"Seclusion" - design
提名参赛 空间 别墅空间 3676 0 2017-07-31
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《隐居》—设计方案 设计师 | 宋淼森、许阳 工程地点 | 云南省 设计公司 | 本源装饰设计事务所 设计类别 | 现代风格 主要用材|木纹改造砖、透光混凝土、清水混凝土、实木地板、海砂、灰色系石材、白色系石材、黑色系石材、实木等 大隐于市是我们与客户达成的共识,方案中不仅要简洁干净,还要做到内涵与新颖,而‘容’的概念正是我们所需要的,绿植、材质、颜色和居家的功能性都是我们所完成的部分,所以我们使用朴素、自然、舒适作为关键词贯穿整个主题。朴素的表达主要突出于材料的选择、颜色及工艺上,我们尽可能的去做减法,保留空的部分;而自然的表达不仅是植物的配置,而是保留建筑本身形态及材质来处理细节,对此我们使用了海砂与乳液混合涂料来处理外墙,利用与混凝土同色的透光混凝土来处理一楼的温泉池及楼梯间,或直接用混泥土浇灌的户外圆亭,还有很多的应用就不一一举例;舒适是我们生活质量的真实体现,而质量源于细节的把握,为了提高回家的舒适度我们在前厅衣帽间增加了冲凉间的功能,不仅提高卫生条件还能增加夏日回家的舒适感;后院的户外卫生间的门和窗的位置都避开了整体大环境加强了空气的舒适感;二楼的独立书房包含了几乎所有的生活所需,个人办公而言在舒适不过……
Project Description
"Seclusion" - design Designer | Song Miao Sen, Xu Yang Project Location | Yunnan Province Design company | origin decoration design firm Design Category | Modern Style Main wood | wood tiles, translucent concrete, water concrete, solid wood flooring, sea sand, gray stone, white stone, black stone, solid wood, etc. Big hidden in the city is our consensus with customers, the program not only to be simple and clean, but also to achieve the connotation and novelty, and 'capacity' concept is what we need, green plant, material, color and home function Sex is part of what we have done, so we use simple, natural, comfortable as a keyword throughout the subject. Simple expression is mainly focused on the choice of materials, color and technology, we as much as possible to do subtraction, to retain the empty part; and natural expression is not only the configuration of plants, but to retain the building itself and the material to deal with the details of the details, In this way we use the sand and emulsion mixed paint to deal with the external walls, the use of concrete with the same color of light-transmitting concrete to deal with the first floor of the hot spring pool and staircase, or directly with the concrete water outdoor Ting Ting, there are many Comfort is the true embodiment of our quality of life, and the quality from the details of the grasp, in order to improve the comfort of home we in the front hall cloak room to increase the function of the shower, not only improve the health conditions can also increase The comfort of the summer home; the backyard's outdoor bathroom door and window position are to avoid the overall environment to enhance the comfort of the air; the second floor of the independent study contains almost all the living needs of personal office In comfort but ...


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