將軍澳 - 帝景灣 (香港)
(Corinthia by the Sea – Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong)
空间 住宅空間設計 3554 1 2017-07-29
点赞(3) 收藏(1)
中文 / English
此项目位于香港將軍澳,屋主喜歡時尚現代的感覺,閒時喜歡周遊列國來保持心境開朗。因此設計師在整個空間採用黑白灰三色為主要色調,亦巧妙地把屋主的生活點滴成為設計元素,而且當中使用了不同的物料,形狀及線條為空間增添生氣及動感,而且更在不同的位置放上旅遊相片讓屋主時刻都記住外遊及生活的美好回憶。 設計師在飯廳的位置用上了灰鏡牆,不但讓更多光線透入居所來增加空間感,更把窗外的海境反映在屋內,這讓屋主感覺身在大海中,營造出舒適的感覺。飯廳牆身的一幅世界地圖點綴了空間,亦讓屋主能隨時計劃下一趟旅程地點。此外,設計師在客廳位置設計了一個倒轉L型的假天花及雲石電視牆,兩者相輔相成,平衡了視覺效果。為了保留原有海景,設計師特意在主人房設計了一個活動式電視趟牆,屋主閒時能看電視,又能把它移到旁邊好好享受海景。由於屋主夫婦在巴黎鐵塔訂下永恆的約誓,所以設計師特意為屋主訂造了巴黎鐵塔的牆畫用作對屋主夫婦契約之見證
Project Description
The project is located in Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong. Owners like modern style and they love to travel during the spare time, so designer used black, white and grey as the main colour of overall space and delicately added owners’ bits and pieces of life and valuable memories as design elements to prettify the design. Also, designer used different materials, shape and lines to bring vitality to the space and there are many travel photos in different areas to let owners remember all those good memories. In the dining room, designer used the grey mirror wall to bring in more sunlight into the home making it more spacious and it also reflects the sea view making the space more comfortable. The map on the wall pretties the space and owners can always plan for the next trip. In the living room, designer has created a reverse L shaped false ceiling and a marble TV wall, they have complemented each other and increase the visual effect. In the master room, designer has created a sliding TV wall to retain the sea view, owners can slide the TV wall freely for watching TV or enjoying the view. Since the couples got engaged at Eiffel Tower, designer delicately decorated the room with a custom-made Eiffel Tower wallpaper as the witness of their love story.


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