Midea U 窗机
Midea U window AC
家庭办公类 窗式空调 2683 0 2022-12-31
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窗机从诞生至今一直没有突破改变。安装困难、窗户打不开、噪音大一直是困扰用户的主要痛点,但由于窗机固有的长方体结构和造型所限,用户痛点没有得到很好解决,窗机一直给人低端落后的产品印象。为从根本上扭转窗机在人们心目中的不良印象,我们遵循为用户创造美好生活体验的设计理念,致力于解决用户痛点,我们团队历时3年,走访美国18座城市,聆听91个用户的家庭故事,研究了无数个技术方案,最终设计开发出了这款全新Midea U窗机。 这是一款易安装、可自由开窗、舒适静音窗式空调。它打破了传统的安装方式,独特的凹槽和“翅膀”设计使安装变得非常简单快捷,任何用户都可以快速完成安装。安装好的空调两侧没有要挡板,使得窗户得更加通透,最大限度地保留了窗户采光面积。当用户想要打开窗户时,不用拆卸空调便可以随心所欲拉开窗户,自由呼吸室外新鲜空气。当窗户插入凹槽中,噪音被隔离在室外,室内变得安静,同时采用变频技术,使室噪音达到图书馆般安静。
我们重新思考窗机与窗户的关系,对现有产品进行颠覆与重构,重新分割出窗机不同的分区结构,在窗机本身设计出既能间隔室内外环境,又能容许窗户自由穿插的空间。从这点出发,我们将功能与形式美学结合,设计出这款U型窗机,它不仅提供了前所未有的美学体验,还具有快速安装、自由开窗、图书馆级静音功能,创造了独一无二的用户体验。 造型方面: Midea U 颠覆了现有窗机几十年来一成不变、呆板厚重的长方体造型设计,首次采用将窗机机身一分为二、侧面为U形态带旋转安装翅膀的设计,室内外机身形成通过U型槽连接的分体状态,整体造型更灵活、轻巧。U形态机身和安装翅膀是产品最具特色的部分,且具有强大的使用功能,开创了全新的使用体验。 Midea U窗机安装后,窗门可以插入U型槽内一拉到底,可以自由关闭和打开窗户,解决了传统窗机安装占据大面积窗户,安装后窗户关不上、打不开的痛点,保持了窗户原来的使用状态。因U形态设计赋予窗户自由开关功能,以及机身简洁的正面设计,无论窗户打开或关闭的状态,U造型窗机都能与窗户形成流畅的线面过渡,完美融入家居环境,总体给人不显突兀、和谐统一的视觉感受及安心放松的空间感受。 为勾勒出窗机产品灵动的视觉效果,我们大胆将鸟类翅膀收束及张开状态的仿生设计延伸到窗机产品形态设计上,在U型槽位置设计了可翻转的安装翅膀,安装翅膀张开即与窗框拼接,使整个窗户更具整体性和协调性,翅膀收起即可以藏于U型槽内,整体安装形态更灵活生动,生气盎然。 出风口根据仿真采用57°倾斜设计,抛物线路径送风,送风范围更广更远,保证用户在任何位置都可以享受到凉爽。正面面板及出风口采用整体圆角设计,足以让机身融合进不同个性的家居环境。出风口采用可自动开闭的贯通导风板设计,闭合时保持产品的整体性,不显突兀,颠覆了传统窗机出风口裸露的一贯式设计。4719个精密均匀排布的微孔式进气风道,使机身正面视觉上更加和谐完整。 在外观造型表达上,我们遵循极简主义,利用几何的形态、整体的圆角手法,致力打造出简约而不打扰的感觉,抑制存在感,营造令人愉悦的生活空间。机身柔和,与窗户融为一体,在房间内都不会过分强调空调的存在,为用户创造安心放松的空间,使用户实现内心的平静。 功能方面: 实现了窗机的便捷安装、自由换新风、超静音等突破性功能。 (1)三步简易安装窗机:“安装翅膀”与一体式安装支架配合,用户能够自主安装窗机,一改传统窗机12步复杂的安装环节,将安装步骤简化为3步安装,安装时间节约60%。 (2)自由开窗换新风:U型槽的设计,使窗户实现自由开关,享受清凉的同时也兼顾了室内空气质量调节。 (3)舒适超静音:通过“U”型槽隔断,结合双层真空窗的隔音效果,有效的阻断了室外噪音向室内噪音传递,解决了传统窗机噪音。 Midea U窗机,重新定义了窗式空调,推动了窗式空调品类形态变革,占领用户心智。 用户声音: “创新瞬间改变了整个品类的产品设计”——Cool HUNTING “令人庆幸的是,解决窗式空调问题的方案终于出现了”——YAHOO “他让你不禁疑问,为什么空调从一开始就不是这样的?”——DIGITAL TRENDS
该项目改变了窗式空调品类现状,重新定义了窗式空调,引领窗式空调变革: 1、颠覆设计,引领海外市场的空调消费习惯 由于具有结构简单、生产成本较低、价格便宜、安装方便、运行可靠等优点,窗机在全球范围内广泛销售,尤其在北美、拉美、澳洲、中东以及中国香港等地区保持较高的市场占有率。 但是经过近九十年的发展时间,窗机依然保留着一些用户痛点:由于窗机需要安装在窗户上,而且机身两侧需要密封,从而会影响室内的采光,有碍美观;并且安装后窗户不能只有开关,限制了室内外空气的流通换新;一体化设计的窗机的压缩机和风扇的噪音并不能与室内侧有效隔离,导致室内侧噪音扰人。 应用本外观设计的Midea U窗机产品,打破窗机行业传统的方形外观机身形态和固有印象,采用颠覆性的U型设计,使得窗户能自由打开及关闭,人们可以随心打开窗户为室内换新风,从根本上解决了室内空气不流通的痛点。自该窗机上市后,尤其是在疫情期间,该窗机以高端机型在市场迅速走俏,得到海外消费者的认可,迅速引领人们的窗机消费习惯,由购买低端、廉价的传统窗机到追求高端、易安装、健康换新风的窗式空调产品,从而改善人们生存环境及生活品质。 2.U型槽设计给人们带来升级体验 应用本外观设计的Midea U窗机产品,通过“U”型槽两侧的隔断和吸音作用,结合双层真空窗的隔音效果,有效的阻断了室外噪音向室内噪音传递,解决了传统窗机噪音痛点。 