空间 家居设计 4144 6 2017-07-29
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中文 / English
设计师与户主因多次合作已变成老朋友,他们都很喜欢「分子料理」,所以设计师决定运用分子料理的概念,把物质改变到意想不到的形态,例如: 客厅电视背墙用了意大利手工浮雕V纹砂石,特色墙远看似羽毛,感觉轻柔,和石材的粗糙、坚硬形成玩味对比。书房木制白色门墙,表面呈波浪形,看似纱帘,实际是通往衣帽间之电动木门,别有洞天。 此外,设计团队亦深入了解户主家庭里各人的日常流程,巧妙地将环保家居智能技术融入家中,例如:智能门能根据户主家庭的日常流程,在不同时段开关,以将家中的冷空气划分区域,有效控制冷气的能源消耗。除了环保家居智能,屋主亦能随时随地用电话控制家中的灯光气氛及音乐,以便屋主经常举行不同类型的派对及邀请朋友作客。
Project Description
The designer and the owner have been collaborating a few times before with friendship bonded and mutual understanding ensured. Molecular cuisine is adored by both the designer and the owner. The designer has thus decided to introduce molecular cuisine ideas into the house bringing amazingly new outcome out of material transformation, for example, hand-made Italian carving with V-mark sand wall is put behind the TV set in the living room. It looks like soft feather from a distance, light and languid, yet it is the coarse sturdiness of its stone material that juxtaposes a sharp contrast in solidity that brings fascinating fun. The white wooden wall of the study, with sea waves on the surface, looks like cotton yarn curtain but is in fact an electric wooden door leading to the cloakroom, delighting one with intriguing revelation. Apart from the fabulous adoption of material, design team carried out a large-scale research to study the owner's daily routine, so that the electric door would open and close at certain time according to client's preferred schedule, in order to control the effective flow of cool air of air-conditioning system and increase the environmental sustainability. Moreover, the owner can also easily adjust color temperature and brightness of light for different purposes of gathering through mobile phones.


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