Honeywell IAQ
产品 空气检测仪 5927 1 2018-12-20
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Honeywell IAQ 作为SPS 全球设计团队结合多年设计经验的集大成之作,拥有很多创新性的设计。它最多可同时测量计算多达7种气体参数,实时监控,远程监测,让安全更智能;超长寿命工业级传感器使检测更精确,响应更快速,数据变化更精准,远程更新固件,堪称工业技术应用于民用市场的典范 。同时可用于台式摆放和墙面安装,对于民居,车载, 办公、公共区域壁挂等不同使用环境要求的广泛兼容,意味着更多更广的人群可以从科技和设计的变革中受益。 单纯凭技术是不能满足用户需求的,功能的堆叠很容易,但做到简单而实用却极具挑战。本产品整合了设计与技术,全方位地从造型、使用、易用性、可靠性等进行了考量。 全方位考量的造型设计:本产品整体使用低饱和度色彩,独特柔和的整体造型给予用户亲和友好的感官体验,达到功能特性和情感价值的平衡。无论是随身携带,民居,车载, 办公场所、公共区域壁挂,整体框架设计自然地融入各种不同的使用环境中,相比市面上同类产品常见的手持、桌面放置、USB固定插口,本产品在工业设计,结构等工程师的共同努力下,在保持小体积的同时,摆脱了外接电源、充电线、固定充电位的束缚,对安装空间的要求降到最低,给予使用者更多的可能性。 检测仪上采用三色远距离指示灯设计,如果单个参数超过阀值,则指示灯变色,屏幕上图标跳动显示,即使是远距离,对参数不理解的用户,也能明白异常提示。大屏幕清晰字体柔光显示,不刺眼,对儿童视力无影响。对于离家在外,苦于不能照顾老人的子女,即使远在千里之外,仍然可以通过App数据读数。App中数据变化曲线的显示,不但方便而且即时获取数据。 检测仪上的一体黑2.5D触摸屏浑然天成,提供了直觉操作,提供声音反馈,即使是不经常使用电子产品的老年人也能正常使用。相比传统液晶屏,清晰度更高,响应时间更短。 极简模块化设计:本产品内部结构采用极简模块化设计,整个产品仅由4部分组成。除了电池,机身框架,风扇以外, 在PM2.5,HCHO(甲醛), 温度,湿度四个传感器的基础上,增加CO2(二氧化碳)和TVOC(总挥发性有机物)传感器仅增加6g,可测量的参数可以根据世界上不同国家地区客户的要求自由组合定制,基本配置有4种传感器和6种传感器两种。这种极简结构设计使生产线上的装配,和后期的产品维修都变的及其简单,并且故障的机率大大降低。 多向进风系统:市面上同类产品均采用单向、侧面,或者小孔进气,如何才能真实准确的反映气体数值?多向进风使得整个问题得以完美解决。桌面放置和平时携带时,两侧大孔和背部的环形进气孔提供主要进风渠道,在墙上装配时,即时背部进气孔被附件遮盖,两侧大进气孔仍然能够提供足够风量为传感器分析提供足够数据。 创新数据分析:在对用户进行测试以后,我们发现有的用户不知道CO2,TVOC是什么,大多数人仅仅知道PM2.5,但是对客观存在于室内的挥发性有机物,和二氧化碳,以及这些物质对人体的影响,则知之甚少,少人提及。根据哈佛大学以及其他学者的研究成果,对于公共环境和办公区域,挥发性有机物和二氧化碳对人的认知和处理问题的能力的影响,我们把显性的数值做了量化处理,用一个简单的数值来向用户表示影响的程度,称为IQ%,该数据越接近0%,则表明室内空气越糟糕,越接近100%,则室内空气对人体的影响越小 创新自定义报警值:本产品远销世界上几十个国家,结合我司用户研究团队多年以来对各国相关用户群体典型用户的研究,各国对于室内空气污染的标准不尽相同,即使是在中国,对于民用环境和商用建筑,也有不同的标准。在此背景下,用户可自行设置设备和APP报警的数值,同时可把其最关心的数值设为设备主要显示的数值,便捷性不言而喻。 与民用使用场景的完美结合: (1) 本产品不但在外观设计上和环境多方位融合,而且具有贴心节能模式和睡眠模式,在晚上使用也不用关机,设计连续读取数据,屏幕却不会太过刺眼。 (2) 在设计的过程中,设备能够解决用户的哪些问题是设计师一直在思考的问题。一般用户在卧室内停留超过8小时,对于他们来说,卧室内的使用环境非常重要。因此我们添加了闹钟的功能,不但预防,保证良好的空气,而且给予用户远离睡前使用手机等电子设备等坏习惯的机会。
该项目已经发布了8个月, 主要销售渠道在国内为网络销售,以及和第三方智能平台合作,共同打造智能家居产品生态圈。霍尼韦尔是一个具有百年历史的五百强企业,此前的产品多使用于航空航天,特性材料、工业安全等领域,在民用产品领域很少涉及。在本产品问世后,和空净,水净产品一起,为我司在民用、商用两大领域打开了产品知名度。目前其他国家的本地化产品正在最后评测过程中,全球预测的5年销量约在 520万美金 。
室外空气污染对人体的影响,人类早已认识到其严重性。普通人花费一生绝大多数的时间在家庭,学校,旅行,工作等室内场所,但是大多数人却未能意识到室内有多种气体在对人类的大脑,身体产生影响。 对于智能家居/建筑产品,一般的民众的意识还停留在智能连接常用家电,插座等用品的阶段。不能否认,从低级的生存层级,到更高级的安全健康,改善室内空气污染,室内污染将会和改善室外空气污染一样,也许需要一个过程,但是随着人们意识的改变,生活水平的提高,必将成为一个必经之路。 本产品主要在电商渠道销售,我司通过网络,微信,H5等不同形式进行了推广,对于改善室内污染的意识和物联网智能家居领域新方向的探索,发挥了明显的推广作用。
项目团队主要由32名不同职能的全职新产品开发人员组成,包括 (1)市场部的产品经理和销售代表,主要负责收集和整理用户需求,定义新产品设计需求等;(2)项目经理,主要负责管理项目进程和资源;(3)研发团队的结构工程师、iOS开发,Android 开发,云计算工程师,固件工程师,材料工程师、打样工程师、测试工程师,主要负责产品的功能性设计、开模、打样和测试;(4)用户体验团队的工业设计师、工效学设计师、用户体验研究员,交互设计师,视觉设计师,主要负责产品的外观设计、工效学设计、用户体验验证,交互设计,视觉设计等;(5)认证工程师,主要负责产品的认证测试;(6)采购,主要负责原材料采购和供应商管理。
我们采用了霍尼韦尔用户体验(HUE)和新产品开发(NPI)流程。霍尼韦尔用户体验(HUE)是我们的关键流程计划之一,可帮助我们最好地了解用户的需求,并设计出符合这些需求的直观的,可取的,差异化,增值的产品和服务。在以用户为中心的设计过程中,在这个项目中,我们在易用性评估,快速原型设计和敏捷开发等项目管理实施办法。 HUE workshop及全链路设计:组织了多轮霍尼韦尔用户体验(HUE)workshop,并对客户的需求、痛点、产品设计、客户旅程和触点进行了深入挖掘。我司用户研究团队对国内外市场现状进行了全面分析,对于当前检测仪市场,单一数据检测仪居多,数据检测不准确,价格昂贵,外观丑陋,单一位置摆放和供电等问题和设计师一起进行了深度的需求挖掘,把用户群体和使用场景的外延都进行了极大的拓展。同时将设计深入到了营销,运营,服务,维护等各个方面, 比如:在设备上使用故障码,用户看见就知道是何种类型的错误,在App上加入24h客服。这些对用户进行全方位服务的功能,在同类型其他产品上是前所未有的。 快速原型:一旦基于严格的Pugh分析选择了首选设计概念。设计师立即着手创建了木制的设计模型。通过原型模拟产品的使用过程。快速粗糙的模型不仅显示了设计的外观,还显示了它的工作原理。从粗糙模型到3D打印到CNC精细原型的迭代快速原型设计使得决策过程和产品开发过程更快。 软件设计与研发:采用敏捷开发流程,以workshop和用户研究的结果,以及产品的需求进化为核心,将4种传感器(即4种空气质量指标:甲醛、PM2.5、温湿度)和6种传感器(即6种空气质量指标:甲醛、PM2.5、温湿度、TVOC和CO2)分成两个子项目,基础功能需求,IQ%等高级数据分析需求,社交/售后需求分为三个阶段,交叉开发,快速完成了开发任务。 Meaningful Design: 针对设备检测出的总有机物,二氧化碳等指数的阅读进行设计创新,产生了标志污染物对人体影响的IQ%数值,使得枯燥难懂的数据转化成了易懂对用户有意义的解读。设计服务于商业价值和使用价值,霍尼韦尔用户体验设计团队相信,商业设计追求的是布局长远,做真正对用户有意义的产品。 用户体验评测:在每一轮迭代中,我们都有专门的用户体验专员进行了软硬件的使用评测。除了实验室用户体验评测之外,还组织了员工试用及使用日志方法,对用户体验及产品的问题进行了深入的追踪和诊断。