安装有Midea U窗机的窗户,在将窗户拉到底的关闭状态下,可将室内外环境完全隔离开,阻断了室外侧压缩机、室外风扇及户外环境等噪音源进入室内,而且还保证了安装窗机后,室内始终具有良好的隔热量及采光率。经科学测试,传统窗机正常运行时会产生超过70分贝的噪音量,而Midea U窗机正常运行时的噪音量仅有37分贝,打造图书馆级静音环境,U形态实现了窗机噪音质的飞跃!实现人们内心的宁静,也更贴近大自然! 3. 独特时尚外观有利于树立良好的企业形象 一直以来,大众在选择窗机时,只能选择方块型呆板的窗机,忍受传统窗机的噪音和封闭的室内环境。在已经饱受同质化、价格战冲击的国内外空调产品同质化和竞争激烈化的今天,亟需一个品牌、一款外形和功能突破的产品重新定义窗式空调、激活潜在市场空间! 该产品新颖独特的U形态突破了传统窗机的设计思路,进行突破性设计,外观上从整体线面运用、材质运用无不凸显产品的科技感和与众不同,并使“简约、独特、自由”的U形态在紧凑的窗机机身中得以实现,大胆突破了“窗户只能固定卡位于窗机顶部”的思维天花板! 自Midea U窗机上市以来,一直受到消费者的追捧,而且用户好评率一直保持100%,消费者对美的空调在欧美地区市场以OEM为主的形象,转变为拥有自主品牌、自主独创技术以及创新变革精神的OBM公司,在激烈的欧美市场也拥有属于中国品牌的一方天地。美的集团“科技尽善,生活尽美”的形象也从此更深入人心,进一步稳固了美的在全球家用空调领域的地位。
根据公司全球突破战略,构建了一支跨国籍、跨文化的国际团队,团队成员都是当地资深产品经理和资深工程师组成,该项目是团体成立的第一个项目,从立项到交付,整个团队二十几名成员通力合作,历时3年,从概念调研开始,走访美国18座城市,聆听91个用户的家庭故事,挖掘出概念,研究了无数个技术方案,最终设计开发出了这款全新Midea U窗机。
1. 北美窗机市场竞争日趋激烈,根据公司经营战略和产品创新路径,利CDOC方法论,发掘出创新概念,开发全新一代窗机,引领行业创新,打造溢价爆款;最终的结果是Midea U在市场和品牌影响力方面都取得了出乎意料的表现,被CNN评为“2020最佳窗机空调” 2. 做这个项目是为了遵循公司产品领先、全球突破的战略,项目最终成为该战略的标杆性产品。该项目基于用户洞察,推动基础技术突破,实现对现有产品的颠覆与重构,在包括CNN、YAHOO、纽约时报等头部测评机构在内的32次独立第三方测评中评为最佳,获得2020年中国外观专利银奖以及红点和IDEA设计大奖,推动Midea自有品牌成为北美市场高端份额第一,Google搜索指数同比上涨超过10倍,沉淀了以海外研发布局为支点的OBM产品研发新模式,迈向全球突破。
Project Description
Since the invention of window-type air conditioner, there are few changes on it. Users are suffering from its hard installation, restriction on opening window and loud noise, which are still not solved today due to its cuboid structure and form, leaving a low-end feeling. To fundamentally reverse the negative impression of window-type AC in users’ mind, following the design method of creating better life and solving the user pain points, visiting 18 US cities to listen to the stories of 91 families and developed numberless tech proposals, we designed this brand-new Midea U shape window-type air conditioner. This is a window AC which realizes easy installation, window opening, comfort and quietness. Its unique groove structure and “wings” design is a break through to traditional installation method and makes the process simple and fast, and anyone can finish it in a short time. No guard is needed on the sides of an installed AC, making the window clearer and allowing more light to go through it. Users can open the window as will and enjoy fresh air from outdoors without removing the AC. When the window is inserted into the groove, the noise is isolated outside, making the space quiet. What is more, its inverter technology makes it even quieter like a library.
