Howard's Gourmet
空间 餐廳 4770 0 2018-12-20
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中文 / English
餐厅坐落首都北京王府井商业地带,俯瞰历史遗迹紫禁城。可看到前方广阔的四合院及广场. 主要考虑到让食客置身一个宁静优雅的环境 (有别于一般餐厅) / (如会所般)打造全私人房间的设计,并且带来更多私隐 因此室内设计视觉上表达菜肴结合化学,以简单和纯表达精粹独特的中国菜为主线,室内设计物料采用大量布料,轻盈、清雅的色彩配以金色的装饰, 以破传统又现代化的线性设计,使得空间布局流畅,各区域自然融合。让食客在柔和舒适的环境内更专注地品尝每度菜肴。 考虑到顾客为世界知名的名人、明星和达官贵人须要高度隐私,所以餐厅的设计布局上打造出七间大小不同的包厢,有的可联通变成更大的宴会场地,成为各类私人宴会厅。因为北京天气问题长期使用冷气及暖气, 考虑到这一点在选材时也特别小心,避免选用一些易受冷缩热胀影响的物料。
该项目改变了以前高级中餐馆的概念,以现代中式、明亮, 简单而有气派。
由于餐厅位于北京的市中心, 所有运送物料及施工时间也需要在晚上进行. 另外现场施工的时间也受到中国北方寒冷天气影响, 因此在完成设计工作后, 除了必需的工序在现场完成外, 其他的如墙身饰面也会在较远地区的工厂先完成, 之后再运送现场安装, 这样可大大缩短了整个施工的时间。
设计师及客户也觉得,中西文化各有其特定传统须要保留,就如品尝中菜时客人总喜欢配合舒适优雅的环境 – 柔和的气氛、简约带层次的设计配合清雅脱俗的餐具完全衬托出精细美食中之大道至简的感觉。最后的结果也很符合设计师及客户的预期。
Project Description
Howard’s Gourmet is a restaurant which combines classical Chinese ingredients with western chemistry, science, refined skills to reconstruct and create contemporary tastes based on essential Chinese flavours. Restaurant’s design concept combines classic Chinese architectural elements with modern China design concept and contemporary materials for a novel visual gradient. The layout of restaurant is based on the old ‘Siheyuan’ concept. Light colour adorned in a gold tone creates a cosy and warm atmosphere. A strong visual gradient is built with the blend of a variety of different materials like wood, fabric, marble and steel. Ancient views of formation of Sky and Earth, the 5 elements of Cosmology are major forms and shapes used to decorate the interior of the dining rooms. Adorned with rich colours, floral and geometric fabric, the environment is enriched with cheerful vibe.
User Value
Located in Beijing’s bustling Wangfujing commercial district inside the city’s newest luxury mall, Howard’s Gourmet Beijing boasts tasteful interiors. With windows offering panoramic views of the Forbidden City, it is bedecked in light, elegant colours adorned in a gold tone. The layout of restaurant consists of private dining rooms which offers a cosy, private environment for diners to taste every dish. It encompasses seven dining spaces in total, several of which can be converted into event spaces for private gatherings and functions. To sustain big seasonal temperature differences, wooden materials are minimized while stainless steel, fabric and marble stones are adopted as major materials.
Business Performance
The restaurant has gained reputation for its distinct style and widely accredited as a “Must Try in a Life Time” since its soft opening.
Social Impact
The project revolutionizes conventional fine Chinese dining with a modern, bright and simple style.
Team Structure
Headed by our Design Director, the project is a result of a team work of 8 designers sharing the work of concept building, graphical presentation, sourcing of materials, communication with customer and WFJ Mall management. The team also coordinates communication among delegates from mall technical staff and offer assistance to customer’s publicity activities.
Situated in the city centre, transportation of all construction materials are only possible during night time. Facing extreme winter weather in Northern China, all kinds of assembling work, except a few which must be done on site, are completed at the factory for quick installation on site. It facilitates the construction process and shortens the whole construction time tremendously.
Project Achievements
Both customer and designers share the same vision to preserve unique feature of Chinese culture. Enjoying Chinese cuisine in a cosy and elegant, complemented with an easy vibe, a simple but rich visual gradient. With dishes presented in refined dining utensils, it brings out the essence of Chinese cuisine. Final design is fulfilling. Brand owner expects an entirely different design style from their signature restaurants in other cities. A contemporary, simple, bright design style to highlight their refined skill of bringing out the essence of each food ingredient.


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