Pu Su Boutique Hotel
空间 公共空间 2960 6 2017-07-26
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詩的時光 喧囂中的甯靜 靜.怡 隸屬自然 市.隱 福州市第一家城市隱居精品酒店 項目名稱:璞宿精品酒店 地點:福建省福州 設計單位:共和時代/華伍德設計中心 設計主創:何華武 設計團隊:許太萍、邱燕青 設計時間:2015年9月 開放時間:2016年5月 項目面積:6000平方 主要材料:石材、胡桃木、玻璃纖維乳膠漆 攝影:李迪 精品酒店的設計目標是給人們提供一種體驗式棲居,體現品牌和傳統,客戶對這一項目的野心是有遠見而且深刻的。與持續擴張、稀釋和冷卻的宇宙不同,過去設計中同系化和模仿屢見不鮮,那麽現在,集體努力和設計的本義已經消失,個體差異的渴望開始浮現,這些都標志著相異的語義集體,因而顯得更加意義重大。 酒店入口處水景與台階的一氣呵成,給人一種氣勢磅礴之感,但更展現出一種內斂,不飽和的原始天然,低調卻蘊含能量,兩側的立管射出交錯的光影,猶如穿梭于林中小路,有了光,世界才成為可視的。人們借助光來認識世界,這裏我們用光讓來訪者探尋,尋找那份甯靜,尋找那份情懷。基于石材的使用、磨損、固定方式及紋理等性質,石頭可用于多種形式,飽和的無光澤黑色特質創造出一種庇護和平靜的感覺。客戶希望擁有一座低調的酒店,與粗糙的工業建築相比,客戶更喜歡有溫暖色調的建材,空間用細致有序的方式表現了樹木、石頭的自然之美,極致展現了自然的本質和這些材料的永恒。 人、環境、建築之中尋找一種平衡,彰顯自然的視覺效果,酒店前台透過空間人與質樸的環境互動,純淨視覺及心靈,使客人將外界紛擾逐漸沈澱,讓重心回歸于生活層次,給予空間甯靜的價值,成就簡潔,時尚自然,達到高度融合外部與內部的視覺延伸。木結構展現溫潤舒適,以及吊頂的框架,深顔色使其結構變得甯靜,賦予大堂寂靜感,以喚起人們對空間的觸覺反應,回應高大奢華的集體酒店大堂空間原型的記憶,創造一個甯靜的氛圍。激活走廊空間中的轉換,間接巧妙的嵌入書體櫃形式,灰色調和暗色,緊湊的空間比例,透過燈光緩慢進入,暗示棲息的感覺,柱列的秩序蔓延走道的盡頭,完善透視法的“新空間”的緩慢,賦予寂靜感,喚起人們對客房的向往。 客房分為修身,語舍,探尋,怡然,初心,隱覓,他們都來自于酒店的精神,自然自在,由溫潤木制的觸感,呈現空間的自然與舒緩,使來賓透過材質接口,顔色,從現代繁忙的生活中找尋自然的語彙,喚醒了自然空間中的時尚現代氣息,營造出輕盈,自然的視覺效果,塑造生心靈的調和,讓人與人之間可自在的對話,柔化忙碌的生活情緒,使空間釋放出透明釋壓的氛圍,客房既是一個私密的休息空間,又是一個功能性的工作空間,還可以是一個私人的社交場所。露台是酒店的延伸,所展現的結構具有創新性,“結構感覺”框架輕盈,形成連續的具有高聳結構,適應不對稱性,能産生微妙的活力和空間的連續性,這種連續性掩蓋了其原有的複雜性,低重量、低碳,令人驚訝的平衡且和諧的空間,在充足的光照之下,仿佛樹林般地呼吸著流動的氣息,拱回廊及藝術圍座交錯所呈現輕盈通透的空間感,交錯的呈現,戶外的綠景,擺脫了生冷的原樣,喧吵著人也是自然空間的一環,延續著優雅從容的步調,使來賓沈浸于悠閑緩慢的人文情調,光影的呈現就像是星空的夜晚,休閑自在的氛圍,襯托出沈澱後的繁雜心靈,回歸于自然諧和,享受難得的自然芬芳及遠離都市煩囂,點綴出生活,環境,人文息息相關。我們是促成事物發生的媒介,我們能感受,碰觸,觀看,聆聽,讓事情發生.......抵達,進入,接受,行走,坐下,嗅間,碰觸,準備,愛,照料,睡覺,放松,觀看,觀察等,事情處于發生中,進行中的狀態,而我們是促成的媒介,透過自然元素與日常生活的衆多層面,為空間賦予豐富的意義,光與空氣的獨立片段,令人想起整個世界...... ......
