通过空间设计打通科学与大众的信息隧道 ---- 医疗科技机构安可济总部设计
LINKING SCIENCE TO PUBLIC ---- AccuraGen Institution Office
空间 办公室空间 3555 2 2017-07-28
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中文 / English
安可济是一家提供精准DNA测序检测治疗癌症的新型医疗科研机构,不同于一般的医院和研究所,安可济试图寻求一条连接高端医学研究与普通大众临床医疗的商业道路。所以不管从商业上还是临床科学上,它现阶段面临的最大挑战在于如何将高端DNA科技医疗方案介绍给普通大众。 所以传统医疗设计以注重建立病人和医生良好互动关系或营造温馨舒适环境等方面,在我们看来只能算是这个项目设计基本功能的体现,更具有挑战意义的工作是——如何通过设计帮助普通人理解抽象的高科技医疗概念并愿意付诸行动,形成服务交易的整体体验过程。 此项目为四层1150平米建筑外立面改造加室内设计项目,主要功能有一层的医疗接待区和二到四层的科研实验办公区。在完成了功能合理分布的基础上,我们把设计的重点放在了医疗科学家和普通大众消费者不同人群眼中对于同一个空间以及空间中的设计语言的应用和解读。从空间设计的角度以达到帮助安可济实现科技与大众建立连接的时代目的。
设计中的细节设计,比如说ACGT密码屏风,DNA测序图案墙等多种软硬装饰对于工作在此的安可济科学家来说,有一种严谨而熟悉,且区别于普通大众的解读。对他们来说,此办公空间处处体现其专业性,也营造了强烈的归属感。安可济科学家常常会对着墙面上的图案进行对话解读,甚至开开玩笑。 对于消费者群体来说,设计的核心空间,宣讲展示隧道把枯燥的生物高科技内容用光电的形式展示出来,随着工作人员的讲解,顾客可以很快速的抓住安可济高科技医疗的原理的精髓。此设计结合了消费者专注力的考虑,用新颖的方式简短的讲解。整个过程下来,体验过的顾客对所讲解内用明显具有较高的理解和印象。 项目处在一个欧式建筑氛围浓郁的办公园区,外立面上为了突出高科技的调性,在没有大动的基础上,采用轻质铝材做了些有韵律的竖线条,与周边环境形成了强烈的对比。来此的顾客可以非常容易的辨认并联想到安可济高科技医疗的形象。
在该项目2017年1月落成后截止到今天,安可济的品牌知名度已在市场上有非常大的提升,通过宣教展示隧道的演示,业主将复杂高深的医学科技领域知识,以最短时间,最直观,最通俗的方式讲解给访客。客户也在最短的时间内理解了安可济精准医疗的服务,同时可以很快速的抓住安可济高科技医疗的原理的精髓。 项目处在一个欧式建筑氛围浓郁的办公园区,外立面上为了突出高科技的调性,在没有大动的基础上,采用轻质铝材做了些有韵律的竖线条,与周边环境形成了强烈的对比。来此的顾客可以非常容易的辨认并联想到安可济高科技医疗的形象,更加进一步提升了安可济在医疗市场上的传播价值。
该项目从立项到设计交付,花费了3个月-6个月左右的时间,于2017年1月对外正式开放。 总体造价在550万人民币左右。
1.这个项目的初心是为了帮助安可济更好的连接高端医学研究与普通大众临床医疗的商业道路,将高端DNA科技医疗方案更直观的介绍给普通大众,最终的结果不仅在商业价值方面取得了出乎意料的成功,对安可济的科学家来说,此办公空间处处体现其专业性,营造了更加强烈的归属感。安可济科学家常常会对着墙面上的图案进行对话解读,甚至开开玩笑。 2.这个项目是斗西团队在办公室外立面改造以及室内设计领域又一突破性的战略,项目最终使得斗西团队在办公室的改造设计项目上对于外界有了更加大的知名度的提高。使越来越多的甲方客户知悉,在秉持尊重设计初心的同时,斗西团队也可将设计与客户想要的商业价值更加完美结合,员工也能在办公室得到更加强烈的归属心。
Project Description
AccuraGen is a completely new medical research / business institution that could provide personalized cancer diagnostics by DNA accurate medicine. Unlike the normal hospital or research institution, AccuraGen is trying to seek a business path that could link cutting edge medical research to ordinary clinical treatment. Thus, either from research or clinical service, the most urgent challenge for AccuraGen is to build up a connection from high-end DNA accurate diagnostics to the public. The traditional design concept for medical institution, such as to create a comfortable environment or to build up a good relationship between doctors and patients, becomes the basics in this project. For us, the most challenge is to help ordinary people understand the abstract concept of DNA cancer diagnostics and willing to accept and pay for it. This project contains four stories, 1150 m2, including exterior façade renovation and interior design. The main program consists of medical reception area on the ground floor and research laboratory area from the first floor to the third floor. After the reasonable program distribution, we focused on the understanding of space and design elements from two different perspectives – scientists and the public, so that we can assist AccuraGen to explore a business path to link modern technology and the public from space design aspect.