User Value
We rethink the relationship between window AC and window, subvert and reconstruct existing products, re-divide the partition structures of the window AC, and design a space in the window AC itself that can both separate the indoor and outdoor spaces as well as allow windows to intersperse freely. From this point, we combined function and aesthetics to design this U-shaped window AC, which not only provides an unprecedented aesthetic experience, but also features quick installation, free window opening, and library-level silence, creating a unique user experience. Design: Midea U overturns decades of unchanging and heavy rectangular shape design of existing window units, and for the first time adopts the design of splitting the window unit body into two. It has a U-shaped side with rotating mounting wings integrated in, and the indoor and outdoor bodies form a split state connected by U-shaped slots, making the overall shape more flexible and lighter. The U-shaped body and mounting wings are the most distinctive parts of the product and have powerful functions, creating a new experience. After installation, the window can be inserted into the U-shaped slot to its end, allowing users to freely close and open the window, which solves the pain point that the traditional window AC installation occupies a large area of the window resulting as preventing users from opening and closing the window freely, and maintain the original state of use of the window. Because the U-shaped design allows the window to be switched freely plus follows the simple frontal design, whether the window is open or closed, U-shaped window AC can form a smooth line transition with the window, perfectly integrate into the home environment, give people a non-obtrusive, harmonious and unified visual experience and create a space for relax and peace. In order to outline the visual effect of the window AC products, we boldly apply the bionic design of the bird's wing bundle and open state to the design of the product. The wings are designed inside the slot of the window, and when being opened, they splice with the window frame, so that the whole window looks more integral and coordinated. The wings can be hidden in the U-shaped slot, making overall installation form more flexible and vivid, vibrant. The air outlet is designed with 57° inclination according to the simulation, and the parabolic path sends air wider and farther to ensure that users can enjoy the coolness in any position. The front panel and air outlet are designed with overall rounded corners, allowing the body to blend into different personalities of the home environment. The air outlet is designed with an automatic opening and closing through-air guide plate, which keeps the product integral and unobtrusive when closed, overturning the consistent design of the traditional window unit with exposed air outlet. 4719 precise and evenly arranged micro-hole air inlet ducts make the front of the AC visually more harmonious and complete. In the expression of the exterior shape, we follow the minimalism, using the geometry of the form, the overall rounded approach, and strive to create a simple and non-intrusive feeling, inhibit the sense of existence, to create a pleasant living space. The body is soft and blends in with the windows, not even overemphasizing the presence of the air conditioner in the room, creating a space for the user to relax at ease and achieve inner peace. Functionality: Midea U window AC achieves breakthrough features such as easy installation, free fresh air exchange, and ultra-quiet. (1) Three-step easy installation: with the "installation wings" and integrated installation bracket, the user can independently install the window unit, simplifying the traditional 12-step complex installation of the window unit to 3-step, saving 60% of the installation time. (2) Free to open the window for fresh air: the design of the U-shaped slot allows the window to achieve free opening and closing. It not only let users enjoy the coolness but also take into account the indoor air quality regulation. (3) Comfortable super quiet: through the "U" slot partition, combined with the double-layer vacuum window sound insulation, it effectively blocks the transmission of outdoor noise going indoors, solving the noise problem of a traditional window AC. Midea U window AC redefines window air conditioner, promotes the change of window air conditioner category and occupies the user's mind. Users' voice: Its innovation changes the design of the whole product type. - Cool HUNTING Thankfully, there may finally be a solution to all of our window A/C problems. - YAHOO It sort of make you wonder why AC units weren't designed like this from the get-go. - DIGITAL TRENDS
Social Impact
The project changes the status quo of the window air conditioner category, redefines window air conditioners and leads the change of them. 1. Subverting the design and leading the air conditioning consumption habits in overseas markets Due to the advantages of simple structure, low production cost, cheap price, easy installation and reliable operation, window ACs are widely sold worldwide, especially in North America, Latin America, Australia, the Middle East, Hong Kong plus other regions and maintain a high market share. However, after nearly nine decades of development, window ACs still retain some user pain points: as the window AC needs to be installed in the window, and both sides of the body needs to be sealed, it affects the indoor lighting and hinders aesthetics. Also, after installation, the window can not be switched, limiting the air circulation