提名参赛 空间 老房改造民宿 3958 0 2017-08-25
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设计师沈虹也是醒山民宿的创始人。一共设计、经营、管理着15间坐落于全上海不同中心地域的民宿,皆为老房改造,小城就是其中一套。 坐落于法租界的树德坊建于上世纪30年代末,采用砖木混合的结构。背靠刚刚改建成文艺生活社区的新衡山路地标——衡山坊。小区内8座三层楼高的老式里弄紧挨在一块儿。每天下午四点一过,上海人炒菜、刷锅的气味和声音纷纷钻了出来,市井弄堂、树影斑驳,时光似乎一下子回流了二十余年。 “第一次看到这套屋子就激动的不行了,因为这是一整栋完整的老洋房!”沈虹兴奋地说。她是位民宿和酒店的狂热爱好者。这个兴趣始于高中某年暑假里的一次旅行。“当时,住在加州一个墨西哥老太太家里。她带我去酒庄品酒、看墨西哥的狂欢节。她告诉我家族的故事,还送我一条自己手工做的项链。印象太深刻了。”在沈虹看来,民宿能够将旅者和一座城市更紧密地联系起来,像是位好客的老朋友,对风尘仆仆的行人敞开了自己温馨的家门。因此,一间民宿需要主人切身处地地为居住者思考——精心设计、贴心运营。 拥有设计师和民宿运营者的双重身份,沈虹认为自己的做事逻辑是“先感性,再理性”。“我做民宿的过程可能和别人不太一样。”她笑着说:“很多时候,这些空间不是我设计出来的,是我感受出来的。”每当遇到一间自己喜欢的老房子,沈虹便会找时间坐在屋子里,一坐便是许久。“我会和这所房子对话,感受它的气味、光线、空间,它会告诉我希望它想变成的样子。”她狡黠地眨着眼睛补充道:“说白了,这是一种角色扮演。每一栋老建筑因为地域和建造时间的关系,都会住进一些有时代特色的人。我在进入这些老房子时,会把自己想象成当年屋子的主人。这样能够帮助我更好地理解屋子的环境和应该有的氛围。” 拆除、清理树德坊6号楼的过程,沈虹就如探险家一样不断地发现新大陆——陈旧的水泥随着榔头一记记敲下而剥落,尘封的阁楼被打开,建筑渐渐显现出了最真实的面貌。“现在这样的老房子很少了。即便有,通常也是有居民住在里面的。建筑的外部结构由于历史原因肯定有些破败,几经政府改造刷墙刷窗户,刷得面目全非没有了最初样子。但是内部保存得还是挺好的。”她手指着房内楼梯的立柱,上面隐约还可见雕着Art Deco的几何图形。当工人们打开阁楼,依然结实的木梁带着经年的灰尘支撑着屋顶。对常人来说,甚至在装修师傅眼里,这都是一片令人头痛的狼藉。沈虹却越看越开心:“你看,这些都是品质非常好的老榆木材料,现在市场上很难再看到这么好的木头了。地板也是。墙砖则是那个年代留下来的手工青砖!” 此前,设计师曾经想把树德坊设计成一所拥有华丽20年代风格的公寓。经过这一番对树德坊历史、环境的调研,与房子的“无数次对话”,沈虹终于为自己的改建计划敲定了最后方案。“我决定要把这些都保留下来。”她说。“并选择最合适的材料与之搭配。” 她做的第一件事情,便是打通空间,将能取消的门全部取消,这样做能够让原本狭小的房间变得非常宽敞通透。由于树德坊6号内的楼层设计和普通别墅的内部构造有些许不同,每一层不是前后都有窗户,只有一面有窗户,单层的光线就显得非常阴暗。但若将整个房子的楼层去掉,这些错层的窗户之间则可以形成光线的对流。因此,在重新考虑内部结构时,沈虹根据这些窗户的位置,重新隔开了楼层。将阁楼打开,把原本的三层结构做成四层。将房间、客厅、走廊全部联通,错落地形成一层为厨房,二、三层为会客厅、次卧,四层主卧的结构。 感性思考背后,往往需要理性的计算与执行。虽然设计师决定最大程度地尊重和保留老洋房里原来的美丽部位——老梁、地板、楼梯面等,但是每个空间的功能、人流走向、光线都必须经过精确的设计。“这个过程中我们其实遇到了很多难题。首先,改造结构时要保证建筑的安全性——这里有的墙能动,有的是承重墙不能动。