Kids Museum of Glass 2.0
文娱体育类 博物馆 3255 0 2021-07-09
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Chinese / English
儿童玻璃博物馆 2.0 是为年轻观众打造的当代艺术与设计博物馆。由玻璃工作车间改造而成的博物馆占地 2,320 平米,为儿童设计的内容结合探索性的参观体验,鼓励孩子们独立自主的学习。 博物馆展览在多个层面吸引观众互动,所有展品由一个寻宝游戏串联,邀请观众们在空间中寻找线索。互动性十足的博物馆让孩子们主导参观体验,探索更多他们感兴趣的主题,并积极主动学习关于玻璃、环境、科学、科技、艺术、设计与人类文明的知识。多媒体与数字内容在展览设计中扮演着重要的角色,包含一个镜子迷宫、声音装置、一个追踪动态的互动展项以探讨与玻璃相关的各种主题视频。 儿童玻璃博物馆还设有大型工作坊空间,带有烧制玻璃的窑炉与灯工工作台。灵活的空间能够用来举办临时展览和活动,也能容纳大型的学校团体。 原玻璃工作车间的木结构天花以及外露的砖墙都被保留下来,保存原本空间的韵味。在12米高的原有屋顶下,黑色金属的平台与阶梯被嵌入到开放式空间中,为空间创造了层次感。定制玻璃砖构成的透光墙面让自然光充满整个空间,而玻璃砖上的纹理模拟旧工厂里金属板上的纹路。这些微妙的细节都是建筑记忆的印记,开启一场关于“旧与新”的对话。 对比强烈的黑白色调主宰博物馆空间,凸显展品、屏幕与装置上缤纷绚烂的色彩。动态灯光装置贯穿博物馆,营造出充满活力的气氛。大胆抢眼的墙面平面设计以及带有博物馆吉祥物图案的定制柔软地面,让观众沉浸在一个独特的环境之中。在选择材质的时候,孩子们的行为模式都被纳入考虑,例如展柜上的强化玻璃让孩子们能够站立、行走其上,甚至蹦蹦跳跳。 儿童玻璃博物馆 2.0 提供了一个环境,在此孩子们玩乐的向往与家长希望孩子学习的愿望都得以满足。博物馆的设计展现打造一座当代文化与教育目的地的愿景,提供年轻的都市人以及家庭一个参与艺文生活方式活动、共同欣赏艺术文化的平台。
儿童玻璃博物馆2.0展现了空间设计如何有效的转变亲子间的互动,从教导到共同协作,并独立自主学习。轻薄短小的知识、引人入胜的互动展项创造一个家长期望孩子学习,以及孩子玩乐的欲望都得到满足的探索性空间。 所有展项与家具都是为儿童量身定制的。所与材料的选择都将孩子们的行为列入考虑。所有展柜上使用钢化玻璃,年轻的观众可以站在上面、行走甚至跑跳。地面采用定制的8毫米PVC橡胶地板,这种材质通常用于运动场所。博物馆还有大型的工作坊空间,设有烧制玻璃用的窑炉以及灯工工作台。这个灵活多变的空间也可以作为临时展览与活动的场地,并可以容纳数个学校团体。
Project Description
The Kids Museum of Glass 2.0 is a 2,320 m2 contemporary art and design museum created for young visitors in a converted former glass-making workshop. The museum’s kids-driven contents are integrated into an explorative visiting experience, aiming to encourage independent learning. The exhibition is designed to engage visitors on multiple levels. All the exhibits are connected through a scavenger hunt which invites them to look for clues in the space. The hands-on installations empower children to take control and explore further what interests them and to actively learn about glass as a material and its role in the environment, science, technology, art, design and human civilization. Multimedia and digital contents play a significant part in the exhibition design, including a mirror maze, sound installations, an interactive motion-tracking exhibit and short films about glass in different fields. The museum also provides large workshop spaces with fully functioning glass-making kilns and state-of-the-art flameworking stations. The flexible space allows opportunities for temporary exhibitions and events and can accommodate several school groups. The original wooden structures of the roof and exposed brick walls are kept to preserve the authenticity of the former workshop. Black metal platforms and staircases are inserted into the clean, open-plan space to create layers under the original roof with an impressive height of 12 metres. Translucent walls made of customized glass bricks let the space flooded with natural light. The patterns on the glass bricks imitate the steel mesh used in the former factory. These subtle details are intended to be reminders of the building’s industrial heritage, creating an intriguing dialogue between ‘old and new’. The whole space is dominated by the strong contrast of a monochromatic palette which highlights the vibrant colours used on exhibits, dynamic surfaces and installations. Animated light lines run through the whole museum, elevating the space with an energetic and active vibe. Distinctive environmental graphic treatments play a central role. The bold graphics on the wall and the museum’s own mascot patterns on the custom-made soft floors encapsulate visitors in a unique immersive environment. The kid’s behaviours are taken into consideration while choosing materials. Tempered glass is used on all the showcases that allow young visitors to stand, walk and even jump on the surface. The Kids Museum of Glass 2.0 offers an environment that creates a common ground where parents’ objective for children to learn and kids’ wish to play are met. The design demonstrates the vision of creating a contemporary cultural and educational destination. The museum presents young urbanites and their families a platform for lifestyle-centred activities and the appreciation of art and culture.
User Value
All exhibits and furniture are optimised for children ergonomics. The kids' behaviours are taken into consideration while choosing materials. Tempered glass is used on all the showcases that allow young visitors to stand, walk and even jump on the surface. Customised 8 mm PVC floors, usually used for sports facilities, are designed to create a safe and clean environment for children to be active. The museum also provides large workshop spaces with fully functioning glass-making kilns and state-of-the-art flameworking stations. The flexible space allows opportunities for temporary exhibitions and events and can accommodate several school groups.
Business Performance
Kids Museum of Glass 2.0 is a pioneering educational space designed for children in China. It has demonstrated a different way of engaging families in a shared learning experience as well as exemplifies an unconventional aesthetic for kid-driven space. Its sleek and artistic environment is a statement that children can take the initiative in learning. The museum has received positive feedback from kids and parents as well as the media across the country. As one of the most popular venues in a private museum park, the museum is financially self-sustaining from the tickets and rich DIY programs with limited government subsidy. After laughing in May 2021, visitor numbers have grown steadily since its opening. 
Social Impact
What sets the Kids Museum of Glass 2.0 apart is the freedom of play and learn as well as collaborative behaviours between adults and kids in the space, which are not commonly observed in educational environments. Through a carefully curated and designed scavenge hunt that connects 26 exhibits, the museum encourages young visitors to explore the space rather than following a fixed route. The hands-on installations empower children to take the initiative in learning and explore further what interests them as opposed to spoon-fed knowledge. It is often observed in the museum that parents and kids are equally engaged in exploring the space, breaking the convention of a parent-led experience. In addition, plenty of benches and resting corners are inserted in the space, which allows more space for parents to relax and let their children enjoy the exhibition alone.

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