Mafengwo Tourism Website Global Headquarters
提名参赛 空间 办公空间改造 8112 27 2017-06-22
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这次的设计不是在一张白纸上创造,也不是简单的空间装饰、修补,是一次空间的革命性营造,并因此实现信息无限通达、高效互联的互联网企业本质。 项目位于北京市朝阳区恒通产业园园区内,总占地面积1800㎡,建筑面积超过5000㎡。属于在一定的园区统一规范内对现有建筑内部结构进行创造性改造的设计项目。 袈蓝建筑在2015年3月接到蚂蜂窝的设计委托,当月,蚂蜂窝对外宣布了完成C轮融资,累计融资近一亿美元的消息,蚂蜂窝的品牌发展进入了一个新的阶段,品牌价值也进一步扩大,而此次全球总部的空间表现也将是蚂蜂窝品牌形象升级的重要组成部分。 在此之前,蚂蜂窝的办公空间一直处于在一个大商住社区内的分散状态,这个项目不仅要实现外界品牌印象的优化,更重要的是消除内部不同业务板块团队之间的陌生感,让整个企业的聚合力得到提升,并吸引到更多志同道合的伙伴的加入。 蚂蜂窝有两个标签——“旅行+社交”。在此基础上,袈蓝建筑找到了三个品牌精神的落点“年轻”、“自由”、“秩序”: 年轻——充满能量与活力,对世界好奇; 自由——开阔,开放,创想活跃; 秩序——兼具贯通与分隔,有交流互动,也有独立思考。 以此为思考对蚂蜂窝即将入住的空间进行改造。 在整体的空间结构上,我们大胆地将三层楼的中间部分打通,一直到天顶,通透的中庭和充分的天光打破了建筑内部原有的沉闷,也打破了人与人之间的界限,阴晴雨雪云卷云舒抬起头就能望见,给个体空间,给群体区域,给集体联结,这也是互联网社交的美妙所在。 在细节上,我们在空间中设计了一个贯穿始终的“蜂巢”元素作为视觉线索,在正门的入口设计了巨型室内“四季花台”作为互动装置。通过不同季节花木的生息更替,让这里的伙伴在城市楼宇也能真切感受四季变化,自然生机。同时在每一层都留下一些空白交给蚂蜂窝自己创意。用这样的方式创造共事的机会,有故事、有回忆、更亲密、更珍惜。 项目设计周期一个月,建设七个月,在之后的使用中不仅为蚂蜂窝的团队带来了理想的空间体验,提升了员工工作的幸福感,同时也为品牌吸引了众多的外部关注。
袈蓝建筑的理念是“雕琢自己,成就他人”。在蚂蜂窝总部的设计中,不仅充分地理解了客户的需要,更充分研究了客户的业态、品牌的认知期待、企业的文化和价值观,为客户做出了全面的建议,不仅考虑了空间使用层面的功能表现,更着眼于建筑对于蚂蜂窝品牌升级和团队凝聚的价值。 全新的全球总部大楼落成后,为蚂蜂窝吸引了更多的人才与用户关注,为客户的企业文化建设提供了更多的空间可能,同时,蚂蜂窝总部成为了园区内标志性办公空间,吸进了大量慕名而来的参观者,助力了蚂蜂窝的品牌传播。入住后一年,随着业务领域拓宽,企业员工人数增加近一倍,为了保证更好的员工体验和进一步的人员增容,目前已经开始总部二期建设,基于信赖,继续与袈蓝建筑合作。
项目设计几乎100%实现。 全新的全球总部大楼落成后,为蚂蜂窝吸引了更多的人才与用户关注,为客户的企业文化建设提供了更多的空间可能,同时,蚂蜂窝总部成为了园区内标志性办公空间,吸进了大量慕名而来的参观者,助力了蚂蜂窝的品牌传播。入住后一年,随着业务领域拓宽,企业员工人数增加近一倍,为了保证更好的员工体验和进一步的人员增容,目前已经开始总部二期建设,基于信赖,继续与袈蓝建筑合作。
Project Description
his design goes beyond a piece of work created on a piece of white paper or a simple spatial decoration and mending. It is a revolutionary creation of space and therefore realizes the intrinsic quality of the Internet enterprise in its infinite and boundless information as well as its efficient interconnection. ocated in Hengtong Industrial Park, in Beijing’s Chaoyang district, the project covers a total area of 1800㎡, with a building area over 5000㎡. This particular design project is a creative reconstruction to the inner structure of the existing buildings under the park’s specifically unified regulations. Jialan Construction received the design commission from Mafengwo in March, 2015. In the same month, Mafengwo declared the completion of the Series C round of financing, with the accumulated financing up to 100 million US dollars. The brand development of Mafengwo entered a new stage, while its brand value was further expanded. And this time, the space expression of its global headquarters will also be an important component to the brand image development of Mafengwo. In prior times, the office space of Mafengwo was scattered in a large commercial and residential quarter. This project aimed not only to realize the optimization of the outside brand image, but also to eliminate the strange feeling among the teams of different business units inside. This was done to specifically promote group cohesion of the company and attract more like-minded partners to join in. Mafengwo has two tags—“travel + social”. On this basis, Jialan Construction found three essences of the brand spirit, which were “Youth”, “Freedom” and “Order”: Youth—Filled with energy and vitality, while having curiosity about the world; Freedom—Being generous in thoughts, open and active in imagination and creation; Order— Being simultaneously interconnected and separate, communicating interactively and thinking independently. The reconstruction of the future office space for Mafengwo is based on these thoughts. The entire space structure has adopted a bold idea of getting through the central part of the three floors from ground to the top ceiling. The clear and bright courtyard and the sufficient light from the top help take away the depressing feeling of the original structure inside as well as the boundary created between the people. Just by looking up, you can see the changing of the weather and the clouds. It provides the individual with space, the group with a larger area and the collective people with connection, which is also the essence of the social Internet. In terms of details, we design an element of honeycomb throughout the space as the visual clue and a huge indoor “Seasons Flower Stand” as the interactive installation at the entrance of the front door. The changing of the flowers and plants of different seasons enables the buddies here to feel the essence of seasons changing inside the building, which is both natural and vigorous. Meanwhile, we left some blank space in each floor for Mafengwo to unleash their creativity. With this, it creates great opportunities for colleagues to work together. With all this, we create an opportunity for our staff to design and work together, which is a great experience that leaves them with precious memories and allows them to be close to each other.
User Value
Jialan Construction insists on the philosophy of “carving ourselves to fulfill the dreams of others”. In the design of Mafengwo’s headquarters, we not only thoroughly understood the needs of the clients, but also made a deep study in the client’s industrial status, brand recognition and expectation as well as the culture and value of their company. Based on that, we gave the client a comprehensive suggestion, both considering the functional expression in space usage and stressing the value of the building to the upgrading of Mafengwo brand and group cohesion.
Project Investment
The duration of the design cycle of the project was one month. The structure reconstruction and the space decoration were completed within seven months, before being put into service.
Project Achievements
The design is fulfilled extremely accurately. After the completion of the brand new global headquarters, it started attracting more talents and users for Mafengwo, and offered more spatial possibilities for the client’s enterprise cultural construction. Meanwhile, the headquarters of Mafengwo became a landmark office space in the park, attracting many visitors by its fame, while assisting Mafengwo in its brand communication. In the following year, with the expansion in the business areas, the number of the company’s employees almost doubled. For the sake of ensuring better experience of the employees and further increase of the staff, the Phase II construction of the headquarters also started. Based on trust, they choose to carry on the corporation with Jialan Construction.


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