VENTI Jewelry Flagship Store
提名参赛 空间 零售店铺 3865 0 2017-08-28
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中国珠宝领导品牌梵迪珠宝邀请Storeage为其零售店铺进行更新升级。在Orangebranding品牌策略公司的协助下,梵迪珠宝成功调整其国际品牌定位并联合全球顶尖现代珠宝艺术家共同协作。为此,Storeage创造了“艺术的珠光散落在帆布上”的店铺设计概念,将珠宝如同展示艺术品一样进行陈列和展现。并且,每颗宝石被发现的过程在黑色的墙面上进行展示,从而更好的展现了每一颗梵迪珠宝的来源、艺术性和奢华感。 如同Storeage的首席创意官Leendert Tange所描述的:“就像宝石的美丽来自从各个角度鉴赏所呈现的不同光彩。里面包含了来自自然的美感,产地及土壤赋予宝石的天然特性。另一方面,人工切割后线和面美感也呈现其中。我们设计希望可以重现这些宝石的自然美感和人文经历,通过陈列中方形玻璃罩、大理石衬面进行展示。从而表现每一颗宝石独特的美丽。“
Leendert Tange为主创设计师 Orange Brand为本项目提供品牌策略定位支持
Project Description
As one of the leading jewelry retailers in China, Venti teamed Storeage to head up the redesign of their stores. Following the brand repositioning proposal from Orange Branding it was Storeage’s creative direction to took Venti’s retail from a local to a global jewelry retail brand. Storeage designed the stores as a blank canvas for the jewelry pieces to shine as pieces of art. It supports Venti’s collection featuring contemporary jewelry artists from around the world. The store celebrates the origin of the precious stones with a dark wall referring to the excavation of the stones. The design agency took inspiration from the Stijl, in specific a Mondriaan painting representing the world in all it’s facets to tell the story of origin, craft and cut behind the Venti jewelry pieces. As Leendert Tange, Chief Creative Officer of Storeage puts it; “Like a precious stone the store is best looked at from different angles. There is the aspect of origin. The earth, the excavation. Then there is the aspect of cutting the stones in different facets represented by the square angles of displays and the detailed lines of the frames holding the marble blocks. And there is the aspect of luxury and uniqueness of each piece represented in the domes.”
User Value
We believe it is importance to tell those layered stories. To offer consumers not just a place to buy more stuff, but rather a place to discover and learn about the products.
Social Impact
We believe, retail design is not just helping Retail Brand to improve their sales, but also could help consumer gain more mental experiences and sense of belonging. It is a bridge between Brand and Consumers.
Team Structure
Leendert Tange is the chief design Orange Branding supported on brand repositioning
Project Investment
3 month


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