4种传感器版本的研发: 项目耗时4个月,花费192K USD 6种传感器版本的研发:项目耗时6个月, 花费230K USD
• . 整体IAQ预测5年的收益为520万美金,本年度上市以后已完成53%; • 本项目的初心本来是做一款基础的4类传感器的版本,实际上发现高端的6传感器版本更受市场欢迎,该型号产品由于其体积小、数据全、测量准确以及其他功能特点已成为市场上此类多功能空气检测产品的标杆。相比传统的PM2.5,甲醛,温度湿度检测,已促使民众逐渐意识到室内混合气体的污染的严重性; • 在工业领域,霍尼韦尔已具有成熟的市场和产品体系。本项目进行了新市场开拓,进入主流电商渠道,提高消费者Honeywell IAQ 产品的认知度。当前在主流电商 京东/天猫平台进驻完成,零售数据稳步上升,产品设计受到消费者一致好评; • 是公司在物联网智能家居方向的一些早期探索,已集成在东软等智能平台上,从当前在实施的项目情况上来看,霍尼韦尔可以提供成熟的解决方案将本产品纳入到不同品牌的智能家居系统,已在智能家居领域取得明显进展,这方面业务的进展,在5G来临之际,为公司开展其他工业,民用IOT产品业务提供了宝贵经验。 • 本产品已荣获2018 IF设计大奖。
Project Description
Honeywell has introduced a revolutionary portable indoor air quality monitoring system, IAQ, that detects 6 pollutants in a small Ergonomic form factor that can be used in cars, houses, office buildings or carried in person. Indoor air quality is critically important for human health, as humans spend 90% of their time indoors and are generally unaware of the impact of indoor air quality on physical and mental health. The versatile and precise IAQ tracking is ideal for those who are suffering from allergies, asthma and the other respiratory diseases. The IAQs key innovations are: 1)The modular design Honeywell offers comes in both a standalone and wall mounted versions. The simple and honest form language creates an iconic look suitable for any interior decoration. 2) Six pollution sensors that are mapped into an easy to understand air-quality metric. 3) Remote monitoring capability to allow people to take care of children and parents remotely. Introduced within the last year, the IAQ has proved very popular and hit 53% of its 5 year sales targets already. It has won the 2018 IF Design Award.
User Value
Honeywell IAQ was created by a number of innovative designs who have many years of design experience in the SPS global design team. The device can measure up to 7 kinds of gas parameters at the same time using real-time and remote monitoring to provide intelligent air quality control. The ultra-long-life industrial-grade sensor makes the detection more accurate, the response faster, and the data changes more accurately, and the firmware is updated remotely. Industrial technology is adapted for the civilian market and can be used for desktop placement and wall mounting. It is widely compatible with different environmental requirements such as residential, car, office, and public area wall hangings, which means that more and more people can benefit from the changes in technology and design. Simply relying on technology can't meet the needs of users. The stacking of functions is easy, but making it practical is very challenging. This product integrates design and technology, and takes into account all aspects of modeling, user cases, ease of use, and reliability. Industrial design: This product uses low-saturation color. The unique soft shape gives the user a friendly sensory experience, achieving a balance of functional characteristics and aesthetic appeal. Whether it is carried, residential, in car, in office, or in public area wall hanging, the overall frame design is naturally integrated into a variety of different environments. Compare