Ancient “Traces”
空间 零售空间 2878 0 2017-07-31
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中文 / English
随着"数字化"之后,人们开始找寻自我与根本的关系,跟社会的连结,跟在地的连结,跟文化的连结,这次的设计个案,我想跟大家一起探访的是历史原味的痕迹。 从入口处我设定一个彷佛经过时光回廊而穿梭到另个国度的领域当中,儿时记忆的窗棂往户外浏览过去,看着一根一根的竹架晒满衣物,大和院里的红砖墙,巷子口的药铺店,往前行走有着各式各样的霓虹灯照亮街头,回到家中看着满满的黑胶唱片,拿着复古胶片像机拍摄着家中所拥有的传统映像管的电视机,各式各样五颜六色的家中软件,老旧复古皮箱,这是历史原味的痕迹,自然粗糙的美感,而这是老旧还是颓废亦或缤纷,就让每个人心中依循着时光廊道走回历史儿时的那一个纯粹又美丽的画面。
Project Description
Subsequent to “digitalization”, people start to look for the relationship between ego and id as well as their links with the society, community and culture. Through this design case, the designer would like to explore with the visitors the traces of original history. At the entrance it designed a space seemingly bringing people to another nation through the time tunnel. Viewing through the window that used to appear in our childhood memory, you could see clothes hanging on the bamboo shelves for drying, the red brick walls of the courtyard as well as the herbal medicine shop at the end of the alley. Walking forward, you can see varied neon lamps illuminating on the street. Back home, there are a lot of vinyl records. You may use the classic film camera to take photos of the traditional CRT TV sets, various colorful software and the old vintage suitcases at home. All of these have traces of the original history and the natural and rough beauty. No matter it is old, decadent or colorful, let us follow the corridor of time back to the pure and beautiful pictures in our childhood.
A big cast iron arched door is designed at the entrance to present the time tunnel which makes the visitors feel the change of atmosphere. Viewing through the window that used to appear in our childhood memory, you could see clothes hanging on the bamboo shelves for drying, the red brick walls, concrete floor as well as the counter of the herbal medicine shop. Walking forward, you can see varied decorative lighting illuminating on the street like neon lamps. Numerous vinyl records, traditional CRT TV sets, various colorful software at home are full of traces of the original history with natural and rough beauty. The sparkling from collision between the new and old makes everyone travel back to childhood time through the tunnel and enjoy a new spiritual feeling.


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