Future and Time Trave(VIP Rooms of Linx Royal Members Club )
空间 空间设计 8098 0 2017-08-03
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中文 / English
“Linx皇家会员俱乐部”地处“时尚魔都”上海最繁华的核心区域淮海中路金钟广场内,是一家以电音和重金属装饰风格成名的高端俱乐部。本次以“未来与时空穿梭”为设计主线,打造总面积 1000平方以上的八间不同超写实主意设计风格的顶级包房。
本项目初衷希望通过对“未来和时间“概念的引申,引发使用者更为直观的感官呼应。同时,将时间定义为维度,未来定义为经度,通过二者的结合,展现出人类对未来世界的不同定义和追求。 利用时间穿梭的设计概念,将整体平面布局以一条弧线走廊作为中轴,运用体块叠加,与材料面 材的有趣排列制造一种时空隧道的空间质感。利用大屏 LED 屏幕引发视觉震撼。运用天花上的纤维灯光弥补了现有空间相对低矮的缺点,营造出一种空间界限被打破,无限苍穹的感觉。最新的灯光捕捉技术实现了空间与人的互动,引导走廊中行走的客人找到自己的包厢。金属材料的大胆运用同样成为这条虚拟的时光隧道的一大亮点,相同造型的金属模块在巧妙的排列组合之后形成了大弧度的墙体内壁,而内侧的隐藏灯效在金属的相互折射效果下映衬出空间的多变,为身在其中的人打造出一种不真实的视觉感官体验。同时,通过对新材料的大胆尝试,更是在地面上利用最新的透光混凝土技术打造出了一个小型银河。 每个顶级包房都被赋予了不同的设计风格,异形的天花、流动的灯光、飞行模拟器、机械手臂等设计元素都将使用者带入到不同空间。表达了未来不仅局限于这个时代科技所能企及的未来,更是每个时代的人类定义美好希望和梦想的名词。
Project Description
Linx Royal Members Club, located at the Golden Bell Plaza on Middle Huaihai Road – the most luxurious downtown area of Shanghai, is a high-end club known for its decoration style featuring eletro and heavy metal music. This time, themed in Future and Time Travel, the club is introducing 8 premium compartments with distinctive surreal designs, covering an area of more than 1,000 square meters.
Project Achievements
The project is intended to resonate with the users in a more intuitive sensory manner by extending the idea of Future and Time. Meanwhile, the integration of time as latitude and future as longitude demonstrates people’s diversified definitions and pursuits in terms of the future world. In virtue of Time Travel, the overall layout takes an arc corridor as center shaft, and the texture of a space-time tunnel is perfectly produced through block overlaying and an intriguing array of materials and finishes. The big LED screen helps stimulate visual shocks. The fiber optic lighting on the ceiling is used to make up the shortcoming of the current low space, and create an atmosphere of infinity and immensity. The latest light capture technology realizes the interaction between space and people, leading the customers in the corridor to their own compartments. The novel application of metal materials is another highlight in this virtual time tunnel: the metal blocks of the same shape, after ingenious arrangement and combination, form a large-radian in wall, while the concealed lighting inside displays the varied space against the reflection of metal, offering a visual experience beyond reality to the people. Moreover, the daring attempt on new materials and up-to-date translucent concrete technology even produce a mini milk way on the ground. Every premium compartment is endowed with a unique design style. Fanciful ceiling, flowing light, flight simulator, robotic arm and a number of other elements bring the users into different space, expressing the future inaccessible by the contemporary technologies, and the terms used by people of different eras to define fineness, hope and dream.


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