi-private floor. The rest of the floors from level 3 to 8 are internal offices.
User Value
The whole design tries to provide a brand-new working style to ABB. Nowadays, the working style is not only fixed on the workstation, instead, various working environment with focus, leisure, discussion areas are provided for staff to select the most suitable working environment for them. At the same time, a spatial quality of Beijing Hutong of open and wandering spatial quality is introduced in the office. People is strolling on the street alleys to find a nice working place like café, restaurant, library… and can spend time in working over hours. This can encourage communication, discussion and idea sharing which is a very good working pattern, particularly suitable for some innovative companies like ABB.
The color not just deliver a great visual impact but also have a mental influence to staff. The colorful environmental has provide a relaxing and energetic ambience which can stimulate the working momentum and thus increase the productivity. The building composes of 7 floors of working office and conference facilities; therefore, 7 colors from the rainbow are dedicating to the whole building with each color signify one particular floor. Red assign to the top floor, then the purple color represents the lowest floor. Each floor has its own identity color and all furniture, wall, carpet will base on such color to explore a harmony combination.
The whole design language follows a more modern and simplicity style which reflects the dominate aesthetic value of nowadays, such simplicity style provides a clean and comfortable feeling to all ABB staff.
Such new working style and function like phone booth, train seat, think tank, bar tables provide a various and new experience of working style. People can base on their needs to find the suitable working place and pattern. It breaks away the traditional and rigid working style, encourage more communication, discussion and idea sharing.
Business Performance
The productivity of such new concept office raised 50% by adopting such flexible seat arrangement. All people have a free working pattern. The expense on the rent and fixed office facility will drop accordingly. This increase the competitive edge when compare with other similar business.
Social Impact
Communication is the most important organized aspect for new offices nowadays. Although individual work can be executed anywhere, the exchange of information and know-how remain an essential means of finding solutions to complicated problems and learning new knowledge. The collective intelligence and enthusiasm can be promoted by establishing an environment to promote the need of private space and creating a positive and pleasant atmosphere. Multiplicities of spatial structures include individual, group, and open-scheme office and multi-purpose areas to work together in a variety of methods and in flexible configurations.
Team Structure
The project is in charged by three core teams including interior, E/M and QS. In the beginning, the design team will work closely with client to provide options of layout, 3D rendering, material sample to settle the design proposal. Once confirmation is granted, the project management team will work with E/M engineers and QS to have construction drawing and quotation for client approval. During construction stage, designer and engineer will closely monitor the project progress to ensure due completion. Regular and ad-hoc meeting will arrange to ensure good communication to solve site problem.
1. The construction fee is 25 million with 6-month construction time
2. The interior fitting out part of the ABB Beijing Office is designed by DPWT Design Ltd.
3. The design process of the office is as follows:
1) Site inspection and discussion with client: DPWT carry out site inspection to have an understanding of site condition. Communication with the client to understand their needs and prepare the onwards design concept.
2) Layout plans and renderings: According to the result of site survey and the communication with the client, DPWT then prepare the drawings and renderings with internal review. The final confirmation is granted after around 3-4 presentations.
3) Construction drawings and selection of materials: the construction drawing was prepared after the approval of layout plans and renderings by client.
4) Phasing of construction: regular site inspection is conducted in weekly basis
5) Completion of construction and opening: the final outcome receives a very positive feedback from client.
Project Investment
The project inception to completion is in an extremely tight schedule of 6 months. During this period, numerous meeting, presentation and discussion are carried out at the same among designer, engineer, client and other vendor including furniture, carpet, security. The due completion of this project is a strong evidence of a well-organized project and design team.
Project Achievements
1. The final outcome of this project receives a very positive feedback from client and the other ABB office in different locations in China adopted this new type of workplace model.
2. The success of this project not only enhances DPWT's status in the client side, but also underpinning a good cooperation foundation between the two parties in the future.
3. The design effect of this project, not only acts as an advertising project to showcase DPWT design ability, but also provides the potential business opportunities for DPWT in joint projects with other companies
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