Capturing of the flowing breeze
空间 住宅大樓公設 3318 0 2017-07-27
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中文 / English
清奇設計:一直以追求表達空間中的存在感為目標,並以回憶,光,鏡像,劇場等四個主題發展設計. 1.捕捉流動的風 因基地尺度大,空間設計以呈現壯闊感為目標,應用重覆的大型吊燈貫穿所有重要空間,運用反光的材料強化鏡射的擴張空間感. 在大廳空間,以風吹窗簾的柔媚線條,作為空間表現的主題,以垂墜的紗簾,金屬簾,石刻簾幕等等,加上由雕塑家專為此空間設置的漂動如舞動的雕塑,讓空曠空間仿如有風吹彿的抽象感受. 2.鏡像與自然 室內空間加入綠與昆蟲為主題,在光穿過彿動的紗簾後,空間仿彿有了自然生命. 室外部份,除了以綠與水樹穿插在過廊,橋之間,並與燈光設計師合作了一組特殊訂作的昆蟲燈,重塑夏夜裡,螢火蟲閃爍魅人的場景. 3.劇場與細節 運用斜的,穿出空間的,石材的或清水模的,不同表情的牆體,在大型單一的空間裡,製造趣味的轉折.所以,我們設計有線條發光的,底部映光的,大樹掩映的,各種帶有特色的牆與框作為劇場的背景.透過水聲,燈光,明暗之間加強人們的劇場感受. 4.靜謐之間的時間流動 在靜謐的空間型態裡,我們運用不同的元素, 讓時間穿流在空間中,並為人們所感受.
社區裡的公設是人,家庭,鄰里之間延伸的感情線, 讓設計演繹出空間的”存在感”串聯起彼此生活模式中每個共同層面的細膩與感動,在此作品中企圖用相同裝置的呼應呈現空間的壯闊感、光影的明暗帶出風拂動的感受、自然元素將生命律動融入空間、不同牆面材質的應用讓空間呈現轉折的趣味,以一貫的設計脈絡讓用戶與空間在互動中,反映出生活的品質與細節
設計是讓建築與環境對話的媒介,讓空間的存在得以被最完美的發掘而呈現,能讓每一塊土地 的存在展現出核心價值,讓人對空間存在的體會,能更懂得深沉的思維體會周遭生活之美
設計總監: 蘇靜麒 設計參與: 陳聖惠/廖淑君/胡乃逸/詹甯淇/王薏雯/王威凱 策畫/市場: 惠宇建設
設計方/工務方/施工單位三方運用了3D軟體、2D圖面的繪製與特殊石材效果應用的打樣, 為滿足設計效果的呈現,來克服在工程施作上種種困難,讓堅硬的石材也能演繹出優美的層次線條,並與藝術家為空間氛圍量身打造的大型雕塑品與特殊燈具,燈具需克服在戶外風吹雨淋下須正常使用,並模擬如螢火蟲自然明滅的閃爍,讓空間的存在有生命的律動
設計日期: 2014年6 月 至 2016 年 3 月 施工日期: 2015年 1月 至 2017 年 1 月 完工日期: 2017 年 1 月
Project Description
Chin-Chi Design pursues a spatial design that expresses a sense of existence centered around the four major themes of memory, light, imagery, and stages. 1. Capturing of the flowing breeze Due to the large spatial dimensions of the construction site, the spatial design aims to create a sense of magnificence. Large repetitive ceiling lamps are present in all major spaces and a sense of expanded space is created through a reinforced mirror effect generated by light reflecting materials. Soft and gentle lines of draped gauze, metal, and stone-carved curtains blowing in a breeze serve as the theme of spatial expression in the lobby. These elements are combined with flowing and rhythmic sculptures exclusively created for this space by a sculptor. This gives the open space and abstract feeling of movement in the wind. 2. Mirror images and nature Indoor spaces are centered around the themes of nature and insects. The light that penetrates the waving gauze curtains fill the spaces with the life and vitality of nature. Passageways and bridge-like structures in outdoor areas are interspersed with green areas, water, and trees. A uniquely designed set of insect-shaped lamps has been created in cooperation with a lighting designer to recreate the atmosphere of a summer night filled with charming, twinkling fireflies. 3. Stage & details Slanted, space-penetrating, fair-faced concrete, and stone walls with different appearances are utilized to create intriguing transitions that transform this homogeneous large space. We have utilized distinctive walls and frames with illuminated lines and light-reflecting bottoms as stage backgrounds and contrast to the trees. The sound of water, lighting effects, and contrast between light and dark reinforces the stage aura. 4.Time flowing in tranquil spaces We utilize different design elements in these tranquil and serene spatial patterns to give human inhabitants a sense of time flowing in space.
User Value
Amenities are extended emotional lines for people, families and neighbors in a community. They allow design to deduce a “sense of existence” of space, and connect delicacy and touching of every public level in living patterns among one another. In this piece of work, it is intended to utilize echo of same installation to present openness of space, brightness and darkness of lights and shadows to bring out feelings of blowing wind as well as natural elements to integrate rhythm of life into space. Application of different wall materials allows the space to present a turning fun, and consistent design context reflects living quality and details from resident’s interaction with space.
Business Performance
This project is owner’s signature project for large projects. Execution result is well-received by customers. This has established a solid foundation for owner’s brand image.
Social Impact
Design is a medium which allows construction to make a dialogue with environment. It allows existence of space to be presented via the most perfect exploration. This ensures that each piece of land demonstrates its core value, and allows people to experience existence of space, understand more about in-depth thinking and experience surrounding beauties of life.
Team Structure
Design Director: Su, Jin-Chi Design Participants: Chen, Shen-Hui / Liao, Su-Jun / Hu,Nai-Yi / Chan Ning-Chi / Wang,Yi-Wen / Wang,wei-kai Planning/Marketing: Huiyu Architecture
Three parties of design party/works party/construction unit utilize application of 3D software, 2D plan drawing and special stone materials for sampling in order to satisfy presentation of design effect and overcome various difficulties in construction practices. This allows hard stone materials to deduce elegant layer lines. Custom-built large sculptures and special fixtures for space atmosphere are made under collaboration with artists. Fixtures have to overcome outdoor weather and should function normally. Twinkling effect is utilized to simulate firebug’s natural twinkling lights. This allows rhythm of life to exist in the space.
Project Investment
Period of Design: From June, 2014 to March, 2016 Period of Construction: From January, 2015 to January, 2017. Date of Completion: January, 2017
Project Achievements
Existence of design is experienced through shared space and the most primitive and the warmest interaction is connected. Through the delivering of Ching-Chi Interior Design’s language, resonance among people and between people and space is also ensured.


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