Qin culture exhibition hall
空间 博物馆 5825 0 2017-08-30
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功能创新:整馆全部采用场景化表现方式,通过模拟地下遗址的空间形式让参观者快速体验到浓厚的秦文化氛围。本馆入口处以时空隧道的形式将参观者从现实参观者身份迅速转换为秦皇陵遗址的探秘者,并通过声效、烟雾等虚拟化元素为参观者营造穿越时空的情境,开启本馆的参观之旅。在本馆中创造性的运用混凝土材料模拟地下土层的方式进行顶面与立面肌理的表现,突破了常规的展览馆布展手法。并在主要参观动线的铺装上,通过铺设刻有秦时期纹样的秦砖来呼应时代背景。 情感连接:本馆以秦文化为展示主题,展示内容划分为六个展区:分别以历史源流、文化律法、交通建筑、经济变革、军事成就、政治制度六个板块进行横向内容展示,结合纵向时间上的重大历史事件进行结合,完整呈现秦朝文化脉络的整体面貌。参观者通过层层递进的内容组合逐步深入的感受秦代文化的厚重底蕴。 审美价值:抽象的历史事件通过采用微缩场景及雕塑艺术手法进行直观还原,枯燥的史书记载再现为生动的可视化故事情节,参观者从过程当中得到深层次美学浸润,对源自西北的秦文化进行一次彻底的追根溯源。
具体设计流程如下: 1)、调研工作:展陈策划人员通过对秦陵遗址公园的勘察,查阅史书记载及考古计划资料,充分了解项目需求及文化背景,得出策划结论,为方案设计构想做准备。 2)、方案设计:对场地进行充分的勘察,先完成平面布局图和方案效果图的制作,在内部评审完毕后,经与甲方多次沟通后,确认创意方案。 3)、深化设计:包含整馆的施工图的制作、材料选样、工艺测试、场景细化方案、雕塑泥稿、展示内容平面设计、照明设计、智能系统的编程与测试。 4)、施工阶段:现场设计交底,有项目经理统一负责安排施工进度及各分项内容的外部加工制作及现场的施工调度。每周召开工程例会,实时更新进度报告,按现场实际情况及时更新设计图纸。现场调试。 5)、竣工及投入使用:工程顺利竣工,布展效果达到了预期,投入使用时,得到了甲方单位及参观者的普遍认可。
1、本项目历时6个月完成整体布展装饰并投入使用。该项目从立项到设计施工交付,其中策划与设计耗时3个月时间、项目施工耗时3个月的时间,于2016年10月1日正式对外开放。 总体造价在1200万人民币左右。 2、整馆设计与布展施工均全部由西安翰晟空间设计工程有限公司完成。
1、该项目完工后,甲方单位对布展装饰效果、体验效果、设备性能、环保保障、安全工作、工期控制等给予了充分的肯定和赞许。 2. 该项目顺利完成,在业界引起的较为广泛的注意,并在业内起到了很好的宣传作用,为公司在其他同类型项目合作奠定了扎实的基础。
Project Description
The project is located in the scenic Mausoleum of the Qin Shihuang Cemetery, by the east gate of the mausoleum of Qin Shihuang Cemetery, beside the Qin Terracotta Army Museum in the Lintong District of Xi'an. The project is also cultural transformation of the surrounding environment to enhance tourism services to support the project as an important part of the Qin Mausoleum Ruins Park and the museum overall planning. This project takes the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor ruins as the basis, with Sima Qian in the "historical records" on the record as the historical basis to create Qin culture exhibition expo. The museum has a total construction area of 13000 square meters, with a display area of 8500 square meters, covering Qin culture exhibition area, office area, rest area, and creative products experience area
User Value
Function Innovation: the whole Exhibition Hall adopts the scene manifestation way, through the simulation of the underground ruins spatial form, the visitors can get quickly and strong experience of the Qin culture atmosphere. The Exhibition Hall entrance is in the form of a timing tunnel which is for visitors from rapidly converted to the ques of the Qin mausoleum ruins , and create a situation through time and space for visitors through sound, smoke and other elements of virtualization, open the museum tour. Simulation of underground soil consists of concrete materials in the museum in the creative way of the top surface and the facade texture performance which breaks the conventional exhibition Exhibition Hall style. In the main line and visit the pavement, by laying engraved with patterns of Qin period bricks echo background. Emotion Connection: the Exhibition Hall takes Qin culture as the theme, the display content is divided into six zones: history, culture, architecture, traffic law economic reform, political system, military achievements, these six content plates are horizontally displayed, combined with major historical events on the longitudinal time, the overall appearance of a complete presentation of the Qin Dynasty cultural context is vivid showed up. The visitors can take through the combination of content progressively gradually to feel the Qin Dynasty culture heritage. Aesthetic Value: the abstract historical events are reflected through the use of visual reduction miniatures and sculpture art, boring historical records reproduced as vivid visualization of plot, visitors get a deep aesthetic infiltration from the process, a complete trace from the northwest of the Qin culture.