設計主創:何華武 負責項目的概念和方案設計 設計團隊:許太萍、邱燕青 負責項目的溝通、對接及項目的實施
花費6個月時間 項目投入200萬--300萬人民幣
該項目目標旨在給于進駐酒店的客戶一種體驗式棲居,達成目標。 該項目遵從了我司的設計思想輸出,對于人文情懷的關注,設計上給于客戶極強的體驗感。
Project Description
Project Name: Pu Su Boutique Hotel Address: Fuzhou in Fujian Province Design Institution: GTD INTERIOR Design CO., LTD.(FUJIAN)/HUAWUDE DESIGN CONSULTING (FUJIAN) CO.,LTD Chief Designer: He Huawu Design Team: Xu Taiping, Qiu Yanqing, Opening Time: 2016.5 Project Area: 6000m2 Main Material: stone, walnut, glass fiber emulsion paint Photographer: Li Di The design of the boutique hotel aims at providing the guests with the experiential living showing the brand and tradition so that the ambition of the designers is far-sighted and profound. It is different with the universe which continually expands, attenuates and refrigerate. In the past, it is common that the existence of imitation in the design. But now, as the collectivism efforts and design disappear, the longing for individual difference comes into being. They all stand for the different groups so that it is with more importance. At the entrance of hotel, the harmonious design of waterscape and steps appear with great momentum, and it even show out one kind of natural condition of unsaturation. Although it maintains a low profile, it contains enough energy. The shadow sent by the stand pipes at both sides gives us the feeling of walking on the road in the grove. Thanks to the light, the world becomes visible. Human beings learn about the world with the help of light, and we make guests explore the tranquility and feelings through the light. The stones can be used in various forms because of the using, polishing, fixed forms and qualities of texture. The saturated and unpolished black creates one feeling of protection and peace. The guests desire for one hotel with a low key. Compared with the rough industrial architectures, the architectures with the warm tonality are more popular to the guests. The designers try to show the natural beauty of trees and stones through the particularly ordered which completely reveals the natural essence and eternity of the materials. The designers look for one balance among people, environment and architecture in order to show the natural visual effects. The interaction between people and simple environment at the hotel reception purifies guests’ visual feelings and hearts. The wonderful experience keeps guests away from the noisy outside world and focus on the life itself. The design gives the space the value of tranquility, a simple style and the fashion of nature. So the design highly merges the external and internal visual feelings. The wooden structure seems warm and comfortable and the dark color frame of suspended ceiling makes the environment peaceful. The transform of space in the corridor, the indirect ingenious embedded form, the color of gray, the compact proportion of space, the comfortable light, the peaceful feeling and the ordered pillars, all above reveal the tardiness of “new space” and make guests desire for enjoying the guest rooms. There are many styles of guest rooms, such as self-cultivation, rest, exploration, pleasure, beginner’s mind and seclusion, and they all originate from the spirit of hotel which is natural and pleasurable. The wooden structure presents the natural, comfortable and leisurely atmosphere which not only leads guests to explore the natural beauty in the modern and busy life, but also wakes up the modern fashion in natural space. The design leaves the guests the comfortable impression through the light and natural visual effects which realizes the easy communication between people. People here would forget the busy modern life and enjoy the peace without any pressure provided by the space. The guest room is not only a private rest space, but also a work space with the function of private social place. The balcony is the extended part of hotel which is with the creative structure. The structure is continuous and towering, the asymmetry contains subtle vitality and space continuity. That kind of continuity covers up the intrinsic complexity. Under the enough illumination, the low-weight, low carbon, surprising balance and harmonious space let guests seemingly live in the natural wood. The lightsome showed by the stagger ambulatory and seats around, the presentation form and the green view outside make the intrinsic cold disappear. And the people are also one part of natural space containing elegant and calm steps. The guests would definitely be lost in this leisure environment. The shadow is just like the sky with many stars at night. The easy and free atmosphere makes people come back to the harmonious nature to enjoy the valuable beauty and escape from the noise of city. We are the medium facilitating matters’ happening, namely, we can feel, touch, watch, listen and let matters happen...... Arrive, enter, accept, walk, sit, smell, touch, prepare, love, care, sleep, relax, watch and observe, matters are happening, in the continuous tense. We are the medium facilitating matters’ happening, with the help of natural elements and so many sides in common life, we give the space rich meaning. The independent fragment of light and air remind people of the whole world......
User Value
To build the first urban reclusive boutique hotel in the region, The designers look for one balance among people, environment and architecture in order to show the natural visual effects. The interaction between people and simple environment at the hotel reception purifies guests’ visual feelings and hearts. The wonderful experience keeps guests away from the noisy outside world and focus on the life itself. The design gives the space the value of tranquility, a simple style and the fashion of nature. So the design highly merges the external and internal visual feelings.
Business Performance
6 months full house, hotel booking network scoring reputation. Open the new wind direction of boutique hotels in the region.
Social Impact
Original plant, return to value, drive the surrounding commercial quality.
Team Structure
Chief Designer: Frank Ho Responsible for project concept and design Design Team: Xu Taiping, Qiu Yanqing Responsible for project communication, docking and project implementation
Space USES interactive layout to form interesting conversations. Multiple garden beds give users a different experience.
Project Investment
It took six months The project cost 2 million-- 3 million RMB
Project Achievements
The aim of the project is to provide an experiential habitat for customers who enter the hotel to achieve their goals. The project follows the design thought output of our company, and the attention to humanistic feelings is designed to give the customer a strong sense of experience.


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