空间 餐飲 3325 0 2017-08-25
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Chinese / English
「砵典乍街」富有歷史意義與文化背景,是以殖民地時代的第一任香港總督而命名,後因其地面石板結構特色而通稱為石板街。為傳承這特色 堂,設計師打造了帶殖民地色彩的空間,讓石板街(餐廳)呈獻香港風味的「茶餐廳」。 此店一邊在商場室內而另一邊是3.5米的全高玻璃街境景店面。設計時刻意保留店面能引入自然光的全高玻璃,利用這特點打造富有英式下午茶感覺的「小陽台」。現場機電設備規劃在「小陽台」的上方,利用木飾百葉把降低的天花隱藏;連同「小陽台」上的仿英式矮欄杆及綠化裝飾,營造了舒適悠閑的茶座氣氛。 為呈現雅緻的復古味道,設計採用黃銅幼線配合深灰色的木飾面,應用於櫃門、層架及牆身;其他舊香港常見的物料如洗水石米牆飾,墨綠色的鋼窗框及雲呢嗱色油漆亦運用在此店內。「小陽台」上更有多幅描繪舊香港風土人情的壁畫,帶領客人穿過歷史隧道感受當年的氣氛情懷。
Project Description
Pottinger Street (砵典乍街) is of historical and cultural significance. The street is named after the first governor representing the British Crown during the colonial area. It is paved unevenly with stone slabs, and such unique structure led to the well-known alias “Stone Slabs Street” (石板街). The street’s heritage importance is embodied in “Pottinger”, a Hong Kong style cafe (“CHA CHANG TENG”) filled with colonial colour. The restaurant has one storefront located inside the shopping mall. Another storefront features floor-to-ceiling glass walls with a height of 3.5 metres, offering a panoramic view of the street. The full-height glass walls that let in natural light are a key element of design aimed at making diners feel like enjoying English afternoon tea on their “small verandas”. The electrical and mechanical installation is located above the “small verandas”, and the lowered ceiling is hidden behind wooden louvers that, together with the British style low railings on the “small verandas” and green decorative elements, create a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere in the restaurant. Fine lines of brass that match the dark grey wood finish are on cupboard doors, shelves and walls to display an elegant, retro style. Other materials widely used during the old days of Hong Kong also play a part in this restaurant, such as washed granolithic for wall finish, steel window frames in murky green, and paint in vanilla colour. The “small verandas” are also decorated with a number of wall paintings that depict Hong Kong’s customs and practices in the old days. The paintings take diners to a time tunnel, through which they return to the old days to experience the then ambience.

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