空间 大学校园 12542 0 2018-12-21
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背景 香港是亚洲提供最佳高等教育的城市之一。香港8所大学一直为本地和外国留学生提供各种教育课程。 香港树仁大学是香港第一所私立大学,也是历史悠久的教育机构之一,自一九七一年起成立学院以来(香港树仁学院),至二零零六年获认可为大学,树仁大学从不间断地促进研究中创新和多方面的跨学科合作,以鼓励来自不同学科,学术界,工业界和公共部门的学者之间进行开放和建设性的对话。 1978年,树仁学院获香港政府拨给一块土地来建造永久性校园,并在1985年完成建设。大学校园的主楼是教育和行政综合大楼,这是一座11层高的综合大楼,设有演讲室,计算机实验室,自助餐厅和员工办公室。 在过去的几十年里,香港的教育部门继续蓬勃发展,因此,香港学院在2016年进一步建设了一个新的研究中心。新的研究中心提供更宽敞的教室,配备各种学习设施来培养每个学生的知识和德仁追求。 主要概要 大学是我们下一代的摇篮。 学习对青少年来说应该是有趣和有吸引力的。 良好的学习和学习环境可以鼓励与同伴群体促进互动沟通,认知及思想交流。 因此,树仁大学决定把主楼翻新,以提供更好的学习和教学设施,并在新的研究中心注入新的动态学习区域。 主要目标包括以下方面 -改造本部主楼接待大堂和设计董事会/贵宾室,为学校提供一个自由、开放、专业的形象。 -为学生提供多元化的学习和自学模式,提供健康的环境,增加同学之间的开放对话。 大学主楼 • 入口大厅、接待台、贵宾室、行政人员办公室、电梯大厅 • 学术楼层的教室 研究中心大楼 • 在6层的董事会会议室 • LG1和L2的学习自修区/语言中心
大学主楼 这个改造是广泛使用喷漆玻璃,为大堂提供现代化、充满活力的清新感觉。根据结构梁的配置,设计了带光槽的顶棚型材。展示设计用来展示大学的成就和历史里程碑。所有这些设计营造出一个学术和受欢迎的环境。贵宾室的设计氛围更为严肃,采用深色木皮贴面。在学术楼层和报告厅,绿色的味蕾被选为亮点,搭配了椅子的颜色,给人一种活泼的感觉。 研究中心 LG1和L2的不同楼层提供不同的学习模式,包括火车座位桌、沙发区、色彩鲜艳的宽松家具区。语言中心采用不同的学习模式(酒吧桌、小组座位、电影欣赏),提升学习氛围。六楼会议室设有30个座位,供学术会议之用。 研发中心 LG1和L2的学习自修区/语言中心 树仁在汉语中的字面意思是树和仁。这意味着培养一个人就像画一棵花了很长时间的树。这就成为了研究区的设计理念,设计了4个树状特征,沙发座椅散落在树下,形成一个随意放松的研究区。树被设计成一个3-dimnesional形式,不同的分支延伸到假天花板,连接电线到基地。这样的学习区域提供了一个放松和有趣的环境,可以通过激发学习动力来创造各种各样的讨论选择。此外,这种带有鲜明色彩的休闲座椅给青少年带来了巨大的视觉冲击和心理影响。除此之外除了这些功能外,窗户边还设有带桌子的个人学习区。
学校主楼 接待大厅、纪念墙、捐赠墙 接待大厅分为三个区域。 中央前庭是连接入口门和接待柜台的空间。 开放式接待柜台欢迎所有人,并配有绿色条纹样式的背景喷漆玻璃,在正面的2根柱子上面覆盖着隐藏式光槽的绿玻璃,为入口大厅增添了一抹亮色。 校长纪念墙与大学历史墙一起位于大堂的右侧,让附近沙发区等候的人可以回顾大学的发展。 在大堂的另一侧,设有捐赠墙,4个颜色调色板金属板的特色设计是大堂的亮点,以庆祝大学捐赠者。这里还提供多样化休闲座椅,如吧台等。 学术楼,报告厅 学术楼各报告厅采用灰色PVC条地板装修,天花板采用鲜绿色乳胶漆。绿白相间的椅子给人一种清新的感觉。 在6层的董事会会议室 董事会会议室专为季度学术评审会议而设,并与海外访问教授和学者进行正式的学术交流会。 通过广泛使用木质饰面和炭色软包来建立更正式的音调以用于声学关注。 一个带有30个座位的U形会议桌位于中央,灰色的树状图案地毯在地下。 黑色皮革高背椅提供更加隆重的感觉。
在当今社会,学习不仅仅是个人的活动。除了坐在图书馆里追求知识外,信息和技术的交流和交流也是解决复杂问题和学习新知识的必要手段。通过营造一种环境,促进对私密/半私密空间的需求,营造一种积极愉快的氛围,分享和激发创意,可以提升集体智慧和积极性。 这样的概念体现在大学校园内提供各种学习模式,无论是在语言中心等封闭的房间,还是在协作座位,学习室和酒吧桌等更开放的区域。 学生可以见面,聊天,并鼓励他们之间进行社交融合。 除了简短,自发的讨论外,还将提供个人学习领域。
1. 该项目装修设计预算是1200万至1300万港元。 2. 香港树仁大学装修工程的室内设计全部由DPWT室内设计组完成。 3. 办公室的具体设计流程如下: 1) 现场勘察及与业主沟通:DPWT人员通过施工现场的勘察,了解了现场的情况。通过与业主的沟通,了解业主的需求,为设计构想做准备。由于是改造项目,布局设计和机电设计还要同时兼顾现场情况。 2) 平面图与效果图制作:DPWT室内设计组根据现场勘察和与业主沟通的结果,先进行了平面图和效果图的制作,在内部评审完毕后,提交给业主审核,在与业主多次沟通后,得到了业主的认可。 3) 施工图的制作和装修材料的选择:根据业主认可的平面和效果图,制作施工图;由于业主的预算资金有限,室内设计组在材料的选择上下了很大的功夫,在满足设计效果的基础上,选择环保的材料,因为是分期分批施工,完成后会马上投入使用,且工地旁边都是办公区域。 4) 施工阶段:DPWT在此阶段,积极配合施工单位,对现场发生的有关设计方面的事情,及时解决。每周召开工程例会,发表进度报告,按现场实际情况及时更新设计图纸。 5) 竣工及投入使用:工程顺利竣工,装修效果达到了预期,投入使用时,得到了顾客的认可。
议定的预算是1200万至1300万港元。支出主要集中在室内工作和家具上。机电工作,特别是空调系统的机电工作,大部分将保持不变,只是在预算方面有小的变动。出于预算的考虑,只有用于电气工作的盖板将通过保持当前电气系统使用新的项目。从长工期(近2年)和不同改造面积的考虑,工程造价实际上并不大。 由于项目为期2年,地点分散,整体预算有限。材料和人工成本每年都在急剧上升。室内装修和家具包括预算中的主要项目。
1. 该项目完工后,业主对装修效果、设备性能、环保、安全、工期控制等给予了充分的肯定和赞许。双方继续合作的成功,为DPWT和树仁学院将来的长期合作做了很好的铺垫,DPWT与业主结下了非常牢固的合作关系和友谊。 2. 该项目的设计效果,在业界起到了很好的广告效益,DPWT的出色工作能力也给业主的客户留下了非常良好的印象。为DPWT在与其他公司合作的项目上提供了潜在商机。 3. 同时业主表示随着为其他更多的客户公司服务,这些更多成功的合作项目经验也得到更多的体现与认可。并希望双方以后有更满意的合作,期待DPWT继续为他们提供优质的设计及施工服务。
Project Description
The Background Hong Kong is one of the cities in Asia providing the best tertiary education with totally 8 universities rendering various educational programs to the local and foreign students. Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU), one of the long-established educational institutes, is set up as a college (Hong Kong Shue Yan College) since 1971 and is accredited as a University in 2006. It is the first private university in Hong Kong which aims to promote innovative and multifaceted interdisciplinary collaboration in research to encourage open and constructive dialogue between academics from various disciplines, academics, industry and the public sector. In 1978, HKSYU is granted a piece of land to construct a permanent campus and completed construction in 1985. The main building for the university campus is the Education and Administration Complex, a 11 stories high complex with lecture rooms, computer labs, cafeterias and staff offices. The education sectors in Hong Kong keep on booming in the past decades, therefore, HKSYU further constructs a new research centre in 2016. The new research centre provides more spacious lecture rooms with various mode of learning facilities to cultivate every student in both cognition and benevolence pursuit. Chief Brief University is the cradle for our next generation. Study should be fun and attractive to the teenager. A good provision of study and learning environment can encourage sharing, cognition exchange and idea communication with their peer group. HKSYU therefore aims to renovate the old Main building to provide a better study and teaching facility and injects new dynamic study areas in the new Research Centre. The main objective involves the following -To provide a liberal and open and professional image for the university which to be realized in the Main campus reception renovation and board/VIP room design. -To provide various learning and self-study mode for students with wellness environment to simulate an open dialogue among the peer groups. Design location The design areas, after a detail site investigation, involve the follow spots Main campus building • Entrance lobby, reception counter, VIP room, admin staff office, lift lobby • Classrooms for the academic floor Research Center building • Board room at level 6 • Self-Study Area/ Language Center at LG1 and L2
User Value
Main Campus building This is to provide a modern and energetic refreshing feeling to the lobby with extensive use of spray paint glass. Ceiling profiles with light trough is designed according to the structural beam configuration. Some display design is used to showcase the achievement and historical milestone of the university. All these elements bring out an academic and welcome environment. VIP room are designed in a more serious mood with darker color wood veneer is used. For academic floors and lecture room, green palate is selected as the highlight with a mix of color of chair to bring out a lively feeling. Research Center Various study mode including train seat tables, sofa area and loose furniture area with vibrant colors are provided at different floor of LG1 and L2. A language center is designed with different study mode (bar table, group seating and movie appreciation) to promote study atmosphere. Board room at level 6 with 30 seats are provided for academic meeting purpose. Research Centre Self-Study Area at LG1, L2 and Language Center L2, LG1 Shue Yan literally means tree and benevolence in Chinese. It means to cultivate a person is like painting a tree which takes a long time. This becomes the concept in designing the study area, 4 tree shape features are designed with sofa seats scattering under the tree forming a causal and relaxing study area. The tree is designed in a 3-dimnesional form with different branches extending to the false ceiling to connect electrical wiring to the base. Such study area provides a relaxing and fun setting which can create variety of discussion choice by stimulating study momentum. Besides such casual seating with vibrant colors deliver a great visual impact and have a mental influence to teenagers. Besides these feature, individual study zone with tables are provided at the window side.