between indoors and outdoors. The noise of compressor and fan in the integrated body of the window AC cannot be effectively isolated, resulting in noise disturbance on the indoor side. The Midea U window unit with this design breaks the traditional square shape plus inherent impression of the window AC industry and adopts a subversive U-shaped design that allows the window to be opened and closed freely, so that people can open the window at will for air exchange, which fundamentally solves the pain point of no indoor air circulation. Since the window unit was launched, especially during the epidemic, the window unit quickly became popular in the market with high-end models, and was recognized by overseas consumers, quickly leading people's consumption habits of window AC from buying low-end, cheap traditional window units to pursuing high-end, easy-to-install, healthy new air conditioning products, thus improving people's living environment and quality of life. 2. U-slot design brings people an upgraded experience The Midea U window unit design effectively blocks the transmission of noise from outdoors to indoors through the partition and sound absorption on both sides of the "U" slot, combined with the sound insulation effect of the double-layer vacuum window. It solves the noise pain point of traditional window AC. The windows installed with Midea U window unit can completely separate the indoor and outdoor environment when the window is pulled to the bottom, blocking the noise sources such as compressor, outdoor fan and outdoor environment from entering the room, and also ensure that the room always has good heat insulation as well as daylighting after the installation. Scientific tests show that traditional window units generate more than 70 dB of noise during normal operation, while the noise level of Midea U window units is only 37 dB during normal operation, creating a library-grade silent environment. The U form has achieved a qualitative leap in window unit noise. It realizes people's inner peace, and makes the, closer to nature! 3. Unique and fashionable appearance is conducive to establishing a good corporate image All along, when selecting a window AC, the public can only choose the square-type dull window machine, endure the traditional window machine noise and closed indoor environment. In today's homogenized, competitive domestic and international air conditioning products, which have been subject to homogenization and price wars, there is an urgent need for a brand and a product with a breakthrough in form and function to redefine window air conditioners and activate potential market space! The novel and unique U-shape of the product breaks through the design of traditional window unit. It has innovative design, appearance from the overall use of lines and materials to highlight the product's sense of technology and distinctive, and realizes the "simple, unique, free" U-shape in the compact window body. It is a bold breakthrough to the idea that "window can only be fixed on the top of the window unit"! Since the Midea U window unit was launched, it has been sought after by consumers, and the user praise rate has been maintained at 100%. The image of Midea's air conditioners in the European and American markets, which were mainly OEM, has been transformed into an OBM company with its own brand, original technology and innovative change spirit, and stand a place as a Chinese brand in the fierce European and American markets. The image of Midea Group of "the best of technology, the best of life" has also been more deeply rooted in people's hearts, further solidifying Midea's position in the global home air conditioning field.
Project Investment
Following the “global breakthrough” strategy of the corporation, we established an international team with cross nationality and culture. Our team members are all local senior product PMs and engineers, and this is the first project since the start of this team. From project start to market, about 20 members of the group worked together. The project took 3 years. We started from concept investigation, visited US cities and interviewed users to dig concepts, and developed this Midea U window AC after countless prototype development.
Project Achievements
1. The North American window unit market is becoming increasingly competitive. According to the company's business strategy and product innovation path, with the CDOC methodology, we discovered innovative concepts and developed a new generation of window AC, leading industry innovation and creating a premium model. The end result is that Midea U has achieved unexpected performance in the market and brand influence, by CNN as the "2020 best Window unit air conditioner". 2. The project was done to follow the company's strategy of product leadership and global breakthroughs, and the project eventually became a benchmark product for that strategy. The project was based on user insight, drove fundamental technology breakthroughs and achieved disruption and reconstruction of existing products. It was rated as the best in 32 independent third-party reviews including CNN, YAHOO, New York Times and other headline reviewers, and won the 2020 China Appearance Patent Silver Award, the Red Dot Award as well as IDEA design award , driving Midea's own brand to become the number one high-end share in the North American market. Google search index rose more than 10 times year-on-year and precipitated a new model of OBM product development with overseas R&D layout as the fulcrum, moving towards a global breakthrough.


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