还要加固和修复老洋房的破损处,真是非常花功夫的一件事。”沈虹说:“如果只是把它们全部拆掉装成现代风格反而倒简单了。但现在,不仅要保留这些裸露出的原始结构,同时要小心翼翼地修缮它们。”这些修缮过程非常耗费时间,为了挑到与原始木梁颜色接近的木头,沈虹都在建材市场泡了大半天。即使买到了满意的材料,也需要工人们有很好的手艺、花费很多时间完成。 炎炎的夏季是老式弄堂里难熬的季节,索性蝉鸣和树荫送去了时光里令人难以割舍的念旧和温存。无数次,沈虹与装修施工队在凌乱闷热的工地里一起讨论、返工、修改。直到如今,只要进入树德坊6号的空间内,观者便能感受到建筑内部所富有的流动性——卧房、客厅、露台都可以互相直通,每条路径中充满惊喜。“空间感才是真正的奢侈品!”这句话已经快成了设计师的口头禅。 沈虹说,我并不想生搬硬套地复刻某一个时代。但我希望居住在这里的旅者能因为某一个精心布置的细节,唤起了曾今的记忆。这些细节如今体现在房屋内大量的手工元素中。比如,设计师要求木工师傅将每块新安装的木头都手工拉筋拉一遍,把木头的肌理制作出来;木头表面不刷油漆,只用到木蜡油,起到防蛀功能的同时也对人体没有任何危害。这样做的好处还有,让居住者在室内感受到与原始自然材质接触、沟通的过程,产生放松、安心之感。室内所有的水泥墙也经过无数次调整,才达到沈虹要求的“绝对不是烂大街的那种青砖水泥色”。她请师傅现场调制——加黄砂、白水泥和黑水泥混合,最后成型的水泥会产生一种粗粝的肌理感,并与老房子本来的木头颜色和谐地共处一室。 为了使裸露的原始老旧部分散发最大的魅力,设计师在整个软硬装部分尽量选择复古、简洁、富有设计感的家居产品。屋内的可圈可点的细节不胜枚举——所有的照明开关全部是老式黄铜开关,洗手间移门和面盆下的置物架全部采用和原始木梁风格一致的整块榆木;装饰走廊的帘子、床上布艺则全部选用了白色棉麻织品......在这间屋子里,沈虹去掉了明显的地域风格,只按照能与室内空间和谐共存这一准则来做取舍。她认为,那些所谓的时髦装饰,会束缚人们的生活,而住所应该让人感觉到自由自在。“我钻到很多老法租界里的弄堂去找有趣的老物件,比如这个Art Deco风格烟灰缸,就是无意中在旧货店看见的。”沈虹指着会客厅白色沙发旁摆放着的一件古旧器物说,“还有一些是我以前收藏的民国时期家居装饰品。布置这些小东西的目的是希望客人会被过去人讲究的生活方式所打动。” 现在,这间名为小城的民宿历经超过7个月的整修、设计,终于向世人敞开温暖怀抱。当房客像回家一样打开木质大门,在一楼的餐厅里享用晚餐,在2楼复3楼、宽敞明亮的会客厅里写作,阅读沈虹精心挑选的关于民国故事的书籍,又或是和朋友围坐在沙发上一看部电影;三楼次卧拥有一个玻璃顶棚阅读区,可以看见天光和室外盆景,走出房间拐个弯,推开另一扇木门,便是一处种着竹子的轻松露台——酒吧、沙发一应俱全。原本是阁楼的4层,如今变成主卧,玻璃做成的隔墙完美地吸收了来自三楼的光线,小小浴室里可以一边泡澡一边透过玻璃天窗看看风景发呆。 老房子翻身成为简约的现代公寓,它似乎卸下了重担摇身一变,重新加入到这个令人激动的时代中,参杂其中的是设计师对过去时光充满敬畏的理解。沈虹说:“改建老房子只是一个开始。在未来,我要去造新房子,引入最新科技和更先进的环保理念,比如下一步我想建造低能耗的被动建筑,或者把房子造到没有人的地方去、不通水电的地方去!”我们完全有理由相信,这种野心来自于这代人成长过程中经历的、由互联网带来的巨大变革。探索整个世界成为许许多多像沈虹一样的年轻人的人生目标,流浪和稳定、自由与安居已不再是绝对的矛盾。生活的源动力来自于烟火般不断盛开的想象力和不受束缚的享乐主义。正是这些力量催生了一间又一间好玩的民宿、没有界限的建筑,带来各种令人惊奇的居住方式——去任何想去的地方,追求任何可能性,活得更酷,活得更爽!
