空间 公共空間 2570 6 2017-07-26
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项目地址:福建长乐 设计单位:共和时代/華伍德設計中心 设计主创:何华武 设计时间:2014.10.10 开放时间:2015.05.15 项目面积:1100平方 摄影 师:周跃东 主要材料:1,木饰面,2,软包,3,黑钛不锈钢,4,乳胶漆,5,灰镜,6,石材 設 計 說 明 詩性·雕塑 我們崇尚質樸的詩性, 寫意處于寫實與抽象之間, 它即不會使人産生一覽無余的簡單, 也不會令人有望而卻步的深奧, 引導人們在一種似曾相識的心理作用下,去把玩、體味,感覺空間的整體及每個局部。細部的“意味”智慧生成形式,寫意凝固著瞬間感悟,凝固著生命的激情,從而更接近于空間的本質。自然地拼棄了表象的細節,抓住並突出客觀事物中的自然交融。 本案是一處展示體驗的交流空間。建築強烈的圖形感,尖峰密集交錯宛如寶石晶體的建築體量,我們希望這種原始、純粹的張力從建築外部延伸到室內空間,以雕塑般的造型及內部豐富的空間和光影,給參觀者驚豔的立面背後是獨特的空間體驗。我們試圖在功能和美學上給空間一個有生氣、創造性、動態的性格。創作這個項目的緣起,是對當下地域人文形勢跳躍性的思考,山嶽幽谷構成想要打造出一個超現代引領時尚的“騷狐”空間。以複雜的、多變且充滿動感的建築形態,消解了形式系統的完整與和諧。運用大膽想象塑造場景形式,生成的是四維化的建築內部空間,內心世界仿佛産生霹雳、爆發性的一種全新精神特質。通過組織,空間實現了張力性與流動性,步入銷售中心的室內空間亦以山嶽幽谷構成。一種縱身傾斜的視覺感,無疑是一種誘惑式的引入空間。進入接待大廳,迎面而來的是充滿力量及動感的形象牆。它屹立在空間之中,使整個空間充滿靈氣和生命力的載體,仿佛走到「山中」,到了「峭壁」之下,體驗那種被衆山環抱的氣勢淩人。進入此區域後、不是一種消費者心理納入空間,而是被建築上另一種的力量完全癡迷。各種空間交互布置,活躍空間的時尚氣息,仿佛建造出一幅充滿力量及動感的山勢地形圖。坐落在休息區沙發邊上的圓柱,平衡了遊客被曲折的山勢地形所帶來的沈悶感。怪石般的沙發座椅,型態各異,卻整齊有致。加上小型書架,山林中仿佛有一處幽谷供遊客賞心悅目的靜心聆聽一番。交互式空間的規劃形成,是空間功能性的最大曲美,人性的供人驅使。“詩性•雕塑”在耐人尋味的時尚幽谷處,並沒有到此完結,探索精神是人類的根基。從兒童遊樂區往下便是無規則迷離的嶙峋怪石,這種幾何風格串聯至室內其他任何角落。由此前行便是到我們的VIP簽約室。別致簽約桌椅是原生態圓柱組成,怪石與山林原木結合,參觀者在室內空間便能感受大自然的活潑力量。VIP簽約室各處牆壁以布滿咖色的三角及傾斜的線列組成,不論室內室外,遊客皆被衆山環抱。開創性地發展了該建築的文化精神,跳出傳統思維的束縛,注入了新的設計理念和設計元素,新的表現語言成就了獨立的風格。它會一直是先鋒前衛的代名詞,這意味著從這裏開始它將是未來的主流。
花費3個月 投入200萬--300萬人民幣
目標是提供消費者在體驗地産開發項目的感官,從而增加銷售的業績。結果是超出比預期的效果更好。 設計的初心我們崇尚質樸的詩性,寫意處于寫實與抽象之間,它即不會使人産生一覽無余的簡單,也不會令人有望而卻步的深奧。 公司遵循的是設計思想的輸出,在空間領域締造詩意人文環境。在戰略上提升了空間價值。
Project Description
Address: fujian changle Design unit: GTD INTERIOR Design CO., LTD.(FUJIAN)/HUAWUDE DESIGN Design principal: Frank Ho Design time: 2014.10.10 Open time: 2015.05.15 Project area: 1100 square Photographer: zhou yuangdong Main materials: 1, wood veneer, 2, soft pack, 3, black titanium stainless steel, 4, latex paint, 5, gray mirror, 6, stone Design Instruction Poetic nature·sculpture We advocate the poetic plain nature.The impressionism, a form between realism and abstraction, is neither too simple nor too complicated. It leads people to feel, to experience and to appreciate the whole and parts of the space, under a kind of familiar psychological effect. Implications in details generate forms subtly and naturally. The impressionism contains momentary inspiration and passion of life so as to get closer to the nature of the space. The design abandons naturally the superficial details, catches and highlights the nature integration of objectives. This case is a communication space for showing the experiencing. The building , with the peaks crossing and overlapping each other, owns a strong graphic sense. We hope the original and pure tension extends from the exterior of building to the interior space. Behind the fantastic facade, the sculptural structure and the rich space and light and shadow endows the visitors a unique space experience. We try to characterize the space as a vivid, creative and dynamic design in the function and aesthetics. The inspiration of this design comes from thinking of present regional culture phenomenon. The structures, which look like mountains and valleys, are supposed to create a trans-modern space which would lead the fashion. The complicate, versatile and dynamic forms of buildings relieve the entirety and harmony of formalism system. The bold imagination is applied to shape the scene of the interior space of the building. And a four-dimensional space is generated which can arise a new explosive spirits from the hearts of visitors. Through the design, the space is endowed with the feature of tension and futility. With the mountain and valley structures, the interior space gives visitors a slant vision, and it undoubtedly seduce them to go into it. When visitors enter the reception hall, they would see the powerful and dynamic image wall. The image wall, standing