Ching Chi Hall
办公空间类 綜合性辦公 2920 0 2019-12-23
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清奇設計核心為表達出具有「存在感」的空間意象,作品中常呈現牆、陰影、反影、水、界面之間、簡單幾何,以至於空間呈現的寧靜氛圍。以「流動的時間感、劇場概念、自然侵入、明與暗的對比」等設計手法融入,運用無形的元素去擴深設計,為生命存在作最真實的呈現。清奇會館在2014年開始尋覓新址,最終巧遇長期配合之 建設開發現址,而成就一個與住宅建築共生的會館,並共享一個整體思考的建築理念。現址室內面積95.4 坪,景觀面積 9.6坪,在迂迴的街道巷弄中展開,基地嵌進破碎的地塊之中,卻也更深刻的對比出一種從無序掉進有序的「突然間感到寧靜」的氛圍,並由破碎的邊緣透過植物自然生展的修補而與週遭匯聚成一個不突兀的整體。
設計總監: 蘇靜麒 設計參與者:陳姝蓉/ 詹晏君/ 陳聖惠/ 楊慧蘋/ 王威凱/ 連宇帆
設計日期: 2015年3月至2018年10月 施工日期: 2018年10月至2019年4月 完工日期: 2019年4月
Project Description
“Existence” is the primarily design theory of Ching Chi Design, Theory focuses on framing and forming space to imitate the sense of being. Simple elements such as simple walls, shadows, reflections, water, interfaces, where commonly been used to configure a peaceful environment. To enhance the theory, design techniques such as " sense of time, theater concept, natural invasion, contrast between light and dark" where often been apply into the initial design element. These invisible elements where often been used to strengthen the concept of design, meanwhile to present the most realistic life being to the audience. The search for Ching Chi’s new headquarters “Ching Chi Hall“ started since 2014, this long journey ended with a coincident of a new site development that matches the ideal of the new headquarter. A design working space that would blend in and coexisted within a residential building. the balance between architecture itself and the headquarter provide a strong design concept of a mix-used space. The site where located within a community from by winding streets and lanes, and the site is embedded in the land with an odd shape, because of it the site itself provide high contrast between systemize and disorder. Create a Suddenly feeling of peaceful. The broken edge of the site where been soften by landscape elements, this element blends the site itself with the surroundings structure.
User Value
The headquarter “Ching Chi Hall” located at the base of the architecture, it adapted the concept from the site itself to form a broken box. The box surrounded by water creating a strong contact between wind and water. Its purpose is to metaphor the concept of a broken ice cubes on the water. The wind flows through it to reduce the temperature Retreat in front of the field. empty or lower the lower part of the building, and let the vision penetrate the base, so that water and green are shared with the people around the base. Between the dense alleys, a comfortable open field can be created. In the design, you will inadvertently see a melancholic character, which is confused between the design, maybe the color, the light, or the erratic figure or tree shadow, reminding people: "Time is always perishable ".
Business Performance
Ching Chi design has been servicing in Taichung for many years. The headquarter where located at the base of a residential building. It located in an ideal location with a support of main transportation facility. on the right is Evergreen Laurel Hotel, directly opposite is Tempus Hotel. It is close to Taichung's main roads and luxury hotels; now it is also the new landmark for Taichung's most attractive residential area.
Social Impact
For us, giving is the forefront of the harvest. So, when we set up this space, we designed a space for our Ching Chi Lecture Hall, hoping to integrate the role of the designer with the space. At the same time through lecture activities, Ching Chi Bring professionals from different design fields to share and educate their aesthetic experience and feelings to our society and communities.
Team Structure
Design Director: Su,Ching-Chi Design team:Chen,Shu-Jung/ Chan,Yen-Chun/ Chen,Sheng-Hui/ Yang,Hui-Ping/ Wang,Wei-Kai/ Lien, Yu-Fan
We use many world's best design brands, emphasizing the essence of pondering in life. We believe that the designer must first consider the taste for the user and then have the taste of the life mode before recommend the user. This is why designers must first live in these boutiques before they can understand why. Giving young designers consistent experience and taste is our basic belief.
Project Investment
Period of Design: From March, 2015 to October, 2018 Period of Construction: From October, 2018 to April, 2019 Date of Completion: April, 2019
Project Achievements
The Ching Chi Hall is a combination of “Reception Hall, Ching Chi Lecture Hall, and Office R & D”. The company's internal non-commercial R & D projects combine cultural issues to bring more experience and inspiration to the public. New, we have held six lectures of Ching Chi Lecture Hall, which have received extensive praise and response from the public, not only giving back to the public, but also deepening our passion in design.


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