Kaadas 2022 Exhibition Hall
商业空间类 展示空间设计 279 0 2023-12-29
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格外空间以具有前瞻性的商业体验策略,用直观、有力的空间语言构建视觉,使来访者感知强大品牌内核,传递品牌创新、突破、探索未来的态度。凯迪仕2022展馆串联起品牌与用户在线下的真实链接。 01外部空间呈现 我们打造高 6 米的巨型全息 3D 装置,作为入口空间的最大亮点。利用装置屏幕与墙体的强烈分割线条抓住来访者视线,带来极为震撼的超尺度空间体验。高端智能生活科技氛围巧妙流动于空间之中,运用空间的美学让用户充分感受品牌调性。 02中心主推产品区 中心展台提炼“时间之轴”设计概念,链接起由智能锁延伸的未来生活方式。空间线条由外向内纵向延伸,自然引导用户向内探索,自然、连贯地打造观者动线,同时给予用户强烈的未来空间感知。 03内部产品体验区 作为中心产品展示区,我们赋予其以时间为轴的概念,以引领未来的全新视觉,革新空间体验。位于中心展台最前端,是象征匠心打造产品的装置,寓意产品都在精炼中诞生,我们将「凯迪仕」对产品创新、产品品质的追求立体化,完整呈现在用户面前。 以卖点传播为导向,将锁与智能控制设备联合方式视觉化,最直观展现产品的智能化控制过程。在空间维度上,通过利落线条元素与坚硬金属材质的碰撞,传达出「凯迪仕」的品牌概念 —— 让生活更加智能、安全、高效。 04品牌服务专区 设计运用两侧往上逐渐向内倾斜的墙体设计,意象化“未来·你来”主题,仿佛一扇通往未来的时空之门,指引用户在品牌服务专区进行更深层次的互动与沟通。 高级、极简的背景设计,体现出「凯迪仕」强而有力的品牌形象,空间传达品牌精神,持续致力于为人类创造未来美好生活的无限可能。
中国建博会(广州)一直是凯迪仕开拓渠道的重要平台。格外空间作为凯迪仕的长期合作伙伴,吸睛的展馆设计帮助凯迪仕与广大消费者、合作伙伴们实现了近距离交流,助力凯迪仕在品牌和渠道方面持续出圈。凯迪仕2022展馆以领跑者之姿,完成了又一次品牌风采的展示。 格外空间结合凯迪仕的“未来·你来”主题,颠覆传统固化形式,在现实世界为来访者缔造超乎预期的未来视野。展馆作为真实触达人群且产生交流互动的重要媒介,顺畅的用户体验,未来感空间美学,打造出极具科技感和未来感的沉浸式观展空间,满足打卡、发布会论坛、精品展示等多功能,实现一馆多用的商业价值,助力凯迪仕打造具有跨越意义的品牌价值体验。 凯迪仕2022展馆惊艳面世,各圈层多位百万级网红云集打卡直播,打破了圈层的限制,品牌凭借实力圈粉不同圈层的消费群体。众多主流及行业媒体聚集报道,线上线下裂变传播,收获高关注度和权威认证,再掀行业新热潮。凯迪仕网红展馆的相关内容热度居高不下,引发广泛讨论,以建博会为端口,品牌打造出了属于自身的流量“引力场”。
格外空间通过用户与市场研究、展示体验策略、展示设计、体验流程设计、空间设计、媒体设计、成本评估、打样跟踪、建造跟踪,通过科技与美学的展馆空间,塑造出凯迪仕追求突破、不断探索的创新精神。展馆扩大了凯迪仕品牌价值的传递范围,增加了现场曝光,使得品牌口碑爆棚,激活了线下渠道,实现品牌、代理商、消费者多方共赢。 设计师遵循“绿色设计与可持续发展”的目标,展馆空间除了竖立的木质结构皆可拆卸重复使用,例如数字化内容屏幕、模块化展示柜、地面铺设玻璃及石头。高达6米、总面积228㎡的裸眼3D可拆卸巨幕屏通过数字化内容,呈现出极具科技感和未来感的沉浸式观展空间。同时空间背景使用艺术环保涂料,打造出科技前沿的质感界面。
目标:展馆呈现凯迪仕品牌与产品实力,洞察品牌,了解“竞品”,寻求差异化,加强“智能锁=凯迪仕”的市场认知。 方法论:我们通过“场-人-焦点-事件-内容-传播”的格外空间展会方法论,与友商形成集群效应并达成错维竞争,空间视觉爆点锁住来访者的注意力,因产品陈列方式体验新颖走进展馆,产品信息可视化而与品牌产生交流,建立高频的接触才有高质转化。 结果:集科技与美学的展馆吸引了众多观展人员驻足询问,在实际体验中革新了大家对智能锁的固有想象,使得凯迪仕年度新品脱颖而出,品牌热度走高实力出圈。
Project Description
We have broken through XR technology and created the first "naked eye 3D three fold giant screen" around the theme of "Future, You Come". We have created an immersive exhibition space with a strong sense of technology and futuristic, which meets multiple functions such as check-in, press conference forums, and boutique displays, achieving the commercial value of one museum with multiple uses. Create a blockbuster point for "Kaadas" with tens of millions of traffic clocking in, and use eye-catching design to create massive online and offline self dissemination.
