TV APIs for the 2021 Legislative Council General Election
视觉传达类 廣告 906 0 2022-12-30
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Chinese / English
Creative Director: Mandy Tsang, Art Director: Kat Luk, Storyboard Artists: Ivy Sin, Charmian Cheung, Design: Helen Cheung, Script writing: Wilson LUI, 3D Design & Animation: Sam LEE, Chris NGAN, Ann CHOI and Snoopy HO Music: Anthony Liu
香港立法會換屆選舉每四年舉行一次。這是公眾決定在這段時間內誰將在議會中代表他們的重要日子。選舉的日期定在 2021 年 12 月 19 日,提名候選人的晉升和投票日計劃在 10 月下旬至 11 月初的活動前約 1.5 個月開始。 我們對整個活動進行了全面的包裝,包括設計和造型、TVC 和中英文道路文案編寫,以及 3D 動畫和動態圖形,並製作了兩個電視宣傳短片 (API),我們將場景設置為緊湊的,就像香港城市一樣。我們希望強調每一票重要性,並有助於決定香港經濟、環境、教育和生活水平的基礎設施和其錯綜複雜的運作。 當中第一條短片用作宣傳選舉提名,創作透過呈現投票箱內的世界以抽象的手法,帶出選民的每一票如何令城市運作得更美好的重要性。我們選用了淺珊瑚色作主色調,搭配綠色,呼應這座充滿生機的城市準備「重新出發」。 第二條短片為投票日呼籲投票作宣傳。創作再次透過呈現投票箱內部,顯示香港都市裡日常忙碌的細節和解釋這次選舉的目的。片中運用滾動球貫穿不同畫面,寓意投票是一個必須經歷的過程,並能幫助我們達到更理想的未來。這條短片以綠色為主色調,寓意「一齊迎接一個新的未來吧」。 隨著新的立法會成員將被選,這兩條短片清楚地闡明了選舉的信息,亦讓公眾了解這過程,明白提名和投票對推動社會的重要性。
為進一步推廣這項重大的活動,我們進一步將這一系列的設計元素應用在不同媒介,包括在巴士和電車上的廣告、在不同的隧道入口處的巨型廣告牌,以及打印在巴士站、地鐵站、房屋和政府大樓外的海報。我們以雙語製作電視 API 的劇本,並以粵語、普通話和英語三種語言進行電台廣播。為了包容社會的多元文化,廣告還包括多種語言,例如香港手語、印尼語和尼泊爾語。 這無疑是一個令人耳目一新的宣傳方式。隨著香港社會的不斷進步,觀眾也期待以嶄新和吸引眼球的方式接收資訊。除了可以為政府設立一個新標準,建立更好的品牌形象之外,也可為香港政府其他不同部門帶動潮流,更容易引起大眾的興趣接收資訊。這個方式也可以鼓勵其地區的政府考慮運用創新的方法,將信息清晰地傳達給他們的市民。
Project Description
We created two eye-catching TV Announcements in the Public Interest (APIs) using 3D motion graphics for the 2021 Legislative Council General Election. The first API was to promote nominations for the election and the second one to promote the polling day. Both videos show the inside of a ballot box, to let the audience visualise voting could determine how the city runs. The renowned abstract landmarks with local arts, culture, sports and recreation shown make it interesting to watch, but also able to strike accord with the viewers and also attaining their attention to absorb information of the election.
User Value
Unlike conventional TV APIs that usually show a person doing the announcements, we used 3D motion graphics to do so instead. We built abstract renowned landmarks of Hong Kong, along with local arts, culture and recreation in 3D to make the videos not only fun to watch but able to strike accord with the viewers, as they receive important information about the election.
Business Performance
The eye-catching APIs demonstrated how a public service announcement could be presented in such a trendy and innovative manner. It managed to captivate much attention and positive feedback from the general public. To further promote this important campaign, our visuals were used extensively offline, including being advertised on buses and trams, shown on giant billboards around Hong Kong such as at different tunnel entrances, and printed out as posters displayed at bus stops, MTR stations, housing estates and government buildings. We made sure to tightly align the visuals to the content, and produced the scripts to the TV APIs bilingually in Cantonese and English, while radio broadcasting trilingually in Cantonese, Mandarin and English to ensure a solid message of the election campaign is communicated to the general public.
Social Impact
Bearing in mind that a good API should be able to bring out the message clearly to the general public, we first developed the script then the visuals so as to clearly explain information of the election, where the audience would also be able to understand quickly.
Team Structure
Creative Director: Mandy Tsang, Art Director: Kat Luk, Storyboard Artists: Ivy Sin, Charmian Cheung, Design: Helen Cheung, Script writing: Wilson LUI, 3D Design & Animation: Sam LEE, Chris NGAN, Ann CHOI and Snoopy HO Music: Anthony Liu
The Legislative Council General Election is held every four years in Hong Kong. It is an important day when the general public decides who would represent them in the council for this period of time. The date set for the election was on 19th December in 2021 and the promotions for nominating candidates and the voting day was scheduled to begin at about 1.5 months prior to the event in late October to early November. We did a full fledged development to the entire campaign, which included the design and styling, TVC and road script writing in both English and Chinese, along with 3D animation and motion graphics and produced two APIs. Using a futuristic approach, we have set the scene to compact just like how the city of Hong Kong is. We wanted to emphasise that each vote mattered and helped to determine the infrastructure and intricate operations of the economy, environment, education and living standards in Hong Kong. The first API was to promote nominations for the election. It showed the inside of a ballot box, to let the audience visualise voting could determine how a city runs. We used light coral as the main colour paired with green to echo the “vitality and liveliness” of the city that is now ready to “start afresh”. The second API was to promote the polling day. Again revealing the inside of the ballot box, this API instead shows the details of everyday busyness and explains the purpose of this election. The rolling balls travelling throughout the animation represent how voting is a process that must be gone through for an outcome of a positive future. Green is set as the main colour in this video to emphasise “bringing on a new start”. As new legislative council members were to be elected, the two APIs clearly spelt out the vital information to help the public to understand about the process, and how their nomination and votes would matter to drive positive changes in the society.
Project Investment
The event started in August 2021 and was accomplished in Feb 2022. We invested HK$300,000 in this project.
Project Achievements
To further promote this important campaign, our visuals were used extensively offline, including being advertised on buses and trams, shown on giant billboards around Hong Kong such as at different tunnel entrances, and printed out as posters displayed at bus stops, MTR stations, housing estates and government buildings. We produced the scripts to the TV APIs bilingually, and radio broadcasting in trilingually in Cantonese, Mandarin and English. For social inclusion, the advertisements also included several languages, such as Hong Kong Sign Language, Bahasa Indonesian and Nepalese. This is undoubtedly a refreshing way for the general public to see a different approach used for a government campaign. As Hong Kong society continues to advance, the viewers are also expecting visually attractive ways of receiving information. This could set a new standard for the Government to better utilise the power of branding, and setting trends for the different departments within the Hong Kong government. This would also inspire other governments in the region to know that APIs should provoke interests, and branded well to clearly convey the message across to their target audience.

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