to other common handheld, desktop placement, and USB fixed sockets in similar products, this product is free from the constraints of external power supply, charging line and fixed charging position while keeping small volume. This minimizes requirements for installation space, giving users more possibilities. The detector is designed with three-color indicator. If the single parameter exceeds the threshold, the indicator will change color and the icon on the screen will flicker. Even from a long distance, users can still understand the alert prompt. Big fonts are softly displayed without minimizing effect on children's vision. For offspring who are away from home and unable to take care of the elderly, even from thousands of miles away, they can still read the data through the App. The display of the data chart in the App is not only convenient but also provides instant access to the data. The integrated 2.5D black touch screen on the detector providing intuitive operation and audible feedback for even the elderly who are not familiar with electronic products. Compared with traditional LCD screens, the resolution is higher and the response time is shorter. Modular design: With only four parts, the internal structure of this product adopts minimalist modular design. In addition to batteries, fuselage frames, fans, based on PM2.5, HCHO (formaldehyde), temperature, humidity four sensors, add CO2 (carbon dioxide) and TVOC (total volatile organic compounds) sensors only increase 6g. The parameters can be freely combined according to the requirements of customers in different countries in the world. The basic types one is 4 sensors and another is 6 sensors. There are two basic types with 4 and 6 sensors. This minimalist design makes the assembly and maintenance of the products simple while reducing the probability of failure. Multi-directional air intake system: Unlike one-way, side and small-pore air intake in the market, we use multi-directional air intake to accurately detect gas pollutants. When the device is put on a table or in a pocket, the annular air inlets on both sides and the large holes act as the main air inlet channels. When the detector is assembled on the wall blocking the back air intake holes, the large air intake holes on both sides can still provide sufficient air volume to collect sufficient data for the sensor. Innovative data analysis: After user testing, we found that many users don't know what CO2 and TVOC are. Most people only know PM2.5 and do not realize that volatile organic compounds and carbon dioxide actually exist in the room. They also have no idea about their impact on the human body. Based on research results of Harvard University and other scholars, we have mapped the explicit numerical values of the impact of volatile organic compounds and carbon dioxide on human cognition to one easy to understand value. The value indicates the degree of impact on the user, called IQ%. The closer the indicator is to 0%, the worse the indoor air is, the closer it is to 100%, the smaller the effect of indoor air on the human body. Innovative customer-defined alarm value: This product is exported to dozens of countries in the world. Our user research team’s work indicates, the standards for indoor air pollution vary from country to country. Even inside China, there are different standards for residential