Bamboo aesthetics
空间 住宅大樓公設 4086 0 2018-12-20
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中文 / English
清奇設計,一直以追求表達『空間中的存在感』為目標, 並以時間回憶,光與影,自然鏡像,易變劇場等四個主題發展設計. 我們在這個案子裡,一如我們近年的案件裡,期望做些特別的細節,在本案裡,由細線條的元件裡,我們找了與台南古都相對聯想的竹,作為大廳主牆的主題, 運用竹山的孟宗竹水煮以便經久不腐壞,承裝在壓克力管中,運用金屬環串連,並投光,交叉的,粗細的,前後佈置的方式,完成了這座獨一的『線與竹』的藝術品.
除了在美學的表現上,我們希望融入都市氛圍,在公設的大廳裡,運用多層次的高差佈置,讓櫃檯區下沉並間隔了其他二個使用區,讓櫃台接待及訪客洽談和社區課程等活動都可以獨立運作, 卻又能共享大型空間的廣闊感,於社區完成後,看到住戶真實依設定使用並認同的狀態,明確了設計的價值
在本案完工銷售後,獲得不少住戶及同業設計者的肯定.對第一次進行高層住宅建築的業主, 墊定了市場的品牌認同性.
台南這古城裡,我們想做一些什麼去呼應這個老古的城市,在線條穿流中.光束如燈籠內的燭火,劃過夜色而出… 在對稱燈廊及跨水的『橋』上望去,現代的設計中開始有老舊的氛圍. 這樣的銷售住宅建築,將對台南這台灣的歷史城市,造就歷史與現代並存的美好設計風格.
設計總監: 蘇靜麒 設計參與者:蔡孟潔/王威凱/傅首勻/楊慧蘋
本案為求第一次進行高層住宅興建的業主,在發包執行經驗的缺乏,特別深度參與了全案的發包與廠商評估與監造,在裝置設計及執行裡,也於全案執行總承攬. 尤其於獨立設計研發的櫃檯區主燈,在竹產地的執行挑選,與專業廠商打樣研討,現場的細節裝置,都是前所未有的複雜設計.
設計日期:2014年02月 - 2016年10月 施工日期:2014年11月 - 2017年09月 完工日期:2017年09月
透過共享的空間,體會設計的存在,串起了最原始最溫暖的互動,透過清奇設計語言的傳遞,人與人,人與空間,…也能共鳴 在全案超越一般設計案投入的介入性工程參與,讓本案執行的質感獲致肯定.研發的執行上,雖然遭遇許多未知的困難,但也在業主方認同的狀態下,執著的執行完成. 在表達設計的原始動機上----表達『存在空間』.又明確的向前推動了一個成功的案例.
Project Description
Ching Chi Design pursues an expression of existentialism in space and develops designs based on the four themes of memory, light & shadow, mirror image, and theater. Just like in other recent projects, we focused on specific details in this project. Based on fine line elements, we utilized bamboo reminiscent of the ancient capital Tainan as the key theme for the main lobby wall. We employed moso bamboo from Zhushan which has been boiled to prevent rotting. The bamboo was inserted into acrylic tubes which were linked with metal rings. This exceptional work of art which consists of “bamboo lines” is based on the concepts of projection, interwoven thick and thin elements, and staggered design.
User Value
In addition to aesthetic expression, we aimed to incorporate urban vibes. In the lobby, we utilized a layered, relief-like design. The sunken counter area is separated from the other areas, which ensures independent spaces for reception of visitors and community courses. At the same time, residents can enjoy a wide open space. The value of the design has been confirmed by the fact that residents approve and identify with the designated uses.
Business Performance
Upon completion of this project, our design was lauded by numerous residents and designer colleagues and laid a solid foundation for the brand identity of this proprietor who had just made his debut in the high-rise residential building industry.
Social Impact
Our goal was to generate resonance with the ancient city of Tainan. The light beams resembling candlelight in a lantern flow through the bamboo lines and sweep through the darkness. The modern design is imbued with a nostalgic aura as the gaze rests on the symmetric light corridors and the bridge spanning the water. In the context of this housing project a magnificent design concept has been created for the historical city of Tainan through a fusion of history and modernity.
Team Structure
Design Director: Su,Ching Chi Design team:Chan,Huai-En/Chen,Shu-Jung/Lin,wen-kai/Tsai,Meng-Chieh/Lien,Yu-Fan/Liao,Shu-Chun/Yang,Hui-Ping
We fully participated in the contracting, manufacturer assessment, and supervision process to make up for the lack of experience of the proprietor who made his debut in the high-rise residential building industry. We served as a general contractor for the whole project in the field of installation design and execution. The design process was characterized by an unprecedented complexity as a result of the independent design of the main light sources in the counter area, the selection of bamboo materials at the place of origin, and various design details.
Project Investment
Period of Design: From February, 2014 to October, 2016 Period of Construction: From November, 2014 to September, 2017. Date of Completion: September, 2017.
Project Achievements
The existence of design and unpretentious and warm interactions are experienced through shared space. The Ching Chi design language creates resonance between humans and between humans and space. The high level of interventional participation which exceeds that of normal design projects has resulted in the recognition of the high quality of this project. Despite numerous unexpected difficulties, the project was completed with the full support and approval of the proprietor. Another success story has been written in the expression of existential space on the basis of the primary design motivation.


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