The Palazzo
生活空间类 住宅設計 2477 0 2020-12-16
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以沉稳禅风为主题,以木材的质感及大地系色调展现内敛大器格调及自然气息,配以大量实木建材缀以窗外的远景,令屋主享受自然与宁静的氛围。 玄关旁的扇形硅藻泥墙身延伸出自然禅意气息,作为入屋时的心情转换起点,至客饭厅则利用白榆木及梧桐木两种自然材质展现生命力,配以墙面的『武士蓝』色调,不止象征了坚毅沉稳的武士精神,加上硅藻土的绿建材特性更令空间由简单的点缀转化为具实际功能性的环境。 饭厅后方以障子门打造和室工作休闲空间,运用白色与草绿色的低彩度设计,营造素雅质朴的风格,简单的格栅设计让光影穿梭其中,直接将空间层次升华。而兼具空间透视与隐密性的功能,可容许在内工作的父亲维持与容厅玩乐的孩子联系,或将成为亲子互动与成长中珍贵的回忆。 主卧房除了有更多的原木调性,选材上也以稳重的灰色水泥墙强化质感。同时架高的地台设计可满足屋主大量收纳需求。惬意且简洁的空间,让屋主在这不论是舒适的在窗台上品茗,还是远望群山,都可以是一大享受。
Project Description
The biggest highlight for the project at The Palazzo is the zen style from within. We would like to present the subtly elegance of the design by using the textures and tones of the wood materials, so that the owner can be surrounded by serenity. As the turning point for the mood change, upon entering the house, the wall next to the entrance which is painted in fan shaped diatom mud is the first place for the household to be drenched in the relaxing zen atmosphere. White elm wood and sycamore wood are used in the dining area to show vitality, matching with the “Samurai warriors blue” shade, not only symbolising the calmness and persistence of the samurai warriors’ spirits, with the use of green building material - diatom mud, transforming the space into a simple and elegant environment with practicality. At the back of the dining area, we have chosen to use sliding paper door to separate a working and leisure space, in a less vivid colour palette of white and olive green, creating a rustic interior. Through the lattice design of the door, light and shadow can go between the lattice and forms different layers for the space. Apart from the spatial perspective, the working and leisure room also provides enough privacy. While the father is working in the room, he can still interact with the children who are playing in the living room if the lattice door is open. These pieces of pernicious moments will create meaningful and priceless memories for both parents and the children. The master bedroom has even more wood usages, and we have also made grey cement wall as the major material to enhance the design. Meanwhile, the storage platform design is the clever clutter solution to the large amount of items that need to be stored. The cozy space would allow the owners to enjoy a cup of tea on the windowsill or looking at the mountains from the master bedroom.


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