and commercial buildings. To accommodate this variation, the user can set their own alarm value for the device and App. This customized alarm level can be set as the main value that will be displayed by the device. The perfect combination with the use scene: (1) This product not only integrates with the environment in terms of design, but also has built-in energy-saving mode and sleep mode. The device reads data continuously in these modes with the display dimmed down so as not to disturb users. (2) Since the average user stays in the bedroom for more than 8 hours a day, our design team added alarm clock functionality, allowing the user to use it as the sole device eliminating the need for mobile phones and other electronic devices that whose distraction can be detrimental to healthy sleep.
Business Performance
The product has been released for 8 months. The main sales channels are an online store and partnership with third-party intelligent platforms to jointly create a smart home product ecosystem. Honeywell is a Fortune 500 company with a history of more than 100 years primarily in aerospace, characteristic materials, industrial safety and related fields. This product is a part of a new initiative in civil and commercial field. The product is being localized for other countries, with a 5 year global sales forecast of about 5.2 million US dollars.
Social Impact
The impact of outdoor air pollution on the human body has long been recognized by medical professionals. Ordinary people spend most of their lives in homes, schools, travel, work, and other indoor places, but most people do not realize that there are many gases in the room that may adversely affect the human brain and body. The general population still thinks of intelligently connected household appliances, or the Internet of Things when they consider smart home construction. They do not realize that, for human health, improving indoor air quality is as important as controlling outdoor pollution. This product is mainly sold through e-commerce channels. Our company has promoted it through different forms such as network, WeChat, H5, etc. This product has played a key role in promoting the awareness of indoor pollution and a new direction for intelligent homes in the Internet of Things.
Team Structure
The project team is mainly composed of 32 full-time cross-function NPI (new product development) team members, including (1) Product Manager and Sales from Marketing Department, mainly responsible for collecting customer needs and defining new product design requirements; (2) Project Manager, mainly responsible for project process and resource management; (3) Mechanical Engineer, iOS Engineer, Android Engineer, Cloud Engineer, Firmware Engineer, Material Engineer, Prototyping Engineer and Testing Engineer from R&D Department, mainly responsible for functional product design, software/firmware/cloud development, molding, prototyping and testing; (4) Industrial Designer, Ergonomic Designer, Interaction Designer, Visual Designer, User Experience Researcher, from HUE (Honeywell User Experience) Department, mainly responsible for product appearance, ergonomics, user experience design and validation; (5) Certification Engineer, mainly responsible for product certification testing; (6) Sourcing Engineer, mainly responsible for material procurement and supplier management.