in the middle of space, makes the space filled with spirit and vitality. It will make the visitors feel like walking between the mountains and under the cliffs to enjoy the charm of nature. After entering this space, instead of keeping in mind the identity of being customers, the visitor would be obsessed by the power of buildings. Various kinds of spaces overlap to make the space fashionable. The design is like a mountain topographic map which is full of power and sense of movement. The cylinder, standing near the sofa in the rest region, balances the depressing feeling of visitors which originated from the winding terrain. The sofas of different forms looks like strange stones but in order. Besides, the mini bookshelf makes the visitors relax themselves. The interactive space fully shows the versatility in structure and humanization in use. The “poetic nature·sculpture” dose not end with the valley-like reception hall. The spirit of exploration is the base of human beings. Go down the kids corner, there are fantastic stones and this style can be seen in the every corner indoor. Through the kids corner, visitors will come to the VIP room. The unique signing tables and chairs are made of original ecology wood cylinders. The combination of strange stones and wood make visitors feel the vitality of nature. Walls of VIP room are covered with dark brown triangles and oblique lines. The design tries to make visitors feel like they are surrounded by the mountains. By creatively developing the cultural spirit of building, getting rid of the traditional constraint, adding new design ideas and elements, the design makes a unique style. It will be the symbol of avant-garde and become the mainstream of the future.
User Value
The situation, context, and immaterialization should start from the perspective of sociology and should be humanistic and poetic. Every base, every place, every moment deserves to be studied seriously, a study of specificity, and the formation of social attention. We try to give space a vibrant, creative, dynamic character in function and aesthetics.
Business Performance
This case is a communication space for showing the experiencing. The building , with the peaks crossing and overlapping each other, owns a strong graphic sense. We hope the original and pure tension extends from the exterior of building to the interior space. Behind the fantastic facade, the sculptural structure and the rich space and light and shadow endows the visitors a unique space experience.
Social Impact
The space used as a real estate sales center does not adopt the established empirical mode of thinking, but the vitality, the future, stimulates the sensory experience of consumers, and promotes the sale of real estate products. Convey the space of poetics, arouse consumer's concern.
Team Structure
Design principal: Frank Ho
Because of the space in the design of the opposite-sex body, there are some challenges, in addition to the model of the way of expression, also adopt the parameterization calculation, can accurately restore the design thought.
Project Investment
3 month The design cost 2 million-- 3 million RMB
Project Achievements
The goal is to provide consumers with the sense of experiencing real estate development projects, thereby increasing sales performance. The result is better than expected. The original heart of design we advocate rustic poetry, the freehand brushwork is between the realistic and the abstract, it is not to make a person to produce a sweeping view of simple, also do not have the abstruse of forbidding. The company follows the design thought output, creates the poetic cultural environment in the space domain. It has promoted spatial value in strategy.


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