DCDECOR showroom
空间 陈设销售 6768 4 2017-07-13
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中文 / English
吉尔·卡菲亚生于法国,旅游工作于各地,是世界知名设计师、创意人、艺术家。修读时装及纺织设计,后来在巴黎从事高级定制的纺织设计。靳刘高设计协助从事软装陈设与装饰品贸易的【DCDECOR 点翠】将GILLES CAFFIER的作品引进中国市场,负责打造独特的品牌与推广形象,以及品牌展厅与展览的空间设计。 吉尔的作品充满了个性,它们诞生于手工和自然,同时包含了对技术的琢磨,是对我们所在世界非同一般的演绎。他游走在种种原生材料间,如木、云石、赤铁矿、陶器等,随心所欲地创造对比,完成转换:皮革化作金属,粗糙显得柔软,连最精微之处也显得生机勃勃。他游走于自然之美与岁月痕迹之间,逐一细致润色,线条干净、感性、甚至出乎意料。对美学和材料本质的驾轻就熟,使其作品越趋完美。独特的创意思维结合高尖的工艺制作,珍稀材料的运用与完美细节的打造,让吉尔每件作品皆有“Couture高级定制”的烙印。丰富的艺术触感与自然的特质,跨越了不同国度与装饰风格,深受各界高端客户的青睐。 为了使中国的消费者更好的理解GILLES CAFFIER的艺术,靳刘高与【合力映像】制作《The Art of Gilles Caffier 》纪录短片,通过影像展示吉尔的创作理念与作品魅力。 体验空间中的生活比空间更重要,空间是生活中的一部分。空间设计是围绕Gilles Caffier的品牌调性而开展,为展现产品的高端、艺术与自然属性,用了先扬后抑的空间格局,整面灰玻,意在朦胧中探索与发现。穿过弧形入口,浓厚的艺术气质迎面而来。高低相间的层板还原了大自然气息。一个灰度空间,洗涤了城市浮华,沉淀了一切可能,灯光在空气中错落有致,材质在光影中变幻虚实,自然的生命力在展厅中悄然生长。走过前厅,是更具生活气息的后厅,“舒适自然、文化质感、高级定制”的特质更加突出。形式由内容积淀而来,对生活的想象力与期许,落成一件件真挚而细腻的作品,静置于生活的每个角落,如木,温润而不失张力;如云石,坚毅而不失优雅;如赤铁矿,熠熠生辉而不失沉稳;如陶器,质朴而不失精致,各种原生材料在生活中留下了自然与岁月的痕迹,一如空间中所营造的层层蕴染。生活是艺术,艺术即是生活。
Project Description
World famous designer, creator, and artist, Gilles Caffier, who was born in France, has been traveling and working worldwide. He studied Fashion and Textile Design in school and now works as a textile designer for high-end tailor in Paris. KL&K Design has cooperated with DCDECOR, a company featured in soft furnishing decorations and decoration trade, to bring Gilles Caffier’s work into China. KL&K Design is responsible for the unique brand building, the spread of the image, and the space design of its showroom and exhibition room. Gilles’ artwork show a very strong personality. They were made from hands and the nature, with techniques and polishing, as if an elaboration of the world we live in. Gilles wanders among various raw materials, such as wood, marbles, hematite, and earthenware. He follows his heart in creating and transforming. From leather to metal, the rough seems soft, and even the most subtle spot is full of energy. Gilles also wanders between the beauty of nature and the trace of time. He carefully polishes every single one, unexpectedly making the lines clean and emotional. His experience in aesthetic and materials makes his work nearly perfect. Unique creation with top techniques, the use of rare materials with perfect detail making, together label his work with “Haute Couture.” A rich touch of art and the distinguishing characteristics of nature have spanned across multiple nations and decoration styles, winning attentions from customers of all fields. In order for Chinese consumers to get a better understanding of Gilles Caffier’s artwork, KL&K Design has worked with Hand In Hand Productions in producing a documentary film “The Art of Gilles Caffier” to show Grilles’ creation concept and artwork. To experience the life in space is more important than the space itself, as space is part of our life. The space design centers on the brand tonality. To show the deluxe, artistic and natural quality of the product, the spacial layout opens up after a restrained tone, a way of “exalting after eliminating.” The entire glass appears grey to imply the possibility of discovery. Passing the curved entrance, one is surrounded by artistic atmosphere. Higher ceilings alternating with lower ones resemble the spirit of nature. This grayish space washes off the ostentatious urban lifestyle, leaving all kinds of possibilities. The spotlights scatter in the air, in which the materials seem to fluctuate between imagination and reality. From every corner the vitality of nature revives. Passing the front lobby, there comes the inner lobby, which is more lively. It emphasizes more on qualities such as “comfortable natural, cultural, haute couture.” Forms come from contents, as every sincere work that placed in corners come from expectation of life. The work are like wood, gentle yet with tension; they are like marble, firm yet elegant; they are like hematite, dazzling yet steady; they are like earthenware, plain yet delicate. The trace of time left by these raw materials is just as the layers constructed by the space. Life is art, and art is all about life.


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