Business Performance
Main Campus Building Reception Lobby, Memorial Wall, Donor wall The reception lobby is divided into three zones. The central vestibule is the anchoring space connecting the entrance door with the reception counter. The open reception counter welcomes everyone and it is cladded with green spray paint glass. Backdrop spray paint glass with strips pattern on various green palette foster a perspective focus to every visitor. The 2 columns in front is cladded with green accent color of hidden light trough to give a feature to the entrance lobby. Memorial wall to the past Headmaster together with the university history wall is placed on right hand side of the lobby. People waiting at the sofa area nearby can review the development of the university. On the other side of the lobby, a feature design of donor wall of 4 colors palette metal plates is the highlight of the lobby to celebrate the university donors. More leisure seating with bar table and pendent lighting are provided here as well. Academic floor, lecture rooms All lecture rooms in the academic floor are renovated with grey color PVC strip flooring, ceiling is painted with fresh green emulsion paint. A mix of green and white color chair gives a fresh and refreshing touch ambience. Board room at Level 6 Board room is designed for quarterly academic review meeting and to have formal academic exchange meeting with oversea visiting professors and academics. A more formal tone is set up by extensively use of wood veneer together with charcoal fabric wall for acoustic concern. A U shape conference table with 30 seats are placed at the center with grey color tree pattern carpet undernearth. Black leather high back chairs are provided to accentuate a further formal feeling.
Social Impact
Study is not just an individual personal activity in nowadays. Besides the knowledge pursuit by sitting in the library, communication and the exchange of information and know-how is an essential means of finding solutions to complicated problems and learning new knowledge. The collective intelligence and enthusiasm can be promoted by establishing an environment to promote the need of private/semi-private space and creating a positive and pleasant atmosphere for sharing and stimulating idea. Such concept is manifested with provision of various mode of study area in the university campus, either in enclosed rooms like language center or in more open area like collaboration seating, study booth and bar tables. Students can meet, chat and encourage having social integration among them. Besides short, spontaneous discussion, individual study area will be provided.
Team Structure
The project is in charged by 4 core teams including interior, E/M, QS and project management. In the beginning, the design team will work closely with client to provide options of layout, 3D rendering, material sample to settle the design proposal. Once confirmation is granted, the project management team will work with E/M engineers and QS to have construction drawing and quotation for client approval. During construction stage, onsite construction manager will closely monitor the project progress to ensure due completion. Regular and ad-hoc meeting will arrange to ensure good communication to solve site problem.
1. The agreed budget is HKD 12 -13 million. 2. The interior fitting out part of the HONG KONG SHUE YAN UNIVERSIT is designed by DPWT Design Ltd. 3. The design process of the office is as follows: 1) Site inspection and discussion with client: DPWT carry out site inspection to have an understanding of site condition. Communication with the client to understand their needs and prepare the onwards design concept. 2) Layout plans and renderings: According to the result of site survey and the communication with the client, DPWT then prepare the drawings and renderings with internal review. The final confirmation is granted after around 3-4 presentations. 3) Construction drawings and selection of materials: the construction drawing was prepared after the approval of layout plans and renderings by client. 4) Phasing of construction: regular site inspection is conducted in weekly basis 5) Completion of construction and opening: the final outcome receives a very positive feedback from client.
Project Investment
The agreed budget is HKD 12 -13 million. The expenditure is mainly on the interior work and the furniture. The E/M work, particularly for the air conditioning system, will remain unchanged in most part with only minor alternation for budget concern. For budget concern, only the cover plates for electrical work will use new items by keeping current electrical system. The construction cost actually is not a big amount in considering the long duration time (nearly 2 years) with various renovated area involved. The overall budget is limited as the project last for 2 years with scattered locations. The material and labor cost raise up sharply for every year. Interior fitting out and furniture covers the major items in the budget.
Project Achievements
The final outcome of this project receives a very positive feedback from client and the other HONG KONG SHUE YAN UNIVERSITY in different locations in China adopted this new type of workplace model. The success of this project not only enhances DPWT's status in the client side, but also underpinning a good cooperation foundation between the two parties in the future. The design effect of this project, not only acts as an advertising project to showcase DPWT design ability, but also provides the potential business opportunities for DPWT in joint projects with other companies.


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DPWT Design Ltd
010-6426 5562
香港 - 沙田戏院大楼项目12-21
空间电影院建筑 6991