CIAK All Day Italian
CIAK All Day Italian
空间 餐廳 3943 1 2017-08-01
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CIAK是一所提供正宗和温馨意大利美食的餐厅。它承传了传统意大崇尚艺术的精神追求的概念,客人仿如置身意大利的小镇中柔然地享用地道的意大利美食。它的名字起源于电影制作,导演喊出“Action”后拍合场记板的拟声。 设计表达了品牌理念和意大利Dolce Vita SWEET LIFE的生活风格。注入了意大利城镇的元素和电影的黄金岁月,将意大利生活具体化地展现眼前。 CIAK由一个室内用餐区、小型酒吧和开放式休闲美食区组成。店面设计以绿化植物衬托怀旧乡镇风格的门窗,仿如一个风景如画的意大利乡村小屋。遵循传统哲学,小型酒吧侧配备有一个开放式厨柜,展示着各种美食,让客户自由选择。 主餐厅内有两组木制树干,以淡化大柱所做成的视觉障碍,及转化为餐厅的独特装饰。树枝形结构模仿品牌的拍板标志以“<”形状组成及以放射图案纵横天花空间,成就一个宽敞空域的视觉效果。 而装饰布置上仿照怀旧的小镇屋舍,配置了典雅的皮革布艺沙发。地面铺了拼花的红砖,一道黑黑的木墙突出了以意大利旧城市和经典电影场景的怀旧海报。配上后方是一道古式拼花的红砖墙壁和长沙发。投影机播放着30、40年代的电影, 带出了一股怀旧的情怀。 除了室内主餐厅,还设有一个开放式休闲用餐区,客人可在柜台购买食物作外卖,或在休闲区内享用。除了配备了木餐桌和皮革布艺沙发,还仿照古老城镇的篱笆,在角落放置了“<”形状的盆栽架及绿色植物。
CIAK – All Day Italian是CIAK - In The Kitchen的分店。母店是香港第一家以传统意大利食品店的营商哲学理念为蓝图的意大利餐厅。 此项目通过正宗意大利食品和相关的生活文化,进一步向客人展示品牌的历史和核心价值观。
餐厅于2016年6月1 日开幕,仅于短短四个月内便获得《米芝莲指南香港澳门2017》车胎人美食推介餐厅的荣誉。
这个项目的室内设计部分一共有两位全职成员参与, 他们分别是设计总监李芯泳小姐及设计师陈震凡先生.
1.在項目流程中利用木条把餐厅内的大柱围绕起来, 做成树的形状, 再把木条造型树枝延伸至天花的木纹铝条, 形成放射状连贯起来。 2. 利用红砖砌出前后距离感作为墙身物料。 3. 利用钢, 镜及光源把装饰品有效地展示出来。 这项目之所以能够达到/超越预期的目标, 是因为流程中我们: 1.工程前进行物料控制, 确保数量及质素符合要求。 2. 与客方及承建商确定工程图纸。 3. 为了令工程过程顺利流畅, 每星期会在工地进行两次会议及考察。
继品牌在港第一家店获得米芝莲荣誉,此项目是品牌在香港之第二家店,力求确立品牌正宗意大利菜的领导地位。餐厅于2016年6月1 日开幕,仅于短短四个月内便获得《米芝莲指南香港澳门2017》车胎人美食推介餐厅的荣誉。
Project Description
CIAK is a trattoria serving authentic Italian cuisine in a homely, cosy ambience. It inherits an old Italian grocery shop concept to offer high quality food for consumption on spot or as takeaway. Its’ name originates from filmmaking. It is the onomatopoeic sound of a clapper board closing as the director shouts ‘action’. The design is a representation of the brand philosophy and Italian Dolce Vita SWEET LIFE. Infused with elements of an Italian town and golden years of Italian cinema, a vivid picture of old Italian life is visualized. The trattoria is composed of a main dining hall, a mini bar and a free seating area outside the shop. At the entrance are country house style windows and greeneries which resembles a picturesque Italian country town. On the right is a mini bar and open cabinets displaying various grocery products. It follows the traditional philosophy to let customers see and pick what they want to buy. Inside the main dining hall are two pillars disguised as wooden tree trunks which harmonize the visual obstructive effect and become feature decorations. Symbolic tree branches radiate across the ceiling in “< ” pattern to echo the brand’s clapper board shape and create a spacious airspace effect. Interior is furnished as an old residence with antique style arc and bench sofas in leather and plaid pattern. The floor is paved with rustic parquet red while the wall is decorated in solid black wood to highlight the nostalgic posters of old Italian cities and classic movie scenes. On the back is a wall in vintage parquet red bricks and bench sofas. An overhead projector playing old movies restores a retrospective mood of the golden 30’s-40’s. Sitting comfortably, one could imagine watching movies in an old theatre. Except the main dining hall, an open space free seating area is part of the design. Customers could purchase food at the counter for consumption in the free seating area or as takeaway. It is also furnished in wood tables and check pattern fabric sofas. Greeneries are planted in feature “<” shape planters at corners symbolic of picket fence in an old small town.
User Value
CIAK – All Day Italian, is the branch of Hong Kong’s first refined Italian trattoria CIAK – In The Kitchen. The project further exposes culture associated with authentic Italian food and lifestyle. It is a revelation of history and core values the brand carries.
Business Performance
CIAK – All Day Italian, which opened its doors to the public on June 1st 2016 and was recognized in the “Bib Gourmand” section of the《Michelin Guide Hong Kong & Macau 2017》, only four months after its launch.
Social Impact
It brings in authentic Italian trattoria and life philosophy to Hong Kong.
Team Structure
The project was designed and executed by two full time designers. They are Miss Monique LEE, the design director and our designer Mr. Leo CHAN.
1. Pieces of wood are used to wrap up the pillars as tree trunks and aluminum planks in wooden finishing are layout as tree branches to spread across the ceiling in a radiating pattern. 2. Red tiles are parquet in a concave convex way on wall. 3. Stainless steel, mirrors and lights are executed to highlight interior decorations. 4. Material control procedures are in place to ensure compliance of qualitative and quantitative requirements. 5. Review and finalize technical drawings with employer and contractor. 6. Conduct on-site visits and meetings on a weekly basis to ensure smooth and precise execution of project design.
Project Achievements
The project is a branch restaurant of the brand’s first Michelin-starred restaurant in Hong Kong. It aims at further establishing the brand’s reputation as leader in authentic Italian cuisine. It opened its doors to the public on June 1st 2016 and was recognized in the “Bib Gourmand” section of the《Michelin Guide Hong Kong & Macau 2017》, only four months after its launch.


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