濃郁溫暖 獨家韻味
The Warm Concept
空间 設計濃郁的家 2837 3 2017-07-27
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濃郁溫暖 獨家韻味 走進美式工業風設計濃郁的家,在暗淡燈色映晾下,人們或有置身悠遠年代之感;思緒逐漸沉澱,身心也放鬆下來。戶主偏愛溫暖色調,設計師為他配製獨特的啡金組合,同時兼顧展現多種紋理,讓胡桃木、沙岩石、水泥板和瓷磚等交織感層次,為典雅的家具攏設訂定恰當的襯托背景。復古粗獷 兼容並包。復古粗獷 兼容並包。
這濃郁的家獨特之處包括溫暖色調之設計,配合許多建築學上之工業風及物料質感,目的是為了創造自然、高雅及舒適格調。傳統上,工業風最能展現自由、無拘束之個性風格,工業用之元素用作空間裡適度展現成藝術及自然不做作之風格。然而,這次設計為工業風提升了另一個層次,精緻的紋理與物料質感,結合溫暖色彩配置 (如推拉門纏繞3 層金色牆紙) 和採光照明讓工業風多了一點優雅的味道。為了擴大户住之生活空間,廚房重建擴大并以快餐桌加強空間感,輕鬆方便。主臥室亦被重建打造,增添了衣帽間,機能更靈活。此外,為提升空間感和視覺效果,走廊其中一段被拆除,也增強了空間感。
這設計項目主要的核心價值是為了展現工業風也可配合溫暖色調和優雅來搭配設計,有別於傳統工業風設計,這濃郁的家增添了優雅物料,例於水泥板、 瓷磚及木製傢飾來令牆壁更具有個性化及獨特性,設計上所用的顏色使設計師想起美式牛仔風格,亦成為了這次設計上之經典。設計師認為這種工業風室內設計概念將會成為潮流,將會愈來愈普及。
這設計概念源於客戶一家三口喜歡的溫暖色調,基於這個標準,設計師選用了獨特的啡金組合來鋪陳出工業風的優雅及舒適。在設計過程中,設計師選擇很多特殊的用料,如水泥板、胡桃木、筷子形仿古棕色磚、 砂岩來呈現出這種效果,在暖調中滲出一分涼意。此外設計師花了很多心思在燈光設計上,以呈現凝聚效果。不同高度的吊燈配合上傳統鎢絲燈,流露了這個客廳的重點設計。
此項目由設計到項目完成為期8個月(大概6個月至1年),設計、材料及施工項目預算總額高於港幣2,000,000(大概為港幣2,000,000至3,000,000) 。
Project Description
The home is heavily permeated with rich, warm exclusive flavor. Because the host prefers to warm colors, the designer have chosen unique gold and brown as the main color. The aim is to create a warm, yet comfortable home that is close to human nature. Thus upon entry, there is a touch of greenery with the lamp throwing out a dim light, it seems that people are back to the years with a calming mind and relaxed body. To create a rich and warm effect, the designer have taken into account a variety of natural industrial style textures, such as walnut, sandstone, cement boards and tiles to combine with for interweaving level, so as to set the appropriate backdrop for the elegant furniture. Unlike traditional homes, the designer have heavily made use of materials to decorate the walls to make the room look more full and colorful for a stronger senses of furnishings.
User Value
Key features of this project include the use of warm color scheme, combined with many natural industrial style textures for construction. The aim is to create a natural looking yet elegant atmosphere for a comfortable home. Traditionally, the use of industrialism is about exposing all the lies beneath to achieve raw, edgy style. Structural elements are turned into showpieces, achieving a look that seems unfinished. However, with this design it has brought the use of industrialism to an all new level, with refined texture and material finishing combined with the warm color scheme (such as the sliding door wrapped with 3 layers of golden wall paper) and the tungsten filament lighting have turned this home into a warm yet, elegant environment for relaxation. Also to maximize the living space for the client, the kitchen was reconstructed to enlarge the dining space with a bar table. The master bedroom was reconstructed to create a cloakroom. Also a fragment of the hallway was dismantled to enlarge the space of the living room from a physical and visual perspective.
Business Performance
Based on the client’s preference of warm colors, the client has given the designer lots of creative space to design this home with very unique colors, element and texture. The result was highly appreciated by the client, fitting their needs of a natural looking and comfortable home with an elegant touch. It has provided a good precedent for industrialism style demonstrated with a warm and elegant finishing. This design were also shown to many other clients, which provided a good reference point on possible creative designs for their residential.
Social Impact
The major value of this project have demonstrated is that industrialism can also be executed in a very refined and warm manner. Unlike traditional industrialism interior design, this home have heavily embrace refined textures, such as cement board, tiles and wooden décor to decorate the walls to make the room look more full and a stronger sense of furnishings. The use of coloring have reminded the designer of the American cowboy era, which is a classical touch to the design. This era of industrialism design is becoming more common and in the designer’s opinion that this is an emerging trend for interior designs.
Team Structure
This project involved 3 full-time employees, including Eric (Chief Designer) to master the overall design with relevant parties, communication with client and material selection. A project manager whom will be constantly on site to follow up on progress to ensure all construction is done according to technical drawings and timeline with construction vendor and coordinate onsite logistics, including delivery of materials. An administrative supervisor to procure and follow up on all required materials. The finance department also provided their assistance to ensure all payments for the project were processed in time, including the client to avoid any delays. The client played an important role during the project to communicate their requirements, participate in material selection, etc. External experts whom have also assisted including material vendors, whom constantly provided latest details on materials to enable us to select the latest and most trendy materials for this project.
The design motivation all started with the client’s preference on warm color for a family of 3. Based on this criteria, the designer have selected unique gold and brown as the main color and elaborate on the thought of industrialism with an elegant touch to create a comfortable home. During the process, the designer have selected many special materials, such as cement board, walnut, chopstick shaped rustic brown tile and sandstone to embrace this effect. Also much effort was spent on lighting selection and tuning the level of lighting to achieve a cohesiveness with the design. The drop lights with different height made with imitated tungsten filament lamp and iron cover was a good example in demonstrating a focal point of the living room for this design.
Project Investment
The duration of this project took 8 months from initiation to final delivery. (ie. 6 months to 1 year). The total budget for this project including design, all materials and construction was over HK$2,000,000 (ie. $2,000,000 to 3,000,000)
Project Achievements
The aim of this project is of course to satisfy the client’s preference on the use of warm color, yet demonstrating this color scheme with industrialism style material and texture to embrace the design. An inspiration from the designer is that, unlike traditional elegance, it no longer needs to be flashy and demonstrated via glamour materials, such as silk, marble, chandeliers. It can also be executed using natural materials and textures with refined finishing, suitable colors and lightings. This project have embraced this strategy and the results were very close to the expectation.


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