Drift Bar and Restaurant
Drift Bar and Restaurant
商业空间类 餐廳室內設計 1968 0 2020-12-22
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中文 / English
总面积约一万平方呎,分上下兩层,餐厅空间以音乐、涂鸦及赛车等美式潮流元素为主题,以配合以年轻人为目标客群的设计。其中一个特色设计为将停车库空间融入整体设计气氛,作为展示的一部分,在功能上,亦方便VIP客户能直接将车停进餐厅内,下车可直达VIP包厢,由于有独立间隔区域,在停车安全上亦能得到保证。 空间运用大量特色灯光配以相应音乐控制环境氛围,在餐厅的不同时段可调整出不一样的气氛,由轻柔舒适的午餐时段到激烈狂欢的午夜派对,都能恰到好处地调整整体空间的氛围。
Project Description
Drift Bar and Restaurant, located in Shenzhen, which is a 2-storey project with total area of 10,000 square feet. The restaurant is targeting young people as the target customers, so that for the design, a combination of different trendy elements like music, graffiti and car racing has been used. One of the special features is that we have designed the parking spot as part of the restaurant, which is not only functional, but also can be a display. For the function, it is also convenient for VIP customers to park their car into the restaurant and arriving the VIP room directly. Due to the independent parking area, the safety for the car can also be guaranteed. There are a lot of special lighting effects in use with the corresponding music that can be adjusted according to the environment, atmosphere can be transformed during different time of the day, from relaxing lunch to party all night, the space can always be adjusted to the best place for all occasions.


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