Kr Space
办公空间类 联合办公 2223 0 2019-12-22
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中文 / English
氪空间于2014年成立于北京中关村创业大街,是最早一批中关村管委会认定的“创新型孵化器”,2016年初从36氪拆分独立运作,并确定了联合办公的发展方向,2019年5月,氪空间确立了打造“全周期企业办公服务商”的新战略,完成从“联合办公”到“综合办公服务+新型资产管理”的业务模式升级。 目前氪空间已经覆盖北京、上海、香港、广州、杭州、南京、武汉、天津、苏州、厦门、合肥等11个城市,运营40多个联合办公社区,服务企业数量超过3000家,会员数超过50000个,在行业中处于领先地位。创孵方面,氪空间已累计孵化260+项目,融资总额50亿+,项目总估值超过300亿元人民币。 氪空间诞生的初心是解决小微团队办公难的问题,使命是“让办公更美好”,从用户需求出发推出更多围绕办公生态的服务,实现“赋能一亿人的快乐办公生活”的愿景。未来,氪空间将依托成熟的空间产品规划能力、领先的智能办公系统与数据分析能力、精细化资产运营管理能力和独具优势的创投和增值服务能力,通过综合办公服务和新型资产管理方式,深度覆盖全生命周期企业办公及发展需求。
Project Description
Kr Space was founded in Zhongguancun entrepreneurship street, Beijing in 2014. It is the first batch of "Innovative incubators" recognized by Zhongguancun Management Committee. In early 2016, Kr Space was separated from 36Kr and operated independently, and the development direction of joint office was determined. In May 2019, Kr Space established a new strategy of building "full cycle enterprise office service provider", and completed the transition from "joint office" to "comprehensive office service"+ New asset management "business model upgrade. At present, Kr Space has covered 11 cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Wuhan, Tianjin, Suzhou, Xiamen, Hefei, etc., operates more than 40 joint office communities, serves more than 3000 enterprises, has more than 50000 members, and is in a leading position in the industry. In terms of incubation, Kr Space has incubated 260 + projects, with a total financing of 5 billion +, and a total valuation of more than 30 billion yuan. Kr Space was born to solve the problem of finding offices for small and micro teams. Its mission is to "make the office better", launch more services around the office ecology based on the user needs, and realize the vision of "enabling 100 million people to have a happy office life". In the future, Kr Space will rely on mature space product planning capabilities, leading intelligent office system and data analysis capabilities, refined asset operation and management capabilities, and unique venture capital and value-added service capabilities to deeply cover the office and development needs of enterprises in the whole life cycle through comprehensive office services and new asset management methods.


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