Project Description
The project is located in the Shanghai old alley in the 1930s. We will be a set of old brick and wood structure of the old house into a bed and breakfast. As far as possible to retain the original left in the house of old wood, to collect some of the elements of the old Shanghai, with a new way to mix and match, like the last century, the same 30 years of Chinese and Western cultural exchanges. But you still can feel some of the old Shanghai petty bourgeoisie mood. Old house space is very small, the total area of this house is only 90 level. But I will do all the features, now two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a terrace, a living room with a desk and bookcase, you can also see the projection. This house is characterized by every part of the space are Unicom, people can directly from the first floor of the third floor of the bedroom, do not need to pass the living room. You can also directly on the second floor of the bedroom to reach the terrace, all parts of Unicom are independent, to ensure a variety of functions and the crowd to accommodate. This kind of small space instead of making a sense of interesting exploration. The room also "kind" under a tree will shine. I was invited to the university teacher to do a lighting art device. The old stairs go to the very dark light, along the staircase this tree will shine tree to bring people a sense of comfort and hope, but also symbolize our new life to this abandoned old house. Branches will be derived into the room, that is, a lamp, but also a symbol of the growth of a tree taste. We open the town into a bed and breakfast for the guests from afar. Everyone wants to take here now, all fell in love with the town.
User Value
Designer Shen Hong is also the founder of the mountain sleepers. A total of design, management, management of the 15 are located in all the different areas of Shanghai's bed and breakfast, are old room transformation, the town is one of them. Located in the French Concession in the late 30s of the last century, the use of brick and wood mixed structure has just been converted into a literary life community of the new Hengshan landmark. - Hengshan Square area eight three-storey old-fashioned get close together. Every day at four o'clock in the afternoon, Shanghai people cooking, brush the smell and sound have been drilled out, the market alley, shadows mottled, time seems to suddenly returned more than 20 years. "The first time I saw this room on the excitement to die, because this is a complete old house!" Shen Hong said excitedly. She is a bed and breakfast and hotel enthusiasts. This interest starts in a high school vacation in a summer vacation. "She was living in a Mexican old lady 's house in California, and she took me to the wine tasting to see the Mexican carnival, and she told me the story of the family and gave me a necklace that I had done it myself. In Shen Hong view, the bed and breakfast to the traveler and a city more closely linked, like a hospitable old friend, busy pedestrians open their own warm home. As a result, a bed and breakfast requires the owner to think deeply about the inhabitants - well designed and intimate. With the dual identity of the designer and the b & B operator, Shen Hong thinks his work logic is "first sensibility, rationality", "the process of making my bed and breakfast may not be the same as others." She smiled and said: "Very often, These space is not my design out, I feel out. "Whenever you encounter an old house like yourself, Shen Hong will find time to sit in the house, a ride is a long time. "I will talk to this house, feel its smell, light, space, it will tell me hope it wants to become like" she sly stared and added: "That white, this is a role-playing Every old building because of the geographical and construction time relationship, will live in some of the characteristics of the times people.I entered these old houses, will think of themselves as the owner of the year house. This will help me better understand the house The environment and the atmosphere should be. "Demolition, clean up the process of building 6, Shen Hong, as explorers continue to find the new continent - old cement with a hammer knock down and peeling off, dusty attic Was opened, the building gradually showing the most real face. "Now the old house is so little, even if there are residents living in the inside of the building's external structure because of historical reasons