空间 餐廳 3565 0 2017-08-02
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‘Operetta’ 即 ‘小歌剧’。 整个设计概念以 ‘表演艺术’ 贯通。 它将米芝莲厨师和调酒师的烹饪舞台呈现在客人眼前。 设计材料和颜色结合了传统和时尚物料。传统木材、布艺、砖,交织着时尚金属、镜子和现代科技,展示了餐厅为经典意大利菜式加入创新原素的独特理念。 餐厅入口的玻璃门上为一道金属 ’眼睛’。它把观众的目光聚焦到酒吧柜台,成为表演者和观众之间的桥梁。酒吧区仿如一个现代的歌剧院,天花和墙壁采用巴洛克风格的椭圆灯幕和花形图案,并搭配了拼花木地板。 时尚的弧形酒吧台和金属弧形屏风表达演出者的优雅姿态。在落地酒柜之背景衬托下,调酒师为坐在酒吧区的客人展现他们精湛的调酒技艺。 沿着金属弧形屏风的走廊通往截然不同的用餐区。天花采用现代化的镜面钢灯幕,同时,融入传统典雅的铜色吊灯。红色瓷砖墙壁上的各种弧形装饰,代表着演出者的优雅姿态。 墙上装了另一道玻璃屏幕 ’眼睛’,为通往厨房的一扇窗口,将一位位厨师,烹调菜肴的精湛技艺展现在客人眼前。
设计将历史悠久的意大利歌剧表演文化带给客人。 将纯味觉体验升华为一次17 - 18世纪艺术交织着现代设计的视觉享受。
这个项目的室内设计部分一共有两位全职成员参与, 他们分别是设计总监我司的李芯泳小姐及设计师陈震凡先生。
在项目流程中我們: 1. 使用大量金属配搭不同物料作为间隔墙及特色身 2. 利用智慧调光玻璃 (Switchable Glass / Magic Glass)作为餐厅与厨房的间隔 3. 利用红砖砌出前后距离感作为墙身物料 这项目之所以能够达到/超越预期的目标, 是因为流程中我们在工程前进行物料控制, 确保数量及质素符合要求, 与客方及承建商确定工程图纸, 而且为了令工程过程顺利流畅, 每星期会在工地进行两次会议, 及考察。
继北京首个“歌剧”主题餐厅取得成功后,此项目是相关餐饮集团在香港探索“歌剧”主题餐厅潜在商机的重要一步。 位于市内心脏地带的时尚购物中心,Operetta成功嬴得创新意大利餐厅的美誉。
Project Description
"Operetta" means "small opera". The whole design is a unified concept of performing arts. It shows the culinary stage on which professional chefs and mixologists perform their skills. To illustrate the restaurant’s unique concept of serving Italian classic dishes with a modern flavor profile, design materials and colours are a symphony of traditions and innovations. Traditional wood, patterned fabrics, bricks, tiles are interweaved with modern metal constructions, mirrors and technology. At the entrance is a glass door with a metal eye outline. It steers eyesight to the bar counter and acts as a bridge between performers and audience. The bar area is made a modernized opera house. Ceiling and walls are decorated with baroque style oval domes and floral pattern, complemented by a wood parquet floor. A modern arc shape bar counter and metal arc partition beside it represent elegant contour of performers. Backed by a floor-to-ceiling wine cabinet, mixologists perform their superb skills in front of guests seated at classic patterned sofas, tables and bar stools. Alongside the metal arc partition is a corridor leading to a dining hall of a different vibe. Extenzo stretch ceiling is forged in contemporary mirror steel to accommodate a vintage brass lighting rack with traditional round light bulbs. The walls in red tiles are decorated with curves and arcs of different shapes and sizes to hint at elegant postures of performers. Here, the feature eye concept appears as an oval switchable glass eye which unveils the kitchen where chefs crafting their dishes are visible.
User Value
It has made a history long Italian Opera culture reachable to the population. A dining experience is enhanced to become an appreciation of 17th and 18th century art crossed over with modern design.
Business Performance
Opera is a unique performing art originated in Italy. ‘Operetta’ is a pioneer in presenting this culture in the hospitality business.
Social Impact
The design becomes a media to present a valued culture associated with the brand. It enriches and livens interior design with meanings and stories. Traditional art is revitalized in an innovative approach while respecting its’ core values.
Team Structure
The project was designed and executed by two full time designers. They are Miss Monique LEE, our Design Director and our designer Mr. Leo CHAN.
1. Partitions and feature walls are constructed combining massive amount of metals with different materials. 2. The use of AI Switchable Glass as partition between dining hall and kitchen. 3. Red tiles are parquet on walls in a concave and convex pattern. 4. Material control procedures are in place to ensure compliance of qualitative and quantitative requirements. 5. Review and finalize technical drawings with employer and contractor. 6. Conduct two on-site visits and meetings on a weekly basis to ensure smooth and precise execution of project design.
Project Achievements
Following the success of the first ‘Opera’ theme restaurant in Beijing, the project is the F&B group’s important step to explore business opportunities with the ‘Opera’ themed restaurant concept in Hong Kong. Located in a premiere shopping mall in the heart of the city, it has successfully gained reputation as an innovative Italian restaurant.


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