La Belle Vie
空间 空间设计 3999 10 2017-07-21
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中文 / English
项目位于K11艺术购物中心B1层,地处中国上海市最繁华的商业文化中心。这个项目由上海专注于零售品牌、餐饮、娱乐的JFR室内设计工作室与K11室内设计团队合作完成。 吸收K11品牌独特艺术基因并结合源于梦境的设计灵感,进行改造性的创造。将迷人的设计美学与强烈的视觉冲击融合,增强承租人的品牌统一性标识,使传统购物环境充满梦幻感,重新激活公共区域生命力,为所有来访者带来愉快的体验。
设计团队从“梦境”的概念中汲取灵感,使抽象的幻想融入传统的购物环境,利用各种建筑“精神”的设计元素,如充满活力的彩色玻璃窗、罗马式拱顶、大胆定制的地面铺设、精心定制的照明灯架和指示牌,层次丰富的镜面折射,营造出一个独特的艺术空间,给所有的客人带来新奇和幻想的购物体验。 设计团队为了最大程度上放大顾客的视觉方位,利用大量3D模型和效果图对该空间的各个角度进行透视研究后,对整个空间的动线策略进行了彻底改造。通过有计划的对特定的品牌商店、短期经营的时尚潮店以及开放式咖啡馆的特殊定位,以增强娱乐性,引导游客对区域的探索体验。同时弱化了走廊和店面之间的界限,增加商品和顾客之间的潜在相互交流。 将传统教堂的标志性设计融入至公共区域的地面设计中,以抽象的方式将传统教堂独特的彩色玻璃碎片运用到项目中地面的图案和色彩中,打造出具有标志性的设计标识。同时,类似的图案和色彩元素也被使用于天花板上,与地面交相呼应,使有限高度的天花板呈现出另一重视觉冲击。针对高人流量的循环空间,使用了具有极高的耐用性的定制可持续油毡地板材料。由于项目所在区域之前进行了主要结构的加固,使得存在的不规则柱子造成了店铺之间的视觉障碍,我们利用镜面设计包裹这些立柱,呈现出一种新的风格,既像抽象的拱门,又像万花筒,就算拍照也可以完美反映周围的环境。
该项目的初衷是通过创新和独特的设计元素革新传统的商业开发和运营模式,以适应移动和技术驱动的零售环境。 通过精心策划和大胆的设计主题,将空间的改造创造出了一种令人着迷的设计美学,放大了租户的品牌身份,重新激活公共区域,创造视觉效果使得增加的探索体验远远超过购买本身,成为新的关注重点。通过创新设计策略成功地将线上和线下零售经验结合起来,项目最终满足了当前和未来的消费者。
Project Description
La Belle Vie is a public shopping area on the B1 floor of K11 Art Mall in central Shanghai, China. The project is a collaborative effort by JFR Studio, a Shanghai-based design firm focusing on interior design and branding for retail, F&B, fitness industries, and the K11 interior design team. While inheriting the artistic gene of the K11 brand, the transformation originates in creating a wholistic yet mesmerizing design aesthetics that succeeds in amplifying individual tenant’s brand identities, reactivating public areas and creating visual impact. Drawing inspirations from the "dream-scape", JFR Studio integrates abstractions of fantasies into the traditional shopping environment to create an exhilarating journey for all visitors.
User Value
Drawing inspirations from the idea of a "dream-scape", Design team integrates abstractions of fantasies into the traditional shopping environment. Various elements from “spiritual” architecture, such as stained-glass windows, Romanesque domes, bold floor patterns, custom-crafted lighting fixtures and signages, as well as multiple layers of reflectivity, are all integrated into a tailored and artistic space that brings the shopping experience of novelty and fantasy to all guests. To begin, the overall circulation strategy within the space has been completely revamped. Through numerous perspective studies using 3D modelling and renderings, the design teams have thoroughly investigated various viewpoints within the venue that would maximize customers’ visibility. Specific branded shops, seasonal pop-up stores, and open cafes are then strategically located to encourage visitor to explore, entertain and experience. Boundaries between corridors and store frontage have also been blurred to increase potential interactions between products and customers. The patterns and colors on the floor of the public area are abstracted from the unique stained-glass pieces of traditional churches, which are also implemented with the signage design to create a cohesive identity. Similar patterns and color elements are adapted within the ceiling, which resonance with the flooring design to create another layer of visual impact within the limited ceiling height. Custom sustainable linoleum flooring material is used to realize a durable yet stunning effect for this high-traffic circulation spaces. Since the B1 level has undergone a major structural reinforcement previously, existing irregular columns have created visual barriers between stores. Wrapped in mirror-finish chrome, these columns are designed so that they become an abstracted arch gateway which is also a kaleidoscopic sculpture that reflect the surroundings seamlessly for personal “selfies” and group photos.
Social Impact
The innovation behind the B1 level of Shanghai K11 Art Mall renovation has revolutionized the traditional mode of commercial development and operation – shopping is no longer the only attribute of a shopping mall. As physical retail businesses are slowly taken away by e-commerce and online malls, developers and operators should really think out-of-the-box regarding other programs that can be integrated within existing shopping venues. Only a venue that successfully combines the online and offline experiences can satisfy this new generation of consumers. The renovation of B1 public area at Shanghai K11 Art Mall has successfully resolved this issue while demonstrated yet another exciting possibility for a more diversified commercial and cultural experience.
Project Achievements
The original intention of the project is to revolutionize the traditional mode of commercial development and operation through innovative and unique design elements that adapt to the mobility and technologically driven retail environment Through careful planning and bold design theme, the transformation of the venue creates a wholistic yet mesmerizing design aesthetics that aim to amplify tenant’s brand identities, reactivate public areas and create visual impact. Enhanced experience through exploration has become more important than the act of purchasing itself. As a result, by successfully combining the online and offline retail experiences through innovative design strategies, the project has finally satisfied this current and future generations of consumers.


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