Business Performance
Market value: When the Exhibition Hall is after the operation, the average daily number of visitors reached almost 4000 people.In the surrounding site and terracotta museum to supplement and improve the overall quality of the role of culture. The Exhibition Hall is in the east of Qin Mausoleum Ruins. The building exterior and interior display design are key elements to highlight the Qin culture, which further strengthens the cultural influence in the ruins park in contrast of other scenic spots around.
Social Impact
The Exhibition Exhibition Hall has attracted a lot of tourists by diversification and the artistic effect of strong display techniques which makes visitors experience no longer boring and also shows vivid reproduction of the Qin Dynasty history image at the same time, the overall image of the Qin Mausoleum Ruins park also is promoted and strengthened.
Team Structure
A total of 12 full-time professionals participated in the project from the design stage to the project construction. Responsibility of the design director and project manager covers project research, concept planning, project design, graphic design, lighting design, construction drawing design, multimedia design, site coordination, construction landing Overall. The complex construction nodes involved in the field have not had similar experience in the past projects, and they have been tested by repeated experiments on site, and the process and structure tests have been completed. The design team to follow up on the construction site to find problems and solve; to guide and control the overall role in the whole process, the whole project can make everything in good order and well arranged to ensure the project can be completed on time, and ensure the design effect and the quality of the project.
The specific design process is as follows: 1), research work: exhibition planning personnel through to the park site survey, access to historical records and archaeological data plan, to fully understand the needs of the project and the cultural background, draw the conclusion for planning, design concept. 2), project design: the site of the full investigation, the completion of the layout plan and plan renderings, after the completion of the internal evaluation, with the first party after repeated communication, to confirm the creative program. 3), Deepening of the design: Containing the production and construction drawings, the whole Exhibition Hall of the material selection, process testing and refinement scheme, clay sculpture scene releases, display the contents of graphic design, lighting design, intelligent system programming and testing. 4),Construction stage: site design disclosure, the project manager is responsible for arranging the construction schedule and the external processing of each item content, production and on-site construction scheduling. Weekly meeting of the project, update the progress report in time, update the design drawings according to the actual situation at the site. Field debugging. 5) ,Completed and put into use: the completion of the project is in time, the exhibit achieves the expected results, when the Exhibition Hall is put into use, it has been widely recognized by visitors and first party units.
Project Investment
1, the project lasts 6 months to complete the whole exhibition decoration and put into use. The project from the project approval to the design, construction, delivery, of which planning and design took 3 months, the construction of the project took 3 months. In October 1st 2016 it is officially opened to the outside world. The overall cost is about 12 million yuan. 2, the whole Exhibition Exhibition Hall design and construction are completed by from Xi'an Hansheng Space design engineering limited company.
Project Achievements
1, After the completion of the project 1st party units fully affirm and praise the decorative effect, experience effect, exhibition equipment performance, environmental protection, safety, schedule control 2, the successfully completion of the project draws extensive attention in the industry and plays a very good publicity role and also lays a solid foundation for the company in other types of project cooperation.


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