certainly some dilapidated, after several government reform brush wall brush, brush all beyond the original appearance, but The internal preservation is still very good. "She pointed to the stairs inside the stairs, the above vaguely also see the decorative art of decorative geometric graphics. When the workers open the attic, still strong wooden beams with the dust of the year to support the roof of ordinary people, even in the eyes of the decoration master, this is a headache of the wolf by Shen Hong is more and more happy: You see, these are very good quality old elm material, it is difficult on the market to see such a good wood. The floor is, the wall is the age of the hand to stay brick! "Previously, the designer Once wanted to design a tree with a gorgeous 1920 style of the apartment. After this time on the history of the tree, the environment of the investigation, and the house of "numerous dialogue", Shen Hong finally for their own reconstruction plan finalized the final plan. "I decided to keep these things down," she said. "And choose the most suitable material with the match." She did the first thing, is to get through the space, will be able to cancel the door all canceled, this can make the original small room has become very spacious and transparent. As the Shue Tak Square on the 6th floor design and the general structure of the villa is slightly different, each layer is not before and after the windows, only one side of the window, a single layer of light is very dark. But if the floor of the whole house to remove the gap between these windows can form the formation of light convection Therefore, in the reconsideration of the internal structure, Shen Hong according to the location of these windows, re-separated the floor. Will open the attic, the original three-tier structure made of four. The room, living room, corridor all Unicom, scattered. To form a layer for the kitchen, two, three for the living room, second lying, four master bedroom structure. Perceptual thinking behind the need for rational calculation and execution Although the designer decided to respect and retain the old house in the original beautiful parts - old beams, floors, stairs, etc., but the function of each space, flow of peopl
Social Impact
Was originally behind the old town of the city, in the heart of the city center. Now we will be the old Shanghai unique rich culture to share to more people, but also to protect the old building. Guests now like to live in the old alley in the characteristics of the b & B, experience and human taste are better than the standard hotel. Old neighbors and we have become friends, often chat with tourists, know the world's friends.
Team Structure
Interior design and soft design by the designer Shen Hong completed. Will be shining tree art decoration by the artist Liu Yi completed.
Opened up all the space, so that the original small space flow up, fun, but has become a rare advantage. We use all the natural materials: old wood, hemp, paper, cement, sand, copper, cotton curtains, wool stool and so on. The base line handles very high, 50cm. Because the old house outside the baseboard is very high, and now the old people in the old house in the bedside is also very high, this is a very traditional way, this thick line to bring a simple, natural relaxed feeling The All the walls of the whole house are treated as arcs. The toughness of the cement plus the natural material plus the round corner gives a very gentle feeling. We want to take care of the guests who live in the house. Every corner of the house, you can inadvertently find many old Shanghai objects, these are gei people living inside the guests who play. I am back from the various places Amoy, save for two years. I hope that these little things can make fun of the guests, as well as to the children playing the old shaking horse. Hope that we will like our serious joke.
Project Investment
Decoration for 3 months, renovation and decoration, the total investment of soft and hard equipment plus all up 60W. Cost-effective control of the good.
Project Achievements
Will be the original high-cold public art into the dwelling, into a light can interact. Will be the original small old Yang hair given to new students, to share the tourists to the world. Our clever way of transformation is also shared to everyone, to support people brave to change the living environment, in order to dream home.


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