Car carbon monoxide alarm
互联网类 车载报警器 1989 0 2021-12-31
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产品通过传感器与物联网技术结合的方式,实时对车内的空气质量进行监测,有效地预防了人在车内一氧化碳中毒的情况发生.根据监测CO的实时浓度判断其危险程度,搭配三级紧急报警器进行报警和辅助救援的工作,从而保障了汽车驾驶员与乘客的安全。 第一级 : 连续报警声和红色灯光闪络报警。 第二级 : 北斗定位短报文传送给紧急联系人. 第三级:通讯物联网操控车窗升降系统,降下车窗,加快空气对流,降低CO浓度,杜绝致命危险.
1~2年 投入50w
Project Description
This is a product that can provide safety protection for life. The product integrates sensors and Internet of Things technology to detect the concentration of co air in the car in real time, and judges for different levels of intervention and rescue, which effectively prevents and solves the problem of car owners. Resting in the car leads to the problem of carbon monoxide poisoning.
User Value
The product monitors the air quality in the car in real time through the combination of sensors and Internet of Things technology, which effectively prevents people from carbon monoxide poisoning in the car. The degree of danger is judged based on the real-time concentration of monitoring CO, with a three-level emergency The alarm performs alarm and auxiliary rescue work, thereby ensuring the safety of car drivers and passengers. The first level: continuous alarm sound and red light flashover alarm. Level 2: Beidou positioning short message is sent to emergency contact. The third level: The communication Internet of Things controls the window lift system, lowers the windows, speeds up the air convection, reduces the CO concentration, and eliminates fatal danger.
Business Performance
Every year accidents caused by co-poisoning in the car often occur, often because the driver or passengers are used to parking without turning off the car while resting in the car. Inattentiveness leads to irreversible regrets. The alarm can ensure the safety of passengers and drivers in the car, and effectively prevent and solve the problem of car owners resting in the car, leading to carbon monoxide poisoning.
Social Impact
Every year accidents caused by co-poisoning in the car often occur, often because the driver or passengers are used to parking without turning off the car while resting in the car. Inattentiveness leads to irreversible regrets. The alarm effectively prevents and solves the problem of carbon monoxide poisoning caused by car owners resting in the car.
Team Structure
The project was jointly developed and designed by Foshan Loge Technology Co., Ltd. and Sanqiaohui (Foshan) New Materials Co., Ltd. Many designers, engineers, and R&D personnel participated in the project. Sanqiaohui Technology R&D engineering team provided software and hardware technology Support, the Loge structure R&D and supply chain team is responsible for product structure design and supply chain management, and the Loge industrial design team is responsible for product user experience upgrade strategy and appearance design.
The product monitors the air quality in the car in real time through the combination of sensors and Internet of Things technology, which effectively prevents people from carbon monoxide poisoning in the car. The degree of danger is judged based on the real-time concentration of monitoring CO, with a three-level emergency The alarm performs alarm and auxiliary rescue work, thereby ensuring the safety of car drivers and passengers.
Project Investment
1~2 years Invest 50w
Project Achievements
Every year accidents caused by CO poisoning in the car often occur. The alarm can ensure the safety of passengers and drivers in the car. The product integrates sensors and Internet of Things technology to detect the concentration of CO air in the car in real time and make judgments. Different levels of intervention and rescue are carried out to effectively prevent and solve the problem of carbon monoxide poisoning caused by car owners resting in the car.


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