User Value
Some of the design details not only decorate the space, but also balance two different readings between AccuraGen’s scientists and ordinary customers. These details could provide the scientists who working in AccuraGen more professional and familiar feeling, enhancing their sense of belonging. The scientists often have conversations about the pattern on the wall, even make a joke of it. The exhibition tunnel, the core space of the entire project, was achieved by controlling the special lighting effect, to introduce the high-end biological knowledge. As customer walk along with the exhibition tunnel, the presenter could explain the high-tech medicine knowledge slide by slide in a very simple and direct way to the customer. In this way, the customer could deeply understand the principle of DNA accurate medicine in a very short time. The original architectural façade was under a fake European style which was prevailed in 80s -90s in China. In order to indicate AccuraGen’s high-tech medicine image, through controlling the rhythm of vertical stripes, we put the DNA sequence diagram on the façade , creating a dramatic contrast to the surroundings. The customer s could easily recognize the building and link it to the image of AccuraGen
Business Performance
After the establishment of this project in January, 2017, Accuragen had a huge promotion in their popularity. Via the presentation in the exhibition tunnel, Accuragen could introduce complicated knowledge in medical technology to their customers directly in a short time. This project located in a classic European style office park. To highlight Accuragen’s high- technological property, Douxi applied linear aluminum to the exterior, which is highly contrast to the environment. Customers could easily recognize Accuragen’s medical technology image.
Social Impact
For architects, propose a good looking design is not the main purpose in this project. The key of this project is to help the client to address the most urgent issues in current age from space design prospective. We believe architects’ task is not only propose the professional advices or schemes, but also dig deeply the potential of design, helping the client to succeed from business exploration.
Team Structure
Ten team members participated in this project, which was consisted of coming up with the concept, modifying design strategy, refining construction drawings, and supervising the final construction. During the process, the customer company assigned a particular department to assist our team in solving many issues.
In that AccuraGen is a new type medical organization which provides accurate DNA sequencing services, including interior space design, we also provided graphic design, props design, and interior decoration design. We translated elements of double helix, sequencing chromatogram, and AGCT gene code into a visual format via design. Because of the excellent cooperation, the result of this project was way beyond our expectation.
Project Investment
This project took about three to six months from being established to finished, and opened to the public in January, 2017,which cost about 5.5 million RMB
Project Achievements
The initial goal of this project was to connect high-technology medical results to the clinical health services in a better way and introduce DNA technology to the public more directly. Including the success in commercial results, the use of professional medical elements also provided an amiable atmosphere for scientists working here. This project implied a breakthrough strategy of studio Douxi in modifying exterior elevation and interior design, and enhanced our popularity of modifications of office. An increasing number of customers were acknowledged of our ability in combining design and their commercial expectations, while increasing employees’ sense of belonging.


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