We applied Honeywell User Experience (HUE) and New Product Development (NPD) Process in developing this product. The Honeywell User Experience (HUE) is one of our key process initiatives that helps us best understand the needs of our customers and thereby design intuitive, desirable, differentiated and value-add products and services that meet those needs. Using the user centered design process, in this project, we specifically creatively applied techniques from ease of use evaluation, rapid prototyping and Agile process. HUE workshop and full-link design: We conducted multiple rounds of Honeywell User Experience (HUE) workshops and drilled down into customer needs, pain points, product design, customer journeys and product contacts. Our user research team has carried out a comprehensive analysis of the current domestic and international market conditions. For the current detector market, there are many single air pollution detectors. However, the air pollution detection is inaccurate and expensive. Devices are not aesthetically pleasing and they have to be attached to single location or power supply, restricting mobility. We carried out demand mining, and expanded the versatility of our use cases. At the same time, the design explored deeply into marketing, operation, service, maintenance and other aspects, such as: easy to understand error codes and added 24h customer service on the App. These full-service features for users are unprecedented in other products. Rapid Prototyping: Once the preferred design concept was chosen based on a rigorous Pugh analysis, the designer immediately set about creating a wooden design model to simulate the use of the product through the prototype. The fast and rough model not only shows the appearance of the design, but also shows how it works. Iterative rapid prototyping from rough models to 3D printing to CNC fine prototyping makes the decision and product development process faster than otherwise possible. Software design and development: The software was developed using an agile development process, taking the results of workshop and user research, and including evolving product requirements. At the core, the software handled either four kinds of sensors (i.e., four air quality indicators: formaldehyde, PM2.5, temperature and humidity) and six kinds of sensors (i.e. 6 kinds of air quality indicators: formaldehyde, PM2.5, temperature and humidity, TVOC and CO2). They were then divided into two sub-projects, basic functional requirements, IQ% and other advanced data analysis requirements. Social/after-sales demands are divided into three stages, cross developed and quickly completed. Meaningful Design: This product innovatively combines the readings of total organic matter, carbon dioxide and other indices detected by the equipment into a single IQ% value that indicate the impact of pollutants on the human body making it easy for the general public to understand. Designed to serve business and usage value, Honeywell's user experience design team used a long-term layout that is easy for the user to grasp. User experience evaluation: In each design iteration, we have a dedicated user experience specialist to evaluate the use of both the hardware and the software. In addition to the lab user experience evaluations, employee trials and usage log methods were applied to provide in-depth tracking and diagnosis of user experience and product issues.
Project Investment
Development of 4 sensor versions: took 4 months ,cost 192K USD Development of 6 sensor versions: took 6 months, cost 230K USD
Project Achievements
• The overall IAQ forecasts a five-year sales of $5.2 million. We have already reached 53% of this target since product release this year; • The original intention of this project was to make a basic version of the four types of sensors. In fact, the high-end 6-sensor version was found to be more popular in the market. This model has become best-selling due to its small size, full data, accurate measurement and other functional features. It also becomes the benchmark for such multifunctional air detection products on the market. Compared with the traditional PM2.5, formaldehyde, temperature and humidity detection, it has prompted people to gradually realize the seriousness of indoor mixed gas pollution; • In the industrial sector, Honeywell has a proven market and product system. This project has carried out new market development, entered the mainstream through e-commerce channel, and raised the awareness of Honeywell IAQ products. Currently, the mainstream e-commerce Jingdong/Tmall platform has been completed, retail sales have steadily increased, and the product design has been well received by consumers; • It is an early exploration of the company's smart home products with the Internet of Things. It has been integrated into intelligent platforms such as Neusoft. From the current projects we are implementing, Honeywell can provide mature solutions to integrate this product under different brands. This product has made significant progress in the field of smart homes. The success of this business has provided valuable experience for the company to develop other industrial and civil IOT products using the upcoming 5G networks. • This product has won the 2018 IF Design Award.


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