Vantone Tianjin Sales Center
空间 现代展示空间 4975 6 2017-07-07
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天津万通中心位于天津商务核心区小白楼区域。地理位置优越,区内高端商业、商务办公、配套服务一应俱全,是天津最具特色的国际化商务中心区。天津万通中心总建筑面积93556平方米,建筑高度184米,包含地上34层和地下4层,地上1至3层为商业配套,涵盖金融机构、高端商务餐饮、品牌咖啡、电子体验店、健身会所等商业配套。 展示中心位于万通中心首层。展示中心国际化的设计理念,让客户从第一次踏进这里便感受到万通中心现代、精致的商务氛围。区别于市场上传统的接待中心,体验中心更加注重客户身临其境的体验,特设圆形多媒体厅,通过观看万通中心宣传片,来宾可以快速、直观的了解万通中心,而弧幕、地幕结合的多媒体科技形式则为来宾带来更立体的视听享受。万通中心钻石型外檐的优雅设计,几何形幕墙与旋转向上楼体的完美融合,在宣传片中被诠释的淋漓尽致,尽显国际建筑大师精心打造的商务云端美学。
功能创新:首层展示中心采用国际化的设计理念,让来宾从第一次踏进这里便感受到万通中心现代、精致的商务氛围。区别于市场上传统的接待中心,体验中心更加注重客户身临其境的体验,特设圆形多媒体厅,通过观看万通中心宣传片,来宾可以快速、直观的了解万通中心,而弧幕、地幕结合的多媒体科技形式则为来宾带来更立体的视听享受。沙盘区域采用独特灯光设计理念,先暗后亮的设计更加的突出沙盘主题。 入口面临繁忙的主街道,设计了长长的门厅入口作为顾客进入前台大厅的缓冲区,门厅沿墙和天花板采用了白色包芯铝包层光槽,如一个时光隧道。前台墙体用石料饰面,向人们展现了办公室前台大厅。 从前台进入DEMO ROOM,通过一个短片介绍在这个领域里的整体展现,让人们开始了一段旅程,之后,进入有模型展区,四周灯控箱展示新产品所有的技术细节,模型让参观者对大楼的前景和外观都有一个好的视觉理解。看过之后,可以在附近的会议室坐下来谈论细节。 情感连接:展示中心由于实际面积有限,所以在设计上采用空间分割,从视觉、听觉、触觉等多纬度进行考量,结合光影的变化,完成全立体的设计方案。客户首先经过雨棚进入“时光通道”,穿过略带科幻效果的光带进入接待空间。 审美:接待大厅采用云石稳重大气,从材质上让用户联想到万通中心大堂完工后的效果。多媒体空间地面采用深色地毯,墙面采用圆形铝条设计有降低回声的作用,灯光采用蓝色光影变化强调科技感。多媒体采用墙地多维度投射的设计,提升用户体验。洽谈区墙身采用贴近自然的红杉木皮,创造出现代简洁商务的空间环境氛围。地面采用深色地毯,纹理图案与建筑外立面呼应。 首层展示中心采用国际化的设计理念,让来宾从第一次踏进这里便感受到万通中心现代、精致的商务氛围。入口雨棚设计沿用钻石造型与建筑外立面相呼应,天津万通中心将对小白楼城市主中心的建设带来积极的推动作用,为和平区商务商业环境的提升注入新的活力,带动相关产业的飞速发展。
商务区的万通中心体验中心正式对外开放, 万通地产领导,五大国际地产顾问公司负责人以及数十家天津主流媒体朋友们出席了开放仪式。展示中心全新的体验方式,受到了业界一致好评。并且得到了甲方的充分肯定。
1. 该项目装修设计共800万元,历4个月投入使用。 2. 天津万通中心装修工程的室内设计全部由DPWT室内设计组完成。 3. 具体设计流程如下: 1) 现场勘察及与业主沟通:DPWT人员通过施工现场的勘察,了解了现场的情况。通过与业主的沟通,了解业主的需求,为设计构想做准备。由于是改造项目,布局设计和机电设计还要同时兼顾现场情况。 2) 平面图与效果图制作:DPWT室内设计组根据现场勘察和与业主沟通的结果,先进行了平面图和效果图的制作,在内部评审完毕后,提交给业主审核,在与业主多次沟通后,得到了业主的认可。 3) 施工图的制作和装修材料的选择:根据业主认可的平面和效果图,制作施工图;由于业主的预算资金有限,室内设计组在材料的选择上下了很大的功夫,在满足设计效果的基础上,选择环保的材料,因为是分期分批施工,完成后会马上投入使用,且工地旁边都是办公区域。 4) 施工阶段:DPWT在此阶段,积极配合施工单位,对现场发生的有关设计方面的事情,及时解决。每周召开工程例会,发表进度报告,按现场实际情况及时更新设计图纸。 5) 竣工及投入使用:工程顺利竣工,装修效果达到了预期,投入使用时,得到了顾客的认可。
1. 该项目完工后,业主对装修效果、设备性能、环保、安全、工期控制等给予了充分的肯定和赞许。非常希望能再有机会与DPWT合作,已将DPWT纳入业主公司的金牌供应商名录。 2. 该项目的成功,为DPWT和Vantone将来的进一步合作做了很好的铺垫,DPWT与业主结下了非常牢固的合作关系和友谊。 3. 该项目的设计效果,在业界起到了很好的广告效益,DPWT的出色工作能力也给业主的客户留下了非常良好的印象。为DPWT在与其他公司合作的项目上提供了潜在商机。
Project Description
Vantone Centre is located at the CBD financial hub at the downtown area in Tianjin. The prime location offers the best choice for international companies to have their footprint in this big city. Vantone center have the area of nearly 100,000 sqm of 34 storeys at a height of 184m. The shopping center is at the 3-level podium and basement 1. The whole center comprises of F&B, gymnasium, bookshop, sports and leisure shop. The sale center is to promote the Vantone center for the office and shopping part. The sales center locates at the 1F of the Vantone center which temporarily occupying the construction site and therefore the available space is limited and the only access is from a restricted entry. The space available is in an odd shape and different function like reception, demo room, model display room, meeting room, pantry and internal office. Even the entrance with glass canopy is needed to design with special form and lighting effect. This is not only an interior project, but the external entrance with canopy need to design as well.