User Value
inDareSpace adopts a forward-looking business experience strategy, using intuitive and powerful spatial language to construct a visual experience, enabling visitors to perceive a strong brand core and convey an attitude of brand innovation, breakthrough, and exploration of the future. The Kaadas 2022 exhibition hall connects the real link between the brand and users offline. 01External spatial presentation We create a giant holographic 3D device with a height of 6 meters as the biggest highlight of the entrance space. Utilizing the strong segmentation lines between the device screen and the wall to capture the visitor's line of sight, bringing an extremely shocking ultra scale spatial experience. The high-end intelligent lifestyle technology atmosphere cleverly flows into the space, utilizing the aesthetics of the space to fully experience the brand's tone for users. 02 Center's main product area The central exhibition booth extracts the design concept of "time axis" and links the future lifestyle extended by smart locks. The spatial lines extend vertically from the outside to the inside, naturally guiding users to explore inward, creating a natural and coherent flow for users, while giving them a strong sense of future space. 03 Internal product experience area As the central product display area, we endow it with the concept of time axis to lead the future with a new visual experience and innovate the space.Located at the forefront of the central booth, it is a device that symbolizes craftsmanship in creating products, symbolizing the birth of products in refinement. We present the three-dimensional pursuit of product innovation and quality by "Kaadas" in front of users. Guided by selling point communication, visualize the combination of locks and intelligent control devices, and most intuitively demonstrate the intelligent control process of the product.In terms of spatial dimension, the collision between sharp line elements and hard metal materials conveys the brand concept of "Kaadas" - making life more intelligent, safe, and efficient. 04 Brand Service Zone The design utilizes a wall design that gradually slopes inward on both sides, symbolizing the theme of "Future · You Come", as if a door to the future, guiding users to deeper interaction and communication in the brand service area. The advanced and minimalist background design reflects the strong and powerful brand image of "Kaadas", conveying the brand spirit in the space, and continuously committed to creating infinite possibilities for a better future life for humanity.
Business Performance
The China Construction Expo (Guangzhou) has always been an important platform for Kaadas to explore channels. As a long-term partner of Kaadas, inDareSpace's eye-catching exhibition design has helped Kaadas achieve close communication with consumers and partners, helping Kaadas continue to excel in brand and channel aspects. The Kaadas 2022 exhibition hall has once again showcased its brand style as a leader. inDareSpace combined with Kaadas' theme of "Future, You Come", subverts traditional fixed forms and creates unexpected future perspectives for visitors in the real world. The exhibition hall, as an important medium for truly reaching the audience and generating communication and interaction, provides a smooth user experience and futuristic space aesthetics, creating an immersive exhibition space with a strong sense of technology and futurism. It meets the needs of multiple functions such as check-in, press conferences, forums, and boutique displays, realizing the commercial value of one hall and helping Kaadas create a brand value experience with leapfrog significance. The Kaadas 2022 exhibition hall was stunningly launched, with multiple million level internet celebrities from various circles checking in and live streaming, breaking the limitations of the circle. The brand gained popularity among different consumer groups based on its strength. Numerous mainstream and industry media have gathered to report and spread online and offline, gaining high attention and authoritative certification, and reigniting a new wave in the industry. The popularity of the Kaadas internet celebrity exhibition hall has been high, sparking widespread discussions. With the construction of the Expo as the port, the brand has created its own traffic "gravity field".
Social Impact
inDareSpace shapes Kaadas' innovative spirit of pursuing breakthroughs and continuous exploration through user and market research, display experience strategies, display design, experience process design, space design, media design, cost evaluation, sample tracking, and construction tracking in the exhibition space of technology and aesthetics. The exhibition hall has expanded the scope of Kaadas brand value transmission, increased on-site exposure, boosted brand reputation, activated offline channels, and achieved a win-win situation for brands, agents, and consumers. The designer adheres to the goal of "green design and sustainable development", and the exhibition hall space can be dismantled and reused except for the vertical wooden structure, such as digital content screens, modular display cabinets, glass and stone flooring. The bare eye 3D detachable giant screen, which is up to 6 meters high and has a total area of 228 square meters, presents an immersive exhibition space with a strong sense of technology and futuristic through digital content. At the same time, the space background uses artistic and environmentally friendly coatings to create a cutting-edge texture interface.
Project Achievements
Objective: The exhibition hall presents the brand and product strength of Kaadas, insight into the brand, understanding "competitors", seeking differentiation, and strengthening the market awareness of "smart locks=Kaadas". Methodology: We use the special spatial exhibition methodology of "venue person focus event content dissemination" to form a cluster effect with our friends and achieve multi-dimensional competition. The spatial visual explosion points lock the attention of visitors, and the product display experience is novel. We enter the exhibition hall, where product information visualization leads to communication with the brand, establishing high-frequency contact to achieve high-quality transformation. Result: The exhibition hall that combines technology and aesthetics has attracted many visitors to stop and inquire. In the actual experience, it has innovated everyone's inherent imagination of smart locks, making the annual new product of Kaadas stand out, and the brand's popularity has increased and its strength has gone out of the circle.


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商业空间类餐厅 1740