The Point - PIZZA + PASTA The Point - PIZZA + PASTA空间




Our client is a finance and fashion professional turned restaurateur, she has chosen our NOVUS team to build her first pizza and pasta all-day dining spot, The Point. The Point Pizza + Pasta is an Casual Italian Restaurant located at Tang Lung Street, in the heart of Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. Tang Lung Street in Causeway Bay is becoming more and more of a foodie destination, with more than 20 restaurants packed into the 180-meter lane. Therefore, our team need to need to create a outstanding restaurant to be more competitive than others. Design Concept: The welcoming ambiance makes you feel at home. The airy space has high ceilings and is cased in large windows outlined by dark steel bars, giving it the feel of a converted warehouse. The homey, streamlined design is mostly vanilla with a few eclectic touches like occasionally mismatched chairs. A Broadway-style lighted sign across the ceiling proclaims “The Point” with a backwards N, apparently on purpose. “It’s a design thing,” we were told! Our goal is to maximize the available space to accommodate more diners and a neat layout with both high chairs for a quick meal and comfy couches and chairs for a relaxed dining experience. The interior features projections on stone oven at the shop front, Chef will hand-makes each and every single pizza that goes into the stone oven, it only takes 180 seconds to fast-fire the pizza to perfection. If they see it, they will come. That's the logic behind " The Point Pizza + Pasta restaurant revamp. Our design plans include a viewing area in which pizza lovers can see the art of the dough by first hand. We want the guests to remember the unmistakable aroma of their freshly baking dough after they've gone home.


The Point 的老闆娘原本來自金融界,她為理想放棄人人羨慕的高薪厚職轉行進入餐飲業,開一間倡導全天侯健康食材的意大利薄餅店 - The Point - Pizza + Pasta。餐廳位處銅鑼灣登龍街,是銅鑼灣的心臟地帶。登龍街是一條食街,由街頭的排檔到半路的樓上吧,以至街尾的拉麵店,車水馬龍,是名副其實的不夜天。登龍街對我們的客戶來說,確實充滿挑戰,既要面對市中心的星級食肆,還要顧及一班能否接受新事物的老街坊。因此客戶要求本司的設計團隊為她打造一間休閒和獨特俱有競爭性的意大利薄餅店。 設計理念: 由於餐廳坐落街角位置,設計團隊建議兩面落地大玻璃窗把自然光引入餐廳,加上一室木家具佈置,營造輕鬆氣氛得如外國的的Cafe。 採用現代簡約裝潢的設計,配以黑鐵框的大窗戶、巧妙善用特高的樓底、水泥地板等增加室內的空間感,讓四十多個座位的小店也開揚起來。設計師隨意使用不同款式的椅子在用餐區內,營造不拘一格的環境,從而讓客人享受食物時能體會到溫馨家一樣的感覺。天花配襯以百老匯戲院風格字母燈砌成的店名 "The Point",設計師刻意把"N"字母倒轉,希望食客能在用餐時能留意生活中每個小細節,以藝術設計感受生活細節中的美好。 設計師巧妙地將一座從美國購入價值6位數的火山石焗爐,放置在餐廳入口另一端的開放式廚房,讓客人對整個製作和烤焗過程一目了然,欣賞廚師製作薄餅的手藝。由落單至薄餅焗熱出爐只需180秒便新鮮熱辣出爐。設計師很有心思地將一塊一塊的電鍍金色不銹鋼髮絲紋片把火山石焗爐的外表包圍,製造出一個獨一無二的焗爐,成為餐廳最注入的目光點。 香港地價寸土尺金,設計師靈活地在1000平方尺的餐廳範圍內精心佈局,增加座位數量及空間,從而幫助店主增加利潤成效。家具的佈局採用高餐桌、卡位、普通餐桌,可以靈活地迎合不同組合(上班一族、家庭聚會、工作午餐、甚至是特別的派對)的客人來用餐,目的是為客人帶在一個休閒舒適的餐飲體驗。


1. Client requested us to create a outstanding restaurant to be more competitive than other competitors. 2. Client requested to create a cozy and comfortable environment for their guests.


1. 客戶要求設計團隊為她打造一間休閒和獨特俱有競爭性的意大利薄餅店。 2.客戶要求設計團隊營造一間溫馨和舒適的用餐環境。


1. Client requested to maximize the available space to accommodate more diners within the size 1000 SQ.FT in total including kitchen, bar and dining area. 2. The Point Pizza + Pasta is located at Tang Lung Street, in the heart of Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. Tang Lung Street in Causeway Bay is becoming more and more of a foodie destination, with more than 20 restaurants packed into the 180-meter lane. Therefore, our team need to create a outstanding restaurant to be more competitive than others.


1. 香港地價寸土尺金,客戶要求在1,000平方尺內除了要容納主要廚房和開放式廚房外,更需要增加最多的座位數量。, 2. The Point - Pizza + Pasta 位處銅鑼灣登龍街,是銅鑼灣的心臟地帶。銅鑼灣登龍街一帶近年來有不少型格新食店進駐,慢慢成為美食的集中地,有超過20間的餐廳擠進此食街。因此,我們的團隊需要為客戶創建一個獨特俱有競爭力的意大利薄餅店。


Our client can afford only limited budget as the rent is too expensive (HK$ More Than Two Hundred Thousand per month).




1. Our goal is to create the most functional and efficient floor plan for their new pizza business, while helping our client open on time and stay on budget. 2. To maximize the available space to accommodate more diners and a neat layout with both high chairs for a quick meal and comfy couches and chairs for a relaxed dining experience. The interior features projections on stone oven at the shop front, Chef will hand-makes each and every single pizza that goes into the stone oven, it only takes 180 seconds to fast-fire the pizza to perfection. It they see it, they will come. That's the logic behind " The Point Pizza + Pasta restaurant revamp. Our design plans include a viewing area in which pizza lovers can see the art of the dough by first hand. We want the guests to remember the unmistakable aroma of their freshly baking dough after they've gone home.


1.我們的目標是為客人設計具功能性及高效率的佈局,同時確保能在預定完成日期內開業和達成在客人的工程預算內。 2. 香港地價寸土尺金,設計師靈活地在1000平方尺的餐廳範圍內精心佈局,增加座位數量及空間,從而幫助店主增加利潤成效。家具的佈局採用高餐桌、卡位、普通餐桌,可以靈活地迎合不同組合(上班一族、家庭聚會、工作午餐、甚至是特別的派對)的客人來用餐,目的是為客人帶在一個休閒舒適的餐飲體驗。設計師巧妙地將一座從美國購入價值6位數的火山石焗爐,放置在餐廳入口另一端的開放式廚房,讓客人對整個製作和烤焗過程一目了然,欣賞廚師製作薄餅的手藝。由落單至薄餅焗熱出爐只需180秒便新鮮熱辣出爐。


1. The Point is a great place for a casual feast with a small group .Already become a popular destination, The Point is only likely to get more crowded after it leaves its soft open. 2. Our client told us that they have a high turnover of revenue. 3. Fast becoming one of the favorite venues for the media to photoshoot at the restaurant.


1. The Point是一間適合不同組合(上班一族、家庭聚會、工作午餐、甚至是特別的派對)的聚會悠閒餐廳。現在已經成為香港一個熱門聚會的好地方,熱烈非常,經常坐滿光顧的食客。 2.客戶亦告訴我們,NOVUS的設計為她們帶来了可觀的營業額。 3.由於設計獨特,吸引很多傳播媒體及名人的拍攝場地,成為熱潮。