User Value
The first impression when entering a Showroom is the most important experience. Therefore, a totally new spatial experience is the key issue toward a successful design. Also, various experience of video and visual images will project a more direct and impressive memory to every guest, therefore, an experiencing centre with 180-degree projection is incorporated into this sales centre. The entrance and lobby As it is facing the busy main street, the design tries to provide a long vestibule entry which acts as a buffer area before the patron enter into the reception lobby, the vestibule is cladded in white aluminum cladding with light trough along the wall and ceiling, just like a time tunnel. The reception is cladded with stone on the wall which project an office reception lobby to the patrons. The circulation Once entre into the reception, the journey begins by entering into the demo room which a short film introducing the whole project is shown in this area, after that, one enters into the main exhibition area where a model with surrounded lighted exhibition board. The lighted boards show all the technical detail of the development which the model can give a very good visual understanding to the visitors of the building outlook and appearance. After reviewing this, one can further sit down in the nearby meeting room to further discuss the detail. The sales center is about 500sqm which is not a big space. It tries to incorporate reception, experiencing center, model room, meeting rooms and supporting office. Each function provides different design and aesthetic experience. The reception is designed as a more formal and grandeur area where marble is installed on the floor and wall. The experience is more in a virtual and scientific feeling. While the model room is in a more spacious and welcoming feeling. The meeting room is decorated with maple veneer to accentuate a home ambience. The grandeur feeling in the reception is fostered by using marble at the wall and floor. The marble color is in beige tone which has a home and welcoming ambience. For the multi media center, a more scientific virtual aesthetic feeling is achieved by blue LED lighting, metal panel and charcoal carpet. The room is design in a round shape for the projection of the 180-degree video. For the meeting room, wooden veneer is extensively used to bring one a warm home feeling. The entrance canopy provides a time tunnel experience to the viewer to separate the hustle environment by entering into a unique visual experience. The form of the canopy echoes well with the podium design. The internal design provides the various function like reception, meeting room, model stand show room. All these relate to the future development and can project a more direct impression to each visitor.
Business Performance
The Vantone sales centre had invited the CEO and numerous directors of other developer companies to attend the grand opening of this sales centre. It attract a lot of attention and positive comment due to the sales centre offering a brand new visual experience.
Social Impact
The design set out a totally new experience in visiting a showroom, it becomes a more dynamic, engaging experience with visual, virtual and vibrant impact. The spatial organization will provide various viewing quality, encourage the viewer to participate and involve. The exploration of scientific visual experience will connect the viewer and provide a more impressed memory.
Team Structure
The project is in charged by three core teams including interior, E/M and QS. In the beginning, the design team will work closely with client to provide options of layout, 3D rendering, material sample to settle the design proposal. Once confirmation is granted, the project management team will work with E/M engineers and QS to have construction drawing and quotation for client approval. During construction stage, designer and engineer will closely monitor the project progress to ensure due completion. Regular and ad-hoc meeting will arrange to ensure good communication to solve site problem.
1. The construction fee is 8 million with 4-month construction time 2. The interior fitting out part of the Vantone Tianjin Sales Center is designed by DPWT Design Ltd. 3. The design process is as follows: 1) Site inspection and discussion with client: DPWT carry out site inspection to have an understanding of site condition. Communication with the client to understand their needs and prepare the onwards design concept. 2) Layout plans and renderings: According to the result of site survey and the communication with the client, DPWT then prepare the drawings and renderings with internal review. The final confirmation is granted after around 3-4 presentations. 3) Construction drawings and selection of materials: the construction drawing was prepared after the approval of layout plans and renderings by client. 4) Phasing of construction: regular site inspection is conducted in weekly basis 5) Completion of construction and opening: the final outcome receives a very positive feedback from client.
Project Investment
The project inception to completion is in an extremely tight schedule of 4 months. During this period, numerous meeting, presentation and discussion are carried out at the same among designer, engineer, client and other vendor including furniture, carpet, security. The due completion of this project is a strong evidence of a well-organized project and design team.
Project Achievements
1. The final outcome of this project receives a very positive feedback from client and the other Vantone project in different locations in China adopted this new design approach. 2. The success of this project not only enhances DPWT's status in the client side, but also underpinning a good cooperation foundation between the two parties in the future. 3. The design effect of this project, not only acts as an advertising project to showcase DPWT design ability, but also provides the potential business opportunities for DPWT